Barisone Trial This Month

People write all kinds of things on social media.
People post “untrue” pictures of themselves on dating websites.
People threaten each other even on baseball fan sites or about vaccination policy or Mack policy.
Social media is just a bunch of nonsense….it’s certainly not evidence.
To be clear, however, it might be different if someone posted “I’m gonna kill John Doe next Tuesday at 1pm. Now that might be cited in a complaint as evidence of an intent to do harm.
But saying I was the prom Queen or I graduated from Oxford or I shot out the tires of my boyfriend’s motorcycle is just social media babble.


So says you. Other identified sources of law say otherwise.


To be clear, are you including posts on a public forum as “social media”?


Again, wrong. At least FB seems to think so.


And, saying you shot something on your social media account may very well be babble but it still qualifies as a statement and any reasonable person could not be legally faulted for believing it.

That’s why no sanction happened against Deninger and why no one will be sued over such saying that LK has fired her weapon into a bike/tire.


There is no such post made by me, claiming I shot at anyone- ever. So, there’s that. Then, there’s that pesky detail again, which allows civil attorneys to make whatever libelous claims they wish; so long as what is the standard “disclaimer,” of “upon information and belief,” precedes whatever libelous words/accusations follow that “disclaimer.” Is trubandloki a civil attorney ??? Nope. Is she protected from making such libelous claims?? Absolutely not. And, just a guess: that post (and select few others from trubandloki - and quite a larger amount more from other posters here) will not be & have not been “merely, passed over or overlooked.” Patience. All in good time. All in good time.

It would depend….obviously it’s a growing field of law. Even within Facebook private messages might be treated differently than public posts.
As for a public forum like COTH there’s certainly no requirement to be truthful….or at least no penalty under the law for intentional misstatements.
If I’m drafting a complaint I’d be careful to start every allegation with “upon information and belief” whether it was something I read or something my client posted.
I just think it’s wise not to make allegations or draw conclusions about statements not made under oath.



Who said anything about suing Deninger? Ed it in the same post as the Ruger?
His claim included multiple falsehoods about LK and RG .
The attorneys for the township were certain he’d appeal the dismissal of his claim. That hasn’t happened. Read into that what you will.



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Is there a time period in which an appeal must filed?

I assume there is but honestly don’t know how long it is.


Except, that is not what “trubandloki,” said, was it??? **Trubandloki said, “**she fired her weapon AT SOMEONE.” If I, or anyone else, want to fire a weapon into a soda can, (as an example) in a legally sanctioned area for firing, it would mine & anyone else’s right to do so, provided the proper permits have been dispensed to fire the weapon being fired, to the person who is firing.

I know. Facts. They just get in your way and crush baseless claims to pieces! Darn that four letter word! F-A-C-T. There is an even worse word, especially when it comes to people like you and sadly, trubandloki. That word is “EVIDENCE.” Oh right. It’s all in your “vault.” Lmk when you locate the key.


30 days.


The case is public information. Everyone saw what it said. I refer you to those papers.



Every once in a while…… you do make me laugh. There you go again. Doubling down on claiming “having seen” what “everyone else saw.” You realize this tactic has gotten you nowhere thus far. It’s remarkable you continue to use such tactics…. having failed continuously on each and every occasion. One might decide the victims of a shooting probably have way more information & seen way more discovery than some Coth poster. Even one’s we know to be on the witness lists…… (for both/either side.) :slight_smile: :wink:

Bye, bye!


Yeah, now please point out where in that post I say “I shot AT A PERSON,” and, please, take your time. For trubandloki’s sake.


Doesn’t really matter since time is well past, but Rule 2:4-1 states 45 days. That piece of garbage was a waste of MB’s money to file, let alone try to appeal. All of MB’s attorneys seem to be taking him for a real ride down the money train. He should have taken the plea. This jury trial is costing a fortune. Then he’ll have restitution and the civil suits to pay. He’ll be old and completely broke by the time he gets out of prison. At least he can apply for social security after his release. Maybe he’ll be able to get a job mucking stalls. 10-20 years not riding or teaching will put a big dent in his future abilities even if someone would want to hire a felon trainer who has anger and self control issues, plus tried to murder 2 people.


As a parent myself, I am also wary of those ‘blame the parents’ blanket statements. However, in @Danvers defence, it also depends upon the culture in which one grew up. Where I’m from, there is an expectation that parents would be horrified at their offsprings’ bad behaviour and an expectation that offspring actively chose to act in ways that will not bring shame/infamy/disrepute to their family, and that in itself provides a check on bad behaviour.

If parents actively facilitate or enable bad behaviour, that also reflects on them and the whole family. If they provide financial/emotional/other support for an adult child who, as you put it, is a ‘terrible person who terrorises those around you’, then those parents would definitely be deemed responsible for that behaviour, at least partially. This is also true for any parent who normalises, condones, ignores, or attempts to explain away their children’s awful behaviour. So, I do get why some people see all the stuff here as a reflection on the parents, as @Danvers post suggests.

For example, the Girl Joey stuff discussed above: Based on my upbringing, I cannot imagine my mother reading that I wrote anything like that to another human being, let alone one who had lost a child. I’d not be able to look her in the eye after she’d seen it. As both a parent and an adult child, myself, I can only imagine the stinging shame her family must feel reading things like that. If one of my children ever wrote something even remotely that repulsive, that revealed such ugliness, I’d die of the shame of it. Hell, I’d die of the shame of it if anyone in my family read something like that that I had written. My parents would read me the riot act if I displayed even a fraction of this type of behaviour, regardless of my age. They have expectations of me as an adult just as they did when I was a child.

Never in my life would I consider acting in a way that would bring such shame on my family and, especially, my mum. That’s just what it’s like in my home culture: you know your actions are a reflection on your parents and your family name and you act accordingly (as well as knowing just not to act in horrid ways b/c it’s simply not okay to do so as an adult member of civilised society). I think it’s wrong to call @Danvers all those names (not that you did, @erinmeri ). One doesn’t know their cultural background and cultural background does not equal stupidity. Just b/c one parent is okay if a lot of people dislike their children, doesn’t mean other parents wouldn’t be very bothered by that and see it as a failure, both of their parenting and their child.

Again, people come from different backgrounds and cultures. It makes no sense to call people morons and idiots b/c they don’t agree with your own take on parent-child relationships.

I think when addiction is involved, people do feel differently knowing what a difficult situation that is and that influence from outside is often not effective at all. I’m genuinely sorry to hear about your sister and sincerely sorry for your loss. Sometimes there is nothing anyone can do. I hope you and your family are healing and being kind to yourselves. I am sure you did everything you could to help.


Just this piece of your post.

The court will decide this.

Why…after the gazillion posts on this topic is it so hard to understand that it is court that performs this function…not anyone on this board.

And since it is the court that gets to do this, then anyone can plead whatever they want for whatever reason.