Barisone Trial This Month

YD used to parrot what the actual moderator said. No need to do that, really, but she enjoyed doing it.


LOL. I am blameless in this regard as I know none of the principals and have no inside information.

I have stated that I think IM has inside information, and has connections to some of the principals, and that I believe everything IM has posted.

That is not the same as my having inside information of my own!

Eggbutt has bragged that she had access to the letter from jail. I sure don’t.


Please keep this about the trial so the thread doesn’t get shut down.

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I want to thank you for posting this as now we have at least 3 of us who saw LKs post that she had a Ruger: me, @Angela_Freda and @rothmpp.



Yes she posted “about her gun”.

Did she say she owned a Ruger?

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Already answered.

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When I glanced at the court website earlier, it said there was no live stream from that county at that time.

Does this “no speculation allowed” proposal apply to everyone, or only to everyone who doesn’t agree with all the speculation you have presented so far in two and a half years of MB threads?



Here is the quote from rothmpp in which she says she recalls LK saying she owned two guns, one of which was a Luger.

Angela said she recalled LK “posting about her guns”.

You’re the only one claiming that LK posted that she owned a gun of the type used in the shooting, a Ruger.

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My my I wonder why you are SO stuck on this?

My statement stands.


I am responding to a post that YOU made.
It was your post. If it didn’t pertain to the trial then why did you post it in the first place?

If you think that answering my question will cause the thread to be closed then send me a PM.

I am very interested in your answers.
I await your reply.




Eggbutt said I called MB a murderer. Knight’s_Mom said that was libelous and I could be sued. I said I did not call him a murderer, that he was charged with two counts of attempted murder and the defense was insanity or self defense. Well I think it’s insanity and self defense.

I then politely with the word please asked that I not be threatened with legal action.

Please stop trying to divert the comments from the trial. Thank you. .


I don’t remember LK calling it any name either. I’m not FB friends so I only looked at it once at the start of all of this before her family changed the privacy to friends only.

Once they found RC owned it and gave it to MB then I didn’t really pay it any mind especially since she is testifying for the prosecution.


I didn’t say YOU were libelous.

I said such a statement could be libelous. Let’s get a screen shot.


Omg! That’s libelous?? Good luck to anyone bringing a case like that. Is that the advice you gave to real lawyers

speaking of which
.they’ve probably gone home by now. Get that Hoover going!


As did I, but she has since scrubbed her FB account.


Yes. To write that someone is a murderer when they have not murdered COULD BE seen as libelous.


That’s 4 now.


She didn’t scrub her FB page, not at first. Her family changed the privacy from public to friends while she was in the hospital as people were posting about it and posting screenshots. Then some of FB friends kept posting items from her FB page. It could have been scrubbed once the privacy changed. I’m not her FB friend, so I don’t know.

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