Barisone Trial This Month

No, she didn’t want to push MHG out. She wanted to train with Barisone.

How would she conceivably get the “whole farm” without buying it (if SGF was willing to sell)?

Why say meaningless things like “Perhaps she had her eye on the whole farm”?


That might be your question, but the discussion I was engaged in last night revolved around the question of whether or not it made sense for people to check on LK’s horses the day after the shooting.

I have not participated in any discussions regarding when LK and RG began to feel unsafe, so if that is the question you are asking, there is no need to quote any of my posts.

If anyone is still confused about the topic of conversation I was participating in last night, you can go back and read again in order to respond to me in a way that is consistent with that topic.


Yes, I actually covered this in the part of my post that you left out of your quote. Again, we don’t know why they were there, but if they were there to check on the horses, that is not an unreasonable thing to do.

As for all your other questions, obviously I don’t know the answers, but it is possible that someone did do daily checks, or it is possible that they were satisfied with what they saw and didn’t feel the need to check in on the horses again. This isn’t rocket science folks.


So don’t respond if you’re not participating. shrug
At a cocktail party do g-you tell everyone else present to shush when they stray from g-your preferred topic?
If g-you don’t wish to discuss, don’t.
Pretty simple.


It has been mentioned elsewhere that RG and RC agreed that she would oversee and take care of LK’s horses.


Is this thread now solely focused on the reason(s) for the farm visit on August 8, 2019, or do we have permission to branch out to other areas of interest or curiosity?


This is back to she should have seen the danger, her friends did, so it’s it’s her fault she was shot. It’s always the woman’s fault and some women blame women more than anyone because it makes those women feel safer in an unsafe world.

Now that she has been shot and RG and JK see the danger, they are wrong to check on the horses? Nonsense. They are wise to check on the horses. Kind of heartbreaking RC stepped in then to de-escalate the situation. She must have been gutted by how wrong she read the prior situation.


WRONG. I know I was questioning the timeline as it was posted that the situation had gone from kittens and kisses to Krakotoa in a very short time by a poster who said he could put up surveillance equipment in a day - a thing most unhappy boarders don’t even think of doing in a situation of fresh discourse.


With the right finances I can move my five horses in a day too.
I know which I would be doing.


Yeah, pretty considerate of her after the way LK spoke and posted about her on FB.


That’s not what I am doing though - I have acknowledged that everyone can discuss whatever they want, I have simply asked not to be quoted by you and others on topics that I have not discussed, as though that is what I was discussing.

Would you go to a cocktail party and interrupt a conversation that people were having about the stock market and start talking about dogs as though that is what they were discussing? You are certainly free to start a conversation about dogs with anyone else who wants to talk about dogs, but it’s weird to interrupt the people discussing the stock market and start talking about dogs. That’s what people are doing here.


Why are people having such a hard time reading for comprehension? See here:

And here:


No one is interrupting you.
Using a post as a jumping off point is common.
You do not have to respond if you don’t wish to.


Whoosh - went right over your head.


I think I’ve found a new scavenger hunt to go on.


This surprises me a little bit. Didn’t RG and LK think RC was part of the “big plot” against them?


It’s pretty obvious silly….she expected to win it in her civil suit. That is why she rushed to file it and tried to prevent it’s sale and that of the horses. Movie review: Pacific Heights


Yes…and apparently as recently as a couple of days ago on this thread, there is the claim that the staff was “taking sides”. That amuses me, because as far as I know, all the staff had been in the barn, in fear and harassed and then formally evicted, in the weeks prior, and RG still made arrangements with RC for the staff to take care of them.

Yes, it’ll be very interesting to hear what some of the staff will say when they testify. Think about it, RC was a half owner of MH’s horse. You couldn’t take MH down without taking out RC too (missing gun anyone?) It is silly to think RC and MH will be testifying praises of LK, especially with the continued promises to get MHG banned by SS. Wonder how well that line of questioning will go over with the jury……


So you’re saying she deliberately wanted him to attempt to murder her and RG, so that she was almost killed, but not quite, so that she could file a civil suit?

Two problems:

  1. the civil suit would award money, so the farm would still have to be for sale
  2. that’s just nuts.

It’s totally normal and sensible to file a motion to prevent the person potentially liable from dissipating their assets.

Or were you being sarcastic?

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Maybe not the murder part, she didn’t expect MB to defend himself…but she’s the one who was putting out on SM that she “had a plan” that was in place and set into motion. I’m sure someone has a record of it already. Why shouldn’t I believe her?