Barisone Trial This Month

Except no one called him a murderer. He didn’t kill anyone.

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MB is lucky she is too scrappy to die and that RG stopped him and that the first responding officer risked his own life to make sure LK received medical aid.

This whole event is a tragedy. MB threw his life away. LK was shot and is scarred for life and likely still in pain, especially riding. RC was charged at the age of 74 with weapons charges which she is cooperating with the prosecution over.

It is a massive collision of bad decisions.


Wow. Let’s see if you can tell the difference between “speculate, believe, imagine, feel, hope, suspect, opinion” and stating a fact? Hmmm.

My question was a valid question - what did she see that caused her to predict his current emotional status. It’s only when I or certain others respond that you chose to argue or question, right? That’s an “observation” by the way. :slight_smile:


You have a short memory. In fact another responded to it and responded with an interpretation of their statement.

[quote=“hut-ho78, post:1342, topic:770123, full:true”]
She didn’t scrub her FB page, not at first. Her family changed the privacy from public to friends while she was in the hospital as people were posting about it and posting screenshots. Then some of FB friends kept posting items from her FB page. It could have been scrubbed once the privacy changed. I’m not her FB friend, so I don’t know.

She didn’t scrub…it could have been scrubbed…I don’t know.



I’m sorry again, then why did you even respond? I just don’t understand why you posted this “thought” then ended by saying I’m not a FB friend (and therefore don’t know).

So what did you base your response on? Her friends, family, what?


Want to take a vote on what the 1st bad decision was?

The 1st cop only put himself in danger by turning his back on RG.


I’m quickly reminded of the benefit of the “Ignore” feature. Quite useful!


LOL! Thanks! Good idea!

Half-halt. Pulley rein. :snowflake:. Ignore. Lots of good advice today. :joy:


Nope, again you have decided what you think I said. Show me where I bragged please. I definitely pushed back on a specific user’s post saying Barisone admitted to remembering the shooting in a letter he had written. Recently I posted verbatim the only thing he said about the situation.

I’ll tell you what, instead of ragging me about this letter and what it says, why don’t you demand LK give you a copy?? Huh?


Owned a gun =/= owned a Ruger.

I won’t post again on this issue. It’s too silly for words.

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Obviously any written misstatement of fact COULD BE considered libelous.
But your admonition to whomever referred to Barisone as a “murderer” is more than a little over the top.
That’s not a libel case any lawyer is gonna want to take on……


Well, hut-ho78 answered your question, to which there is no factual answer possible (unless it was asked of MB himself). Maybe the answer wasn’t as detailed as you would have liked it to be, and maybe you disagree with the answer, but I don’t think it follows that you get to tell hut-ho how to interpret what she sees like you did here:

My point is that everyone here speculates (i.e. reads imaginary images into) about pretty much everything associated with this case; if hut-ho78 is no longer permitted to speculate because you don’t like it, I’m just wondering who else is or is not allowed to speculate on this thread.


The use of the word “bragged” was editorializing, but the statement that you have posted several times that you had access to the letter is fact.

You’re an insider of some sort.


There’s also the pesky little detail that Hut-ho never referred to him as a murderer.

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The way I understand it, the letter was shared with some friends and then by it getting into the hands of someone who clearly was not as much of a friend as people thought, it spread outside the friend circle, even ending up with people like LK.
So the fact that Eggbutt may have seen it, or part of it, really does not mean they are close to any actual players. They might just know someone who knows someone who knows the players.

It is fun (not really) dealing people who are willing to jump to such weird conclusions all the time and then be angry about facts that do not exist.


Ok here’s my vote.
I vote that a single officer arriving at an active shooter scene is gonna be granted a lot of leeway and discretion in his seat of the pants decisions……and barring doing anything crazy ( like shooting first and asking questions later) the jury will be pretty understanding and appreciative of his actions.
That’s my opinion only……you’re welcome to yours.


Yes. There is that. Thanks to RG.


That does not negate the fact that the officer very much did not follow training protocol and he did several things that are going to make your case harder to prove. If he had followed proper protocol he would not have made so many situations that allow for doubt. Of all people, you should be upset about his actions, not supporting his actions.


I’m not supporting or criticizing his actions. Just saying police officers in responding to an active shooter call….or a 911 call for that matter…. are usually given a lot of latitude with the split second decisions they make.
I believe Bilinkas has two officers on his witness list so he may wanna push it……but I think he’ll be keeping one eye on the jury lest he pushes too far. Ed is well aware there’s a fine line between trying to create reasonable doubt and being perceived as an unreasonable windbag.