Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

$2500 for board and full training would be a reasonable rate for an international caliber trainer. And yes, for that, the assistant is going to ride most of the time.


Sure sounds like a conservatorship situation since she isn’t writing the checks but daddy is out of her account. That us quite interesting.


In NJ with a BNT $2500 is cheap for full training board. More like $3500+ per horse…speaking from experience.


I would think it depends on full board and full training or not. Full board and training can run a lot higher, at least in my discipline. Depends. I guess she was doing her own standing wraps, etc, so maybe she wasn’t a full service client.

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No it doesn’t. It sounds more like someone who has a joint account with her father for horse expenses and doesn’t want to admit her daddy finances her horses.


I believe the crime scene officer did say they searched the area with metal detectors, but did not find the bullets.


OMG. “There’s posts on facebook so you should have it.”

That was a little snippy.


4th horse (already owned) - brought Symphony-

Balinkis - “When did he arrive? LK” - “There’s a FB post so you should have it”

Sidebar. Again.


She said she couldn’t remember whether her dad or the other lawyer told her in the meeting. She stated that twice. Bilinkas kept trying to say she said her dad. The judge stopped him.

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She stated she was in full training board. And most barns at that level will only do full training board. Again, speaking from experience. BNT in NJ will run you $3500+.
ETA - NY will run you $5k +.


My point exactly… but more in the ballpark than the previously stated roughly $1k per horse. I pay in that neighborhood some months (2500) in a nearby county and I am not in full training board.


Specifically in dressage?

Omg. LK just said she does go blabbing on Facebook sometimes. “Not my best choice.” Wow.

This is in response to questions about incriminating Facebook posts she made about MB.


A conservatorship would make sense with what we’ve seen of her. However, I can’t see that there is any other source of money beyond her father’s, for her to pull from. She has supposedly never held a job that pays well or been functional enough to accrue wealth. If she somehow won a pile of $$$$ in the lottery or her father had established a Trust for her with his own funds, it could be put away for her to tap from, with the administration of a conservator.


Idk about the whole smarta** act. Just answer the question :tipping_hand_woman: or “He arrived on x” coild add, “this can also be verified with a fb post I made around that time.” But eh, we all have different styles.

I also don’t understand the weirdness about just saying it’s dad’s money. It is. Perhaps it’s designated to her so then she views it as hers, but hey, if you get money from daddy and he funds your life, then good for you. Everyone sort of knows that, so shouldn’t be a big deal to say it.


Was that in response to my question about the “very specific reason” for the recording devices?

Was the matter pursued further by the DA? Did he ask her what she meant that “JH was deemed a serious threat to her interests”? I assume she meant that she deemed him a threat, but it would be interesting to know more specifics. What kind of threat? Threat to her personally? To her horses? What did she think he was going to do?

Although I guess since she isn’t on trial, nor is JH, the judge would not have allowed that line of questioning. :frowning_face:


*[quote=“MHM, post:1988, topic:770941, full:true”]

Specifically in dressage?

Hunter/jumper. But Barisone Dressage private lessons were very pricey for ship-ins. He had a very upscale barn.


who cares though really, majority of the people I compete against have a lot of their bills paid by their parents. Even as adults.


If the defense’s plan is to show that LK pushed MB into temporary insanity, it might be working. She is lacking an “off button” and the more she talks the less of a victim she sounds like (not disputing that she was a victim of shooting).

Snippy with the attorney, has admitted accusing MB of insurance fraud on facebook, etc


She is the gift that keeps on giving.