Barisone Trial This Month

I defer to @soloudinhere in this respect.

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I thought most people with a “sponsor” would be wearing logo wear and such so their “sponsor” gets advertising for their money.


Malice is not required in all states. My state is one of them:

“defamation is explicitly enumerated in G. L. c. 258, § 10©, as one of the torts exempted from the provisions of the [Tort Claims Act], and the level of fault pleaded (i.e., intentional, reckless, or simply negligent conduct) makes no difference.”

New York Times v. Sullivan is where the public figure standard is from.


well, you are speaking for yourself, but in this case, it is like the age-old Martial Arts question: How do you stop an Aikidoka from throwing you?
Stop attacking.
In your case, just let it go, Elsa. :lion: :snowflake:
What is it you want? Accept the fact that it happened.
You keep coming back to this issue, and for some reason, you seem tired of reading it.
just. scroll. past.
You are the one who keeps bringing it up disregarding all evidence in this issue.
Kind of picking the Chicken Polka from the Jukebox 20 times and complaining that is plays so often.

:lion: :snowflake:


worthy of a RITA, no doubt.

I am, indeed, tired of KM continuing bring up that LK has threatened to sue her for libel because she feels libeled.

For the next 30 times KM brings it up, I’ll just respond with “Post 2357”.


how about you stop bringing it up?
Or put KM on ignore.
It is not as if anything any reasonable person says in this thread falls on open ears…

Which reminds me…


Thoughts and Prayers




Well, one would have to show or participate in public activities for such logos on clothing/tack to be beneficial to a sponsor. LK does neither, does she?


There is also,in my state, a lien lis pendens. Which puts a everyone on notice that the property in question is in dispute. And causes a cloud on the title. And causes a headache to remove. In my state, one can file pretty much anything with the County Register.

For the record, all of you who are saying that the threat of a lawsuit is no big deal because you have an absolute defense: getting to that point is expensive, time consuming, annoying and stressful as hell. At my place of business, we take the threat of a lawsuit very seriously. Put the insurance carrier on notice, etc. Make sure we have all our ducks in a row, circle the wagons, whatever analogy you want.

Most folks I know would never throw around the threat of a lawsuit unless they meant it. I am not surprised KM took it seriously. It’s a frightening statement and not to be taken lightly.

And it’s one of the reasons folks get so riled up. Not a good way to have others be kindly disposed towards you.


All the corporately sponsored riders I know of always participate in some form of advertising for the corporate sponsor, whether it be clothing, saddle pads, stall curtains, giving talks, etc. Corporate logos are used as frequently as possible, just like NASCAR does for race drivers. Heck, in NASCAR, the drivers cannot seem to complete a sentence without mentioning 10 sponsors!

Unless the sponsor is not a business but an individual?


She can’t have sponsors if she intends on competing as an amateur.

But I have no idea if she intends on relinquishing her amateur status before competing again.

ETA - I believe the rules are different if she only intends on competing at CDIs in the future, as the FEI does not have the same pro/amateur status as the USEF does. CDI amatuer classes are not amateur classes in the same vein that USEF classes are. I don’t know all the intricacies involved as I’m not entering a CDI anytime in the foreseeable future.


Thanks! I did not know that.

Oh, now there is a thought.

How does an individual sponsorship work?
Are there people out there with money enough that they just toss it at someone and that someone has to do nothing in return for it?


Ok, I am going to jump in here, after lurking since the beginning of this tragedy. I am a crime junkie and dressage rider, so this is something I am very interested in, and have been following. I am going to just randomly post some thoughts.

  • I was aware of both LK and MB prior to this.
  • I had heard for years that LK was “bat #*** crazy”
  • I know several top riders who trained with MB and considered him to have a healthy ego, but was able to provide excellent coaching and training
  • my initial thought on hearing of this was that LK finally pushed someone too far
  • MHG certainly jumped ship and carried on with her dreams quite quickly; I’ve also heard some not so nice things about her throughout the years
    -Ruth appears to still be involved with MHG
    -With both MHG and LK in Florida at the same time, did they cross paths?

I would think that if someone was inclined to toss money at something with no expectation of a return, they are: a) someone’s parents or b) destined to be parted with their money very soon.


Welcome to the party!

I think MH and RC have parted ways since she sold her half of DeeDee. I doubt MH and LK have knowingly crossed paths.


I’m just going to leave this right here.


This was voiced quickly after the incident by many and those who made the observation were immediately labeled as victim shamers.