Barisone Trial This Month

She was just shot, in intensive care. Not the same as going to a horse show. I would want someone I trusted to check on them, as would anyone here that really loves their animals…if they are honest with themselves.
I remember someone saying here shortly after she got out of the hospital something about she hasn’t been out to see her horses as she hasn’t posted any pictures of them online, so she must not really care about them…what the heck is wrong with some of these people?




I don’t know anything about MB’s employees, but I find most people who work in daily horse care do it because they care about horses, not because they are trying to impress anyone or such. None of the people I know who do feedings/stalls/daily care would neglect a horse just because they hate the horse’s owner.

I believe LK has been saying since day 1 that MB or someone there wanted her horses, so why would they neglect them now that they were going to be able to get their hands on them?


Nope…the public was not invited. Given lingering Covid restrictions they planned to use the entire courtroom for socially distanced prospective jurors. Actually, at one point they were discussing doing the first day or two of jury selection via zoom…don’t know if that happened.


Bummer, was hoping for an update on how it went.

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Me too…lol


I think that’s generally true of most people who work in daily horse care. But, obviously, this was an extraordinary situation.


I do agree, quite extraordinary.


I agree the majority of horse care workers I know would risk their lives for the horses in their care and do in floods and fires and accident.

And yet of course no one in the horse business ever broke a leg for insurance money or sabotaged a race horse or sewn thread up the back of a horse’s leg before a show or quicked them or wacked them in the back legs to jump higher or used a battery pack to give them a shock to perform better or shorted them on feed or hay or didn’t clean the stalls or poisoned them or spooked them into a fence or hooked them up to an extension cord or painted words on them or all over, suffocating them or drugged them or broken their tail so they can’t swing it to keep flies off, or burned down a barn of a rival or for insurance money or smoked in a stall. Of course no one would do that, yet all of these things have happened and that’s just the stuff that hit the news.


Sorry, guess again. As a matter of fact go to your nearest casino and bet your house, your life and your children’s lives that no recording devices were taken by RG and LK.
As for the recording devices being illegal…we shall see. Not in the case at hand but with whatever comes after…media, USOPC, SafeSport…who knows?
As an extremely experienced criminal defense lawyer has advised LK and RG…"if you put a recording device in your locker because you were afraid…and that recording device revealed a plot to do you harm…I’ll get that dismissed in 10 minutes! And if the plot to do you harm actually took place…I’ll get that dismissed in 5 minutes.


Sorry…typo…no recording devices were taken by RG and JK.


How wonderful and gracious that the woman who was so afraid she slept outside her horse’s stall and allegedly brought the weapon used in the altercation, stepped up and told you or RG that she would take care of the horses. How trusting of you.


NJ numbers have been up


Well that was dramatic! Has there ever been a complaint of any of your posted atrocities against Barisone or HHF? No, I didn’t think so.

Of course we have had posts from, what was her user name, seahorse, that years ago Barisone abused her horse. We were never told specifically what that abuse was though.


They will probably wait if it’s a matter of a day or two. Attorneys, court reporters, paralegals, witnesses, court officers, additional all and sundry will all have been given dates to be available and scheduled, so I would expect starting early would only be if both sides agree that they’re ready with everyone they want to be ready on an earlier date.

But I don’t know the rules in NJ intimately.


Well good for them. Would that be one of the Top Five Global Law Firm partners LK has on speed dial with all their staff? Edited to ask why LK/RG feel the need to hire a criminal defense attorney?

For sure, every facility she ever boards at will be well aware and suspicious (I would hope) of prior installation of illegal recording devices at HHF and be rightly concerned about the same activity on their property.

Again, you’ve provided another troubling question the average person might have and that of course is, why stay if there was that much fear? I’m sorry, IM, but I don’t buy it and fully understand you don’t care whether I do or not.


Only if you think the “details” are accurate as stated.


I do care that you don’t buy it…but I understand that’s hopeless. If there were a video of MB shooting LK and RG in the back of the head you’d have an excuse for MB. I get that.
I didn’t say RG and LK hired a criminal defense attorney…although in a case of this magnitude it is not that uncommon for a victim to get advice from someone other than the state. The state represents the people of NJ…LK and RG are really not the prosecutor’s clients.

And in response to another of your posts about the gracious RC…you may soon learn that she did not drive overnight from NC to NJ because she believed LK might harm her horse/s. It was others who put that ridiculous idea into her head. The same others who mocked RC mercilessly and said horrible things about her in front of LK, RG and the barn staff.

I know you don’t wanna believe this but MB’s attorneys and best friends have told me point blank…“without MHG this never would have happened.” They understand even if you refuse to.


You’re right. As much as they’d like to finish the trial before Easter/Spring break the logistics of which you spoke will make a start date before the scheduled date of March 28 pretty impossible.


Hmmmm, to be fair, LK has said some pretty ugly things about RC as well.

I understand you and others in your camp blame MHG for everything going wrong. What I have trouble grasping is why LK got in the middle of their relationship to begin with. It makes no difference what I think or why, it all matters what a jury believes. I don’t buy LK’s story of what happened and, as you say, probably never will. It all could have been avoided if she had left when she was offered refuge after her “fearful” posts and then handled other issues with MB through legal channels if necessary.

I still think there is a lot that hasn’t been made public by both sides. :confused: