Barisone Trial This Month

I think it is fair to say that his statement applies to all sides of this discussion (and most discussions on this and all forums).

I am hoping that @Inigo-montoya will get an update today on how jury selection is going, if they are on schedule to start, etc.


Exactly. When itā€™s the SO of trainer who now is forced to live in the barn, wellā€¦ sure makes it hard to go ride three, four, five horses and avoid her, now doesnā€™t it?


Tell me, does it stink when simple logic renders your statement questionable?

Tell me how it feels. We both know the timeline presented is awkward at best.


Interesting. So itā€™s the actual shooting that is the issue? Thatā€™s the first ā€œthey arenā€™t safeā€ straw?

Because iirc she posted on SM several times about her fear of the situation, before this last altercation, while she had the opportunity to move. When she had the ability to go and places to go. :thinking:


You seem unwell.


And if I remember correctly, people willing to take her and her horses.

It almost seemed like LK did not want to leave there, she wanted to stay there and make some point.


You people keep moving the goal posts. This whole conversation centers around why two people close to LK went to the barn the day after the shooting, with the MB supporters acting like itā€™s crazy to think anyone would be worried about her horses AFTER HER TRAINER SHOT HER TWICE IN THE CHEST. Prior to the shooting, LK was right there on the same property as her horses; there was no need for anyone else to go check on them.

The question of whether she should have moved them prior to being shot is a discussion that is completely unrelated to this one. Itā€™s a valid discussion, but itā€™s not this one.


Thank you for your concern.


@RND, I donā€™t think people are moving the goal post. They are just discussing various aspects of the situation. To them these things are related, not a goal post move, but another aspect of the same situation.
Yes, it does get confusing at times.
Sorry it is upsetting you so much that you are needing to yell at everyone about it.


So this falling out, instigated by MHG according to you, was sudden and spontaneous?


She wanted to stay and push MH out. It was a game of winning at all costs I imagine. Perhaps she had her eye on the entire farm, who knows? What LK wants, LK gets, right?

(Sorry I was late checking in this morning, I had an appointment. Iā€™ll do better tomorrow.)


Of course there are many aspects of this case, and they can all be discussed in one thread, but when people get so confused that they respond to one aspect of the discussion as if it is a completely different aspect, it becomes impossible to have an intelligent discussion. Like I said, whether or not LK should have moved her horses prior to the shooting is a valid discussion, but it has nothing to do with whether or not those close to LK felt that her horses were safe after the shooting. Those are two separate discussions.


I do have to say, I can completely understand wanting to have someone go check on the horses. I would do the exact same even if I trusted the barn staff 100%. I donā€™t like LK but I donā€™t think that in itself is suspicious. Whether they did other things while there or not, who knows, itā€™s definitely possible. But having someone close to you check on your horses for you when you canā€™t do it is not weird at all.


Yes, I wish I knew how to so I could have a screenshot of that, to know the date of that SM post about being in fear of the eight foot giantā€¦ And the myriad, subsequent offers of places to go and offers of transport.

One doesnā€™t have to have been in this situation to see its time to get out. Women (should) learn to listen to their alarms and get themselves safe, rather than hunker/double down. If they havenā€™t learned that, lets hope they now have.


Youā€™re welcome.


I believe you missed the point thousands of posts and many threads ago that few believe they came to care for any horses. Why stop at the house first and allegedly cross crime scene tape? To grab a toothbrush?

No, to many people, there were other significant reasons they came rushing in the next morning. Maybe the trial will reveal in more detail why they came.

Hereā€™s a question for you, why not simply call the farm to verify the care of the horses? Surely there was someone ā€œon LKā€™s sideā€ they could call. Oh wait, the phones were all confiscated. But, I assume HHF had a listed phone number. What about a friend who was a neighbor (posted on her FB page later)? There were options is all I am pointing out.


It was posted on this thread recently if I recall correctly.


The question is ā€œwhen did the situation, for these two ( LK and RG), become unsafe for them?ā€

She expressed it felt unsafe, such that her friends (ie any normal person) urged her to leave and offered to facilitate that, before she was shot.

So other, normal, regular people (ie any normal person ) saw the danger when she posted that she was being bullied or whatever she wrote that sounded alarms for her friends (ie any normal person ) who were prompted to offer her help and encouragement to get out of there based in the situation she described.

I mean, thatā€™s not MB fan girls saying it wasnā€™t safe, it was LKs SM friends, ie.any normal person , who care about herā€¦ who read her post, saw it was dangerous before she was shot, and urged her to leave.

No one, especially women, should wait until they get shot to see the danger of the situation they are in and act.


These threads evolve (and devolve), so someone saying something in a different thread that was started a year and a half ago is not necessarily pertinent today. The particular discussion in this case revolved around why two people might have felt the need to check on LKā€™s horses the day after she was shot. The MB supporters think it would be ridiculous for anyone to wonder about the well being of LKā€™s horses at that time, and others have voiced their opinions that it makes sense that someone would be worried about their well being.

The discussion was assuming that at least part of the reason for the visit to the farm the next day was to check on the horses. No one here knows for sure if that is the case; we are all just guessing. Maybe they werenā€™t there to check on the horses; but if they were, some here think that makes sense. Iā€™m not going to address how absurd it is to suggest that checking on the horses by phone would be an intelligent option.


I think it may have served as a good excuse to go do any myriad of things besides or in addition to checking the horses.
Did they then go daily to check? Who went? Twice a day? More often? For how long?

I mean if they felt the horses care needed their supervision, it must have been an every day, or twice a day or more gig, right?
