Barisone Trial This Month


Have to say that I watched all the episodes of Southland and I do not recall hearing “double tap” in any of them. /s


And yet you chose to assign me motives that do not exist and question my integrity (not the word I wanted - but that will do for the moment) …

Ok then.

I have not seen any excusing of MB’s conduct. Just a lot of speculating about why he did it and how it happened. But unless you are in full throat on these threads constantly screaming for MB’s messed up head, you are labelled a fangirl or must hate LK or are not empathetic to a gunshot victim or what have you…


Agreed. I think some grab screenshots because once captured, they cannot be edited - and if the original gets deleted, there is a copy.




I’ve been thinking about this too - according to NJ law, MB’s lawyer is going to have to prove that MB was not capable of understanding that his actions were wrong at the time of the offense. I get that there is evidence that LK acted in ways that escalated the living situation at the farm, but normal adults don’t go insane and suddenly think it is ok to shoot someone in a situation like this. What kind of evidence is going to be presented that will prove that MB went insane because of the situation at the farm? I would think that maybe his interactions with others around the time of the shooting might come into play. Simply presenting social media posts and text messages alone are not going to prove this. Will some of his staff or boarders or others close to him take the stand to say that he was acting in ways that would be considered insane around that time? How do you prove that someone didn’t know that shooting someone is wrong?


Very good. The strength of the hand is not that important though unless the mechanism on the trigger is stiff. Gripping tightly causes bad aim.

Think maintaining one’s correct seat while gripping with the legs or stiffening the back.


You actually sound as though you are being interviewed as an expert witness for all things firearm related for the trial! May we see charts please?


Thank you for your service. And your input here.


I think you are purposefully missing the point. Diminished capacity, delusions, and amnesia can certainly be caused by blunt force trauma to the head and or partial unconsciousness….both of which LK’s narrative on CotH and the pictures of MB’s head feature and the cops testimony alludes to….but hiding in the bushes is a sign of fear…and LK approached him first.


Hiding in the bushes in fear or ambush?


But if LK was on her cell phone talking to the ear witness when the shots were fired, her bashing MB on the head with the cell phone obviously occurred after he fired the gun.


I am certainly not an attorney or have any legal knowledge beyond some Grisham books, but I wondered if the insanity defense was going to be used to mitigate one of the charges such as the gun charge. How it would be done or if it could be done, I do not know. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

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OMG! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Why obviously? Why couldn’t she attack him and beat him with her phone first? What’s your tell-tell sign that she didn’t?


No it doesn’t. Your reaching. Besides…an ear witness is not very reliable. They lack perspective. They can’t tell if she’s shrieking because she’s about to attack him or if he’s about to shoot the dog.


LOL, my husband is a former Ranger. He calls it “Hollywood” talk.


I got it all from Zombie movies. Oh dear. Sarcasm is a no no in SM. Think about the audience. :thinking: Right. Leave it here.

See. Zombie movies. And you can find anything on the internet.

Why obviously? Why couldn’t she attack him and beat him with her phone first? What’s your tell-tell sign that she didn’t?

The ear witness will be crucial.

If the narrative is as LK describes, she is on the cell phone talking with someone. What does the ear witness hear? Two people talking briefly, then shots fired.

If there is no sound of a “scuffle”, or a dropped connection, before the ear witness hears the shots fired, then he shot her before she bashed him with the phone.