Barisone Trial This Month

There was speculation that IM was a family member, perhaps her father based on several obviously dropped clues but I don’t think many really care who he is. It’s too close to the home stretch to be too consumed about someone’s ID IRL.


You mean like DreadPirateRoberts, who seemed to appear in response to IM?

I thought DreadPirateRoberts was pretty amusing. Almost certainly an alter for someone posting regularly on the thread.


I’m mad at DreadPirateRoberts for being far more funny and creative than I could ever be!!

@DreadPirateRoberts come out come out wherever you are


JumpinQueen came in and played an impartial nobody from NC attached to a former barn and then we heard about a FB group. At some point they were making claims about RC’s charges being due to statements made to police about the gun long before the article about RC’s plea deal came out and made similar claims….


I thought IM did drop information not contained in the threads or easily accessible public sources.

Whether IM is a family member or a neutral person that had unusual access to details of the case, in what sense do you consider IM a troll? This is an honest question.

Do you label as “a troll” any poster who takes a consistent position that’s in opposition to yours?


Being trolled does not equal calling someone a troll. At least that is not how I read it.


OK. So if one considers IM to have been “trolling” COTH, how are his posts considered to be “trolling”
any more than another poster’s?

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My apologies to all for sounding macho or melodramatic. I didn’t think I would have to explain a term used so often that it is used in titles of Zombie movies. Perhaps I didn’t and posters were just being disingenuous.

Thank you for your service Fiesta01. While in the service were you issued a sidearm? If so, did you ever qualify on that sidearm? Or have reason to use it in combat? If not, have you used a sidearm in your civilian life? Perhaps you could opine on the challenge of 2 rounds fired quickly into a center of mass target?


I know I have brought up this show before but here I go again. You make it sound like hitting someone twice in the same general area is hard. Maybe First 48 is just lucky and finds murders where people are killed by the people who are lying and are actual master marksmen. But I am guessing not. Sometimes when a gun goes off, on purpose or by accident, someone is hit in “center of mass” more than once.


IM also extensively claimed to have heard the recordings and be relating damaging conversations between MH and one of her children. I just don’t believe that related conversation was much of a thing or an indication of the murder plot narrative they were pushing.


My definition of troll is someone who joins a discussion with the primary goal being to push people’s buttons and get a response. Someone who is there to enjoy reactions and stirring the pot, not to have an honest discussion.

I did not see IM having access to verifiable facts that weren’t common knowledge. They did make subjective comments that suggested insider knowledge but were not verifiable one way or the other. Saying things about LK’s true inner feelings could be true insider knowledge or just invented.

I can spot this whether or not I agree with the general position of a poster. Goodness knows I check the credentials and sources of political comments on Twitter even when I want them to be true.

So my definition of troll includes someone who is toying with an audience, especially if they are trying to hint they have more authority or access than they do.

We get child trolls all the time, they tend to run for the exits when their inconsistencies get caught. We had a long time adult member who had 2 identities one as a meek one horse ammie, one as a very aggressive race track trainer, went on in tandem for years until caught and banned. Etc. In these cases I had no stake in the discussions but recognize we were being gamed.


Once I hit field grade, yes we were required to qualify on the Beretta M9. As to the rest of my service of 25 years, I will not discuss on a public bulletin board.

ETA: Military types in my personal experience don’t use military jargon except with other military. In the civilian arena, there is well-known language used to insure understanding of civilians. The ones who I encountered who continue to use the military jargon in inappropriate settings tend to be the ones wishing to appear macho, thus my comment. (We used to call them the Captain America types).


We have had LK herself, and one poster that claims to be mommy. It’s not unreasonable to believe that the rest of the gang is here too.


Kindly stop assigning me motives and agendas and opinions that I do not have - and have never had. Where did I say Hut-ho’s posts should be discredited? Nowhere. I expressed an opinion on the terminology of ONE post.

