Barisone Trial This Month


Hey, LK, if your going to bother sending message about this thread…you just just go ahead and come out and play.




Well that’s new.


It’s how people in the military make small talk when they meet in person if both are friendly. It’s then followed up with “oh, you were at such and such a place in (year), I was there in (year). Did you know so and so? What did you think of such and such? Did you ever go to whatever place?”

Fiesta01 was not friendly. Apparently I’m in the “wrong” camp or just way too “macho” and “Captain America” except I’ve also been chastised for feeling sorry for MB.

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Too bad. You will have to wait for the trial for that. Demanding things will not speed things up for you.

Huh? What did I demand?


Is this why y’all keep alluding to spies in our midst? Because of people pretending to be LK’s friend and running to some of y’all with every cotton picking thing?

She sent me a PM silly.


I wasn’t talking to you.

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But…… I was talking to you. Understand? No one here owes you a “source.” Got it? Mkay. Bedtime now!

Thanks for stopping by. Ya’ll come back, ya hear?


Clearly y’all need to listen to me more…


I[quote=“hut-ho78, post:1081, topic:770123”]
Fiesta01 was not friendly. Apparently I’m in the “wrong” camp or just way too “macho” and “Captain America” except I’ve also been chastised for feeling sorry for MB.

If you’re saying I was “not friendly” because I didn’t ask you to DM me or that I didn’t DM you, that is not the case. I’m actually a friendly sort, even with people who hold differing opinions. My service is not something I discuss unless mutual trust has been established, something I don’t feel you can achieve on-line. Ask me about my horses, I’ll tell you everything. :slightly_smiling_face:

I apologize if you misunderstood my reticence.


Did it ever come out if the weapon left powder burns on the victim? If they were struggling, it would. If she was standing several feet away then no. Somewhere in between then a bit but it varies. I am not a forensics expert. Here is a good article explaining why this can be important.

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If you’re saying I was “not friendly” because I didn’t ask you to DM me or that I didn’t DM you, that is not the case. I’m actually a friendly sort, even with people who hold differing opinions. My service is not something I discuss unless mutual trust has been established, something I don’t feel you can achieve on-line. Ask me about my horses, I’ll tell you everything. :slightly_smiling_face:

I apologize if you misunderstood my reticence.

I was saying you weren’t friendly because you called me macho and Captain America when I was trying my durndest to explain my perspective of why hearing MB put two in the chest of LK put chills down my spine to people who have no idea the damage that would do.

I was making a point with the DM comment that you…well, weren’t being friendly

Then I was glad you called me those things because Knight’s_Mom was trying to push a theory that I was Yankee Duchess and I laughed thinking of responding by saying things like “I wouldn’t flounce off, I’d swagger off with Mucho Machismo. Or I wouldn’t flounce off, I’d quietly fade away. I also started to look for Captain America quotes to put on my posts but lost interest.

I’d love to hear about your horses anytime.


I was saying you weren’t friendly because you called me macho and Captain America when I was trying my durndest to explain my perspective of why hearing MB put two in the chest of LK put chills down my spine to people who have no idea the damage that would do.

I was making a point with the DM comment that you…well, weren’t being friendly

Then I was glad you called me those things because Knight’s_Mom was trying to push a theory that I was Yankee Duchess and I laughed thinking of responding by saying things like “I wouldn’t flounce off, I’d swagger off with Mucho Machismo. Or I wouldn’t flounce off, I’d quietly fade away. I also started to look for Captain America quotes to put on my posts but lost interest.

I’d love to hear about your horses anytime.

Excuse you but I didn’t say, suggest, imply or ponder that you’re YD because I couldn’t give a chit less.


I could not figure out that screen shot photo popping up. Wondered what late night finger drag error did I manage to do to post that. I tried and tried to delete it. Finally figured out it was part of LaLa’s post. Think it’s way past time to get some sleep.

Yeah. So does LaLa. I’d heard her PMs are a bit nonsensical….these were no exception.


Excuse you but I didn’t say, suggest, imply or ponder that you’re YD because I couldn’t give a chit less.

You are all in with the poop jokes lately. Are you keeping your grandkids this week?

I really miss Yankee Duchess and Denali too.

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