Barisone Trial This Month

Hut-ho hardly needs to watch my movie. She’s read the book.


No, Eggbutt, just the opposite. You said LK had her eye on his farm, and suggested LK had a plan to manipulate him into shooting her so she could sue him.

ETA. I think LK will not ever be charged over the surveillance equipment.


In my state, a so-called “mechanic’s Lein” can be attached to property with only a notice of contract, statement of account, and proof of notice to the owing party.

Those documents can be falsified and it’s up to the opposing party to file to have the lein removed.

Leins for unpaid civil judgements, taxes, etc are placed by the court, yes.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You are welcome.

I have explained this. What’s it to you?

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Thanks. In the case of a civil suit for libel, as in KMs case, the court would only file the lien if LK had won her civil suit.


So @CurrentlyHorseless quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:2357, topic:770123, full:true”]

LK is not “after property or a farm”.

WRT to your farm: she considers your oft-repeated statement that she posted on FB that she owned a Ruger to be libel.
She has no power to put a lien on your farm herself. A lien would only be placed on your property if 1) she sued you for libel, 2) a court agreed that she had been libeled, 3) the court awarded large monetary damages, and 4) you refused, or couldn’t pay, the monetary damages.

You can short circuit this process at step 2 by providing a screen shot if LK’s alleged Ruger post to the court. You could have short circuited the process by saying months ago that “It’s possible that I may have misremembered the make of the guns in the post I saw”. Instead, you have declined to post the screen shot of the alleged post, and continued to repeat the allegation.

She doesn’t want your money.
She doesn’t want your farm.
She wants you to stop libeling her.

WRT HHF, the idea, promoted by @eggbutt, that she deliberately wound up MB so that he would shoot and almost kill her so that she could sue him and SWF for millions, is absurd, even by Eggbutt standards of absurdity. Absurd.

However, he did shoot her, and she does have a civil suit against MB, SGF, and RC, so she may get a large monetary award in that suit. Can we wait for that civil trial for absurd claims that MB should get a massive award, enough to buy back HHF, because LK tricked him into shooting her?

So @CurrentlyHorseless, you are authorized to speak for and represent LK? What is your relationship to her?

I thought you previously stated you did not know her IRL. Am I thinking of someone else?


Who posts something like that? A drama queen who craves constant attention.

Why would you believe that her social media posts are honest when you accuse her of lying all the time?

His lawyer stated to the judge that his defense would include insanity and self defense. If his lawyer was telling the truth, this indicates that MB is not disputing the fact that he shot LK.


Important to note that a lien does not in and of itself satisfy a judgement. It’s not the same thing as taking title to an asset in lieu of cash.

It simply prevents someone from transferring title without satisfying the lien.

The ultimate satisfaction of judgement is when the prevailing party receives the judgement amount.


Yes, you’ve “explained” it ad nauseum. IMHO, your explanations make no sense.

What’s it to me? I’m really tired of your ad nauseum statements of outrage that LK threatened you. She threatened to sue you for libel because she considers herself libeled.


So even if LK won a judgement against KM in a libel action and the court placed a lien, LK would not have the property, it would just prevent KM from selling the property without satisfying the lien. Thanks.

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Oh well. I’m unconsidered as to your distress. I’m unconcerned that she considers herself libeled.

If the message hadn’t been sent I would not be able to post it.


I’m curious here–LK has stated she owns at least 2 handguns from a different manufacturer.
How is the statement that she owns a Ruger libelous?
Does LK think that Rugers are such badly made weapons that to be accused of owning one is a slam on her judgement?


A Ruger was used in the shooting and although LK has stated the gun was Cox’s there may be a question as to providence is the only thing I can think of OR she really hates Rugers?

Cox will testify she brought a Ruger into the situation is how I read it posted here.

Pure speculation on my part as I don’t get it.


It’s perfectly obvious that you’re not concerned that numerous posters are tired of your whining that LK threatened you with a libel suit.
It’s obvious that you’re not concerned that LK considers herself libeled.

It appears you are concerned that she’s not bluffing and may actually file a libel suit against you, since you post about it so much.


A libel action requires not just that someone said mean things that were lies. You have to be able to demonstrate losses or damages resulting from the claim.


As I’ve explained along with there being malice.


Those numerous posters have the option of putting me on ignore.

Had the message not been sent I would not be able to post it.


I thought that malice was only required in the case of a public figure, like a politician.

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