Barisone Trial This Month

Um, maybe because those events occurred BEFORE MB shot her twice in the chest?? Is this a real question that you seriously can’t figure out the answer all by yourself?


Ah avoidance and deflection.

I dare say most people reading here would assume traveling with MB was done prior to being unconscious in ICU.

I can only conclude that you in fact have no answer.


You accuse me of avoiding and deflecting something (no idea what that could be???), and then you agree with me that the whole point of your post that I responded to is ridiculous. Then you accuse me of having no answer to a question that was never presented. Are you okay?


I asked a direct question.

You simply refuse to answer.



Is this the question you are talking about?

I did answer that question - she was perfectly fine leaving horses at home in the barn while she, RG and MB went to clinics and shows because this is normal protocol in a boarding situation and it was before MB shot her twice in the chest.

How do you not understand that at some point before MB shot LK, they had a normal trainer/client relationship, and MB would have taken one or more of LK’s horses to shows while maybe leaving other horses owned by LK at home?

This is not at all unusual for boarders who own multiple horses - some go to shows, some stay home. But once you as the horse owner get shot twice in the chest by your trainer/barn owner, it would be really weird to think to yourself, “oh hey, my trainer tried to kill me, but there’s no reason for me to worry about my horses’ well being because this barn is exactly what I thought it was when I moved in”.


I agree with RND and IM that, prior to late July, when the client trainer relationship was healthy and normal, any client would be happy leaving their horses with the barn management.

Even before the shooting itself, when tensions rose in the last days, for example when Barisone proclaimed “This is war”, at that point I would not feel comfortable leaving my horses’ care to the barn staff. Certainly after a double attempted murder, I would not be comfortable leaving the horses in the care of RC, MHG, and Barisone’s staff.


But they didn’t have a normal relationship as evidenced by the FB posts and other behaviors. Posts in which she spoke of her multiple personalities and other drama fueled posts.


Bingo! No reasonable person would have stayed if tensions rose that quickly. But, she did. The “10 moves ahead of everyone else” chess player
miscalculated big time. The trial is going to be fascinating!


Once it had escalated to violence is another matter. Yet JK and RG were still compelled to go to the barn while LK was in ICU and the alleged source of violence was in police custody.

Why? The staff had been trusted before that.

And I believe you are significantly understating the amount of time of relationship deteriotion given the multiple cameras, eavesdropping, alleged murder plots, hidden recorders, etc.

It takes time to obtain that equipment, secretly install it, and then allegedly obtain “solid gold”.


It’s been pointed out thousands of times here that the drama began very quickly, right before the shooting. No one has indicated there were issues earlier that summer.


If so, how was all that surveillance equipment obtained, installed and solid golded in just a few days?

Is it normal to go from ‘everything’s wonderful’ to Watergate level surveillance and Krakatoa explosiveness in a week or two?


RG had been remodeling the house and barn for months….


According to the presented statement regarding that timeline this is inconsistent with what was posted.

Things had been fine in the summer. The incident took place beginning of August which from what I hear is also part of summer.

So either nothing was done surveillance wise during renovations or that timeline needs to be revisited.


I actually laughed out loud reading this. Unless you live in a low tech world and about a day’s drive from any stores, a person can run to store, get the equipment and have it up and running in less than 2 hours (including the driving to/from the store part). Apparently you don’t know that you take the camera out of the box and turn it on, run a quick download and link to your phone. You can simply sit a camera on a shelf, stick it on a wall, or any number of places within wifi range. It’s possible to turn on and off with a phone, some are motion activated, some on all the time. A voice activated recorder is even simpler - take it out of box, turn it on, place it where you want it. If you don’t want to drive to a store, you can order from Amazon for next day, or even same day delivery.

They probably had their “solid gold” in a day or less since the blow up happened quickly, I believe it was 10 days or less from when the trouble started to the day MB attempted to murder LK and RG.


I’m pretty sure that at some point in the court process we got verified information on what kinds of recordings existed. There were audio recordings made from some type of equipment hidden in the barn. But the vaunted video recordings at the house turned out not to exist. Malfunction or not turned on or imaginary or disappeared, was not made clear.

As far as SM, we also got information about the enormous number of social media posts that the defense was working to read and organize. So yes, SM posts are deemed relevant here.

I understand the defense is entitled to request all the documents to which the prosecution has access.



Yeah I’m sure all of us have done this when fighting at the barn for a couple of days. Quite normal.


It was mentioned at some point, I think by Lauren but I’m not 100% certain, that MB ripped out the wiring in the house. I don’t remember if it was the wiring for the smoke detectors but I suspect he was made aware that his house was wired up and monitored by others and he wasn’t happy about it.


So we can add ripping out wires and a report and building inspection all happening in those few days?


Assumes facts not in evidence.
It is only alleged.
There has been no trial.


The knots you twist yourself into so that you don’t have to admit to yourself or anyone else that there is even a slight possibility that you could be wrong and someone else could possibly be right is really weird.