Barisone Trial This Month

I think the responsibility for these parties ending up on 8/7 in the circumstances they arrived in is plentiful and can be laid at everyone’s feet, likely in various sized portions.

Who gets what portion is still unknown, it may never truly be known.

Because the farm wasn’t owned or leased by her, because she had less complicating ties to Sweetgrass Farm, she had the greater number of options and ability to remove herself from a situation she describes as dangerous and unhealthy.
That’s why I ask why she didn’t leave.
Clearly, if her SM posts are honest, there were issues and she felt unsafe. Expecting those making her feel unsafe to change isn’t very realistic.

We see it all the time on COTH, when a boarding barn or trainer is not doing things the way the HO prefer, asking the BM/BO/trainer to change is usually, almost unanimously explained as a pipe dream.
To put it bluntly, “if you don’t like it, leave” is an almost unanimous suggestion on a forum where unanimity isn’t common.



What does it say KM? Please, enlighten me.

A reminder of judging ones actions after they have suffered a serious traumatic event is pathetic.


It wasn’t that long ago, all the same options were available. I had been researching them for nearly 5 years lol


thank you for always having a conversation with me on here in a civil manner, and not resorting to personal attacks on me, being condescending or gaslighting for simply not being on MBs side. It is greatly appreciated and I thank you for elaborating on your reasons.


Random thoughts about random questions or statements.

1 - It is possible/reasonable to think that JK and RG went to the farm after the shooting to retrieve LK’s health insurance ID and DL. These items would have been requested by the hospital so they could establish positive ID and begin insurance paperwork. It is also possible/reasonable to think that JK and RG attended to other legitimate matters while they were there (such as getting the dogs and checking on the horses). And it is possible/not unreasonable to think that they may indeed have removed audio/video recording devices (as alleged).

2 - As someone mentioned upstream, wireless video surveillance systems are not uncommon these days. Here is a 5-cam system for under $400.

You do need internet access and a wifi router. If they were using a system like this, they would have had to connect to the home/barn wifi (assuming its availability), which means they would have needed the wifi credentials (name and password).

OTOH, they could have used baby monitors although those don’t send images or alerts to your phone.


true. In a normal case.

Sure I’ll enlighten you. You seem to have decreed that my questioning of the LK narrative is strictly an anti LK bias alone. That is your assumption. But it’s a mistaken one.

My statement is clear: Had MB been free from incarceration and had he made the bad choice to also post his own narrative here I would certainly be skeptical as to his statements and asking 1000 questions.

My next comment was an observation that I find it telling that the possibility that I would equally grill MB doesn’t seem to have occurred to you.

Not only that but my skepticism as to LKs narrative (especially in light of her observed behavior) has been interpreted by you and others as certifiable evidence that I do not seek justice at all and am ONLY interested and vested on being on Team Barisone - a man I’ve never met and do not know.


Not necessarily. A separate wifi network could have been set up using a mobile provider with a dedicated data account.


@Jealoushe I’m interested in what brand you are using. I would like to upgrade my cameras which rely on a power cord. Question: if the power goes out, will the cameras still record internally? — > I ask because my cameras rely on wifi access and if the power goes out here, the wifi goes out too and the cameras can’t access the cloud where the video would be stored.

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I don’t think anyone thought MB would actually shoot anyone. That was shocking. Since the defense is insanity and self defense for two attempted murders, that is not disputed.

I don’t think his girlfriend or his staff ever thought he would snap like that. I don’t think LK and RG thought he would snap like that. I think LE saw this train wreck coming for days.

MB spent the two years prior breaking up his marriage which also meant he broke up his partnership with VK. She had owned half of MB Dressage which included SGF. According to MB, she handled all of the details that allowed him to focus on training and clinics. I don’t think he had to deal with boarders and maintenance while she was there.

Her new business started up in the spring of 2019 so the assets may have just finished being sorted out.

He had a new love who came with children. That relationship was tenuous and in trouble at the end. It seems as though MHG and RC had not yet picked up the slack from VK leaving as far as making MB’s life run smoothly. Instead, they turned to him to help their lives run smoothly. There was ice damage to the home which is always stressful.

I think without VK to manage all of the day to day things and more challenging clients, without her income, with his assets split, etc., getting used to a new woman’s ways and her children, aging, training Olympian riders instead of being one, I think all of that is a lot to deal with. Men in their 50s are coming into themselves and also recognizing their limitations. I think he was more stressed. I think the barn was more stressed. I think it added to LK’s agitation. Then per LK, he wanted to change their deal and have her sign a contract changing terms for which I think she felt betrayed.

