Barisone Trial This Month

Now we both know she wasn’t going anywhere voluntarily within 30 days.

And you’re talking in circles.


It’s like you’re speaking gobblygook again. Who said that?

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Sometimes the shoe fits. BTW, as I said up thread, I didn’t run to grab screen shots of her SM since I had her blocked.

Obviously LK has been her own worst enemy on these threads as others have pointed out, but you keep trying to deflect to others, mm-kay?


Yeah, it’s a little weird, but it was forever before she removed the reference to Barisone Dressage in the tag line of her FB.

If I had to assign a motive for leaving it she’s attempting to link the two cutesy style if you read it straight across ala “gun violence survivor at Barisone Dressage”, which is, of course, true in that she survived a gunshot and it occurred at Barisone Dressage.


Eggbutt. In the post I quoted in my response. Obviously.

Yeah, so you said. I don’t automatically believe everything that’s posted on the internet!

I do believe everything IM has posted.

And here we go again. Rewind and repeat yesterday.


You obviously mean this post?

“One would think if both parties’ attorneys were actively negotiating, as IM told us, one of those attorneys would have known how to immediately get them off his property.”

Bumping this post because it can’t be stated or read too frequently.


Hey, @Knights_Mom, were you contacted by Barisone or Gray in the days leading up to August 7, 2019? I wasn’t, although it’s implied I was contacted.

Was anyone posting on this thread contacted by Barisone or Gray in the days leading up to August 7, 2019?

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Not I.

Edited to save grammar police the effort.


Have you found it curious that no presumed member of the Kanarek family has posted since LK’s very strange post reactivating an 8 month old thread? The silence seems unusual, yet several recent posts read as though surrogates are being fed ideas to post.



Yes. As I said, it was the post of yours that I was quoting in my response.

If you don’t have some sort of personal acquaintance with one of the principals, like MHG, how did you get access to the letter from jail?

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Perhaps the same way LK did! Why do you care or need to know? Who gave it to LK?


Not sure who is being addressed but as for me I never saw the letter or read it.

I was NOT contacted by any of the players prior to the incident. Or after. Or at all. Ah the one exception was LK messaging me to threaten me.


You sound paranoid.


Of what? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Makes sense.

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Eggbutt. Eggbutt was “being addressed.”

My post was a direct reply to Eggbutt’s post, as the quote structure makes obvious.

Good grief.

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