Barisone Trial This Month

Hey!! You forgot all about the vacuumers!!




I’ll just say this and leave it for tonight.

LK did not get in the middle of the relationship. MB was her trainer and landlord although it was more or less a barter arrangement as well. LK made decisions based on what MB told her
not MHG. How else should it be?
So if MHG told LK “you need to leave” and MB told LK “don’t worry I’ll handle MHG” what was she to do.
MB wanted to have it both ways
He told LK he’d handle MHG and he told MHG he would handle LK. That wasn’t fair to either of them
but that was how it was.
If you can at least start by accepting that was what was happening 
I don’t know how to finish that that thought.


Wow. That’s a good neighbor to have. I did not even know that was a thing.


If it was a problem, as it clearly was, and I had the means to afford to go elsewhere, I would have. Life is too short, hobbies are supposed to be enjoyable. This doesn’t sound enjoyable.


I would go. If you’re not wanted somewhere, you go. Then if you work things out maybe you come back. I would NEVER want to be in the middle of a couple.

Now of course this never happened to me because I am adored and I vacuum like a mofo.


I question being at a place where it was seen as imperative that even when in ICU dying it was deemed necessary to go take care of the horses. I would never have thought that a place like Hawthorne Hill would be a rough boarding situation.

I’ve been hospitalized and undergone lengthy periods of time when I couldn’t physically be with my horse and I didn’t blink twice because I was smart enough to be with great people.


I think it doesn’t really matter what we all think we should have done.

I’ve had to move 4-5 horses and even with my own transport and rig that fit them all, it’s not a snap of a finger thing to find spots for 4 performance horses at places equipped to care for them and continue their training. It’s a tough decision to consider tossing your $$$ horses out in a field somewhere to make do while you hope you can find something quickly enough that the horses stay fit and ready to compete. You do what you have to, of course, but your first thought is not always “just stick them anywhere” and you try to find a more permanent situation if you can before resorting to last ditch.

I don’t think that’s on its face illogical or patently evidence of anything. I’d have to be pretty damn afraid for myself before I left 4 of my horses unattended for an unknown amount of time before I could find places for them.

Regardless of who’s “wrong” or “right” I think all of us would try to put the horses first if we can.


Are you serious that you would leave a barn when your trainer tells you to stay and he will make sure his girlfriend (who is not involved in your boarding/training agreement) stays out of your business? Unless it was clear that the girlfriend was completely nuts in a way that I might be harmed, or loaded guns were a regular part of the every day operations of that barn, I wouldn’t leave. I would let the trainer handle his girlfriend like he said he would.

What if another boarder wanted you to leave your barn? Would you leave because you aren’t wanted?


I assume your “great people” aren’t the ones who were responsible for putting you in the hospital. If so, it’s really not a great comparison to what happened to LK.


What is it with some of the people here on the BB thinking they can instruct others to do their dirty work for them? Do they think that other posters are just minions for their needs?

Pass, thanks. :roll_eyes:


This isn’t my first rodeo. Yes you go.

A barn is my mental heath oasis. When it ceases to be so other things suffer. The training suffers. Your mindset suffers.

Competition is also a mental game too

People pay far too much money to have to deal with so much drama that they feel compelled to sleep, armed, in front of their stall or have to go to the barn every day and every night. If you’re that worried about your horses well being, it’s your obligation and responsibility to get them to where they are safe.

It’s all quite disingenuous to portray the situation like this as LK was perfectly capable of leaving these very same horses alone in this very same facility with these very same people while LK, her groom and her trainer went to clinics and shows that required significant travel.

I’d LOVE to hear you attempt to explain that.

One thing sure as heck is If I was in this situation I’d be looking to DE-ESCALATE rather than ESCALATE. But LK didn’t do that. Her FB postings were all about the drama.

I would have tried to negotiate a cease fire until things could be figured out or horses moved.

If another boarder wanted me to go well then there are a few options. Maybe you go when they’re not around. Maybe you talk to barn owners. Or, you go.


Cancer put me in the hospital.

Then I defeated it.

Thankfully I chose my barn people wisely. They had my back. Both husband and wife.


That is genuinely wonderful to hear that you beat cancer; I am sincerely happy for you.

On the other hand, you can hardly compare your situation that had nothing to do with anyone at your barn with LK’s, where her trainer shot her twice in the chest. You say that you chose your barn people wisely, and I haven no doubt that you did. But no one at your barn shot you twice in the chest. I imagine LK thought she chose her barn people wisely too, but one of them did indeed shoot her twice in the chest. To imply that your situation compares to LK’s is absurd.


I think you believe this story. Too many strings are left dangling. SS, CPS, surveillance devices, condemned house, who called the building inspector and why, why was MB treated so unprofessionally by the PD, why did the PD make such rookie mistakes at the crime scene, why did MH want LK gone, etc? Nope, I don’t buy your narrative. I could believe Barisone at one time told each women he would handle the other, but that is a very small piece of the puzzle. I suspect quite a bit occured that you were not told. It is also hard to comprehend why the defense attorneys are talking to you at all about MH.

If it was that simple, Barisone would have jumped at the plea. There MUST be much more you are not aware of for him to take the risk of a trial over the plea.



I refer you back to my prior post. It’s all right there.


Yup. I repeat as previously posted:



I stand by the belief that if any normal person was shot twice in the chest by her trainer at the farm where her horses lived, there is no way she would ever believe that her horses were perfectly safe and well taken care of at the same location that her trainer gunned her down. I don’t understand what kind of person would not be worried about her horses in this situation. The MB influence is really weird here and I don’t get why he has such a following, especially since most here have insisted they don’t even know him.


Then you descalate. Move the horses. Stay away from the situation.

This has NOTHING to do with my being a MB fan. That’s a manipulation used to assign motive and intent to a poster who doesn’t agree with you regarding premise and logic.

I’m no more a MB fan than your fan. I don’t know either of you.

My position is ENTIRELY based on my experiences in the horse world, in law - I mean vacuuming, in using logic and knowing best practices of the equine industry, as well as the behavior of LK and the telling of an unlikely scenario full of holes.


So I invite IM, HH, CH or anyone else to respond to my question asked above:

How is it that LK was perfectly fine leaving horses at home in the barn while she, RG and MB went to clinics and shows?


I can appreciate that this word salad you authored means something to you, and your friends here will certainly like it, but the truth is that it does nothing to rebut my previous post.