Barisone Trial This Month

Can there be two more opposite posts posted within minutes of each other?

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The truth can be scary to those stuck in an alternate reality.


Absolutely! Of course it depends on who is stuck! I’m not sure you can see truth.

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We’ve removed some personal commentary and responses to it and are addressing it with those involved.


That appears to be the goal.
Just like those PM’s by LaLa threatening people earlier on in this whole saga. Make people stop asking questions by threatening them.


What threats?

I have to assume (sorry if I am wrong) that you have not bothered to read a good percentage of the posts here or in other threads on this topic if you are asking this question. Heck, there was a whole thread about LK’s threatening PMs.


Minor clarification - DMs sent by Lauren to people who she had already threatened to sue or subpoena (and Lauren had stated multiple times that COTH HAD provided said names) were screen shot & posted within a thread. That led to Mod1 ascertaining that COTH had never been asked to release the identities of members in order to serve them. KM posted two screen shots from within that thread. The most relevant one to the purpose of this post was Mod1’s post. I think the thread was later heavily edited by COTH or it was removed entirely.

Being sued is costly even if you are innocent and win. It costs to hire an attorney, time off from work/lost wages, etc. As most people don’t have the resources (time, money or both) to fool about at court they knuckle under or comply with whatever was demanded of them. Losing 30% of the money owed; not discussing a case on a public forum, whatever it may be.

It is a tactic used thousands of times by the Trump family and various Trump-owned businesses. Apparently other people view it as a means to an end as well.


Those PMs from LK about never having posted about owning a pink and black Ruger are old news. They’ve been used to effectively needle her for a very long time and yet never been produced. Instead, the post was about two Walthers. Way past time to retire that tired tale.


I don’t think those PM’s are what people are referring to at the moment.

I actually posted something rather benign awhile back (not anti-LK, not pro MB) and received a strange message. The thing is, it is best to put these types on ignore. You’ll never see eye to eye, and quite frankly, ain’t nobody got time for that, so I rather not waste my time or theirs. We can agree to disagree. Sure you miss out on some drama and ramblings, but eh, it’s a more peaceful existence :wink:

Plus these threads (and others) have people in them who are literally looking to be offended. Twisting words and assigning strange meanings to posts in order to be offended or find something to argue about. Even when the poster clarified their point. The amounts of points missed and obtuse comments (idk if they’re on purpose at this point), are too damn high. It’s like some people come to CoTH looking to have a bad time. It’s…weird, but hey ho, to each their own.


Those are not the PMs in question.


Again you are wrong.


LK sent threatening PMs or DMs about her guns, or lack of guns, or threatening to use her guns?


I posted I remembered a FB book of LKs that she had a Ruger.

LK then sent me a series of emails saying all sorts of stuff including that they had subpoenad COTH for poster identity in order to pursue legal action against those posters along with a slew of insults and statements she would sue me in order to place liens on my home and farm. I notified Mods. 3 weeks later LK was playing like she was innocent of threatening people so I posted the entire PM exchange openly. The Mod1 then posted to affirm that no subpoenas existed and no identities were exposed.

If you’d like the set, just PM me and I’ll send.


As I stated above no idea why my speaking of my memory of a gun posting unleashes such drama when Ruth Cox is said to be the owner of the gun at this point said to be the weapon used.

For all I know maybe there’s a dispute how the weapon arrived to the crime scene. No idea.

As to whom actually pulled the trigger most believe it was MB. Some think it discharged during a physical altercation between LK MB and RG.


LK apparently threatened KM with a libel suit over KMs repeated statements that LK had posted on FB that she (LK) owned a Ruger, the type of gun used in the shooting. The allegation was made at a time that it was not known who owned the Ruger.

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And yet there still is a boo boo reaction which is weird.


KM: Yes, I remember reading the PMs you posted and thank you for posting them. Just don’t remember the gun issue being in them.


Yes, I thank you, too. Before KM did that, all the people who were receiving those PMs hadn’t realised what a large group they were a part of. Some people left the forum entirely over those threats, which is really a shame.

I understand there has been some upset and conspiracy theorising about a couple of recently banned posters. Those people chose to behave in certain ways contrary to the forum’s rules and got themselves banned. Again, accountability for their own behaviour is a foreign and unpleasant experience for some people who are unaccustomed to experiencing the natural consequences of their own actions - a feeling they extend to those they like, as well, but never to those they do not.

But, far better someone leave this forum as a result of their own behaviour than having people driven off by threats and harassment, especially by PM where it is easier to single someone out and intimidate them.

I hope all the folks worried about and missing the banned posters have a thought to spare for those driven away.


As I understand LK’s position, it is that she does not own a Ruger, and never posted on FB that she owned a Ruger. At the time you posted the (untrue, according to LK) statement, it was known the gun used in the shooting was a Ruger, and it was not known who owned it.

You could have admitted the possibility of your misremembering the type of gun when she clarified for you, but instