Barisone Trial This Month

Eggbutt mentioned that the little dog did a number on MB’s arms. I missed that in the articles. Where was it posted?

Rhetorical question, I assume…

And as far as YD goes… alter speculation is best left off the thread - lest that assist those who want to get all such threads shut down…

Edited because even saying someone is not posting similar to YD is more of that speculation.



Just to clear up the gun thing real quick…


I am truly shocked at the fascination of this letter! Why the obsession? Because LK mentioned it? It really makes no difference why. I have no intention of sharing it with anyone on these forums. As I said earlier, if you want to read this letter, ask LK to share it with you. I’m sure she’d be glad to! Or may try IM for a peek! I suspect you will be disappointed. Sorry.


It does not go unnoticed that you mentioned the witness list into your post. How clever. I have no questions or comments about the list, do you?

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@TwiSedai, I don’t think anyone denies that gun post exists (though I am guessing many would be more than willing to dispute parts of it, since there are other posts that prove parts of it to not be reality based). I believe people are referring to a different gun post.



I’ve been looking for that. I remembered something about her FB post but I couldn’t remember her saying what they were. I also remembered she corrected someone about it somewhere in all of the tens of thousands of posts.


That’s only part of the story.


You misunderstand.

I’m not interested in the contents of the letter.

I’m pointing out that as the person who has posted several times that you had access to the letter, that tells me that you have some sort of access to the principals.

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No place.


And? What is it you need to know and why? Who are you related to or acquainted with? See, it doesn’t make any difference does it? Such curiosity from so many for some reason. Fascinating!

Edited to add, there are several who have posted here in earlier threads who have seen this famous letter. I’m simply the one who chose to call out LK’s misstatement concerning the letter. Truth is important.


How clever that I posted the witness list?
Bilinkas said at the hearing on Monday that his witnesses included 2 experts and probably 2 police officers.
Did you miss that too?


Nope. I sure didn’t.

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Oh really? That was the only one on her page I could find that mentioned the type of guns she had, maybe it got deleted.

ETA if it’s not a post on FB she made, but was on COTH, I might get bored enough to dig through and try to find it to. This was just the one I had remembered seeing.


I explained previously why I thought the possibility or likelihood of your connection with the principals prior to the shooting (if such connection exists), is pertinent to my understanding of these threads.

I am not related to or acquainted with any of the people involved, or even with any posters, as far as I know.

I too saw the post - it may have been on FB as well.


I finally realized all the LK bashing for the last 2.5 years is super great preparation for her testifying. Somehow I doubt anything will come up she hasn’t already heard. Blinkas is just doing his job, nothing personal. Right at the very first posts someone posted “let the blame games begin.” Then there were a lot of posts about LK’s past going way back and someone said “what is next, her high school years?” Sure enough someone mom from NC said LK had a spat with her daughter when they were in high school and was very rude to her.

Posters have done a great job helping the prosecutor. :joy:

Testifying in court. I hated doing that. Felt like a dog being drug into a vet clinic. My priority was to not throw up and or trip to and from the witness stand. I even asked the bailiff to not let me fall. Then it was to remember all the good advice from legal. If a question can be answered with yes, no, I don’t know then do so. Answer the question fully and succinctly and honestly. No rabbit trails. Take a breath and think about each answer. If the question is not clear, take the time to ask for a clarification or a repetition. It’s not personal. The prosecution and defense need to bring the information to the jury. I was able to have water, a soft drink, and a snack just in case. I brought them and the bailiff said ok when I asked.

I guess in the trial the defense will do his best to get her to to give an outburst because he is fighting for his client, just doing his job and he would love to have the jury see the outburst. Even if that happens, it will be interesting to see if an outburst from a 5’2” woman no matter how out of control is going to look dangerous with a 6’3” man sitting in the court room.


I am not YD. I miss YD. She had a flair.


The post was a FB post not a COTH post.


It hasn’t been mentioned in any media articles that I am aware of. But before any conclusions are drawn that I have some special insider information, the dog bites and MB’s injuries from the bites, was discussed in the 2nd hearing (the one Heymer testified in).

I might be mistaken but I believe they were also mentioned in the civil suit against the PD. It’s been a while since I read all the information included in those briefs. You might want to pull them up and read them. You may be surprised at what you learn.

@Inigo-montoya fyi