Where have I ever said that I was against the gunshot victim? Nowhere - and never. I have even advised her repeatedly (as have many others) to not be posting rages and rants as none of that would help her out.

I was just making an observation along the current line of conversation… about those who claim to be not involved… and then they reveal that they are. Or - that in the case of that post, there may be something else behind it - OR maybe a personal experience that relates to triggers of that sort.

This exchange is feeling very… familiar. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I don’t think IM was here to push people’s buttons. I think he entered the thread to counter some of the misinformation being used to bash LK.

It certainly is dismissive of a poster to view them as participating just to “stir the pot”.


Nope. Don’t know MB. Don’t know LK and her mom. Don’t know the family. I’ve just seen them here and jumped to LK’s FB page before her family changed the privacy to friends. Sorry to disappoint you. I’m just struggling to understand this and many of you have said the same.

I’m not Facebook friends with her and I’m not in Facebook groups about her.

I do not understand what appears to be the excusing of his conduct. Nothing official has come out in any way showing an immediate threat to him. Being verbalized to his knees by LK in a hissy fit does not justify what he did.

The screen shots are just creepy. Who does that? Are y’all writing books? Selling them to lawyers?

I do understand that it is confusing and upsetting and that both LK’s and MB’s family and friends are devastated. I understand LK has been inappropriate here with posters but I also think many posts about her have been inappropriate.


This is a general legal question for @OneBellBoot and @soloudinhere. I would be curious of others thoughts too.
I was always of the impression that insanity defenses had a low success rate and as a result, not used very often. Are defenses like Black-rage insanity defense and Gay/Trans panic defense gaining in popularity in the courtroom and are they successful? If not, are these people just put into the general prison population if found guilty? That would seem dangerous for all if that was done. Are there other other defenses similar to these making their way into the courtroom? Thanks!

OK. Hut-ho has said she is not connected to any of the principals, and I believe her.



It’s possible IM was a legit supporter of LK, though in that case they might have more credibility speaking in their real identity. If IM was a genuine supporter then they aren’t a troll by my definition

I started to think they were fake, though. I could well have been wrong. But by the end I thought we were being gamed. I’m not sure I can produce an exegesis to prove my conclusion at this point. Not that invested plus I could well be wrong. I didn’t engage with IM just watched it play out.

I have certainly seen enough posters on all kinds of topics on COTH and all kinds of platforms who engage just to stir the pot, so it’s not an uncommon phenomena.

As far as screenshots mentioned agsin by @hut-ho78, I can only repeat that this is very common, probably ubiquitous, in more sophisticated SM users, especially content creators. Not something us casual SM users do but obviously the first step in any reaction video or similar.


I’m not Fiesta1, but I can opine if you’d like.

I work in the industry. An industry that by it’s nature is filled with ex/retired military. I’ve never heard the term double tap used outside TV shows and movies. I’ve never heard any of the military personnel use that term in person - maybe they do among themselves, but it’s not something they use around non-military situations IME. The term center mass? Sure, but not double tap.

General observation, not specific to the MB/LK incident:

As far as the ease or lack thereof, there are so many factors that it would be difficult to really state how difficult it might have been. The caliber of the gun. The manufacturer of the gun. The grain of the bullets. Any modifications to the gun. The size of the user’s hands. The hand strength of the user. The experience of the user. All of those factor into the recoil control of a gun once fired. I have a 45 that hurts my wrist with the recoil and I know what I’m doing. I also have a 22 that has essentially no recoil.

Then there is the situational effects. Close quarter vs a distance away can affect what/how the user deals with recoil. We’ve been told this was point blank. If they were wrestling for control of the gun, then how much recoil is hugely affected, to the point that any shots may have occurred completely by accident rather than intentionally. I’m not saying that is what happened, just that once again, it is not an unreasonable hypo. As one poster is fond of saying - run a movie in your head - with two people wrestling over a gun and see how easy it could be for an accidental firing.