Of all the people to snap, MB seems like the last one anyone would expect. He is described as “generous, would give the shirt off his back,” “helps everyone,” “charismatic,” etc. There are also a couple of criticisms but nothing, at least in the public eye that would ever hint of a mental lapse like this.

He needs help. He needed help. LK needed a stable stable environment (pun intended). They were a bad match. Now MHG is long gone. RC made a plea deal to testify for the prosecution. LK is scarred for life. RG is a stand up guy, charged the ambush.

Court will be interesting.

I don’t know anyone involved. I have no agenda. I’m trying to understand why he snapped and why LK is getting bashed on social media.

This all fell apart in days.
Had RG not stopped him, if MB had succeeded, if MHG had recoiled from him immediately afterward, she could have been next. RG may have saved several that day.


LK is not “after property or a farm”.

WRT to your farm: she considers your oft-repeated statement that she posted on FB that she owned a Ruger to be libel.
She has no power to put a lien on your farm herself. A lien would only be placed on your property if 1) she sued you for libel, 2) a court agreed that she had been libeled, 3) the court awarded large monetary damages, and 4) you refused, or couldn’t pay, the monetary damages.

You can short circuit this process at step 2 by providing a screen shot if LK’s alleged Ruger post to the court. You could have short circuited the process by saying months ago that “It’s possible that I may have misremembered the make of the guns in the post I saw”. Instead, you have declined to post the screen shot of the alleged post, and continued to repeat the allegation.

She doesn’t want your money.
She doesn’t want your farm.
She wants you to stop libeling her.

WRT HHF, the idea, promoted by @eggbutt, that she deliberately wound up MB so that he would shoot and almost kill her so that she could sue him and SWF for millions, is absurd, even by Eggbutt standards of absurdity. Absurd.

However, he did shoot her, and she does have a civil suit against MB, SGF, and RC, so she may get a large monetary award in that suit. Can we wait for that civil trial for absurd claims that MB should get a massive award, enough to buy back HHF, because LK tricked him into shooting her?


Yes, good point. I started to add something to that effect but I was tending to other issues at the same time I was typing so didn’t get all my thoughts laid out.

It’s not libel if it’s the truth.

Had she not sent the message I would not be able to post it.


as I understand it, while it is illegal to put a fraudulent lien on another person’s property, it is possible and will cause the victim great cost and inconvenience to rectify the situation.

And of course there is the issue of bullying and blackmail…the latter also very much illegal.
The victim in this case is not very sympathetic. Not that she deserved to get shot (at least not from the current state of evidence)


Thanks for your lengthy analysis and contribution to the discussion.


You are watching CH’s Lifetime 'Everybody is mean to LK" movie aren’t you.

The scenario laid out by RG does not make sense.
There is no indication that MB would have gone on a murder spree, taking ‘several’ lives.
Hyperbole at it’s worst.


You’re assuming that the offers were for the horses to stand out in a field somewhere. LK turned down all offers, no idea what the facilities being offered were, unless there were private facebook messages going on behind the scene, but I doubt it. Could have been a decent spot with stalls and turnout and a place to ride, but she said no regardless of how concerned she was about the situation she was in. Didn’t ask for more information, just no thanks. It could have been a great spot to wait out a few weeks before getting into a more “appropriate” situation for her competition goals. It seemed odd to me she didn’t ask for more info, even PM’d so she could find out if it was a good spot, though if I was that concerned about my situation, I’d take a field with a shelter, even for my Princess that won’t tolerate being in outside for long.


So, let me clearly understand…YOU think I think MB had a plan to force LK to “wind him up” so he could kill her. OMG! Please show me the post where I ever implied that ridiculous idea.

Quite the contrary. Had you digested any of my “fantasies” of how it all may have happened, you would quickly learn my thoughts are MB was attacked by them. I firmly believe RG would have killed him had Heymer not appeared on the scene. Instead, he merely beat him senseless, causing concussion and probable memory loss. That memory loss has played into their plans since he can’t mount a definitive defense of his actions.

We’ll have answers beginning next week and an outcome within a few weeks. BTW, I predict LK/RG will eventually face charges for the surveillance equipment among other things.


It’s true that she sent you a message threatening to sue you for libel, obviously.

What is in dispute in her threatened libel action is whether she posted about owning a Ruger. You have not posted the screenshot of that alleged post.


Please explain how one puts a “fraudulent lien” on another person’s property.

Aren’t liens placed by a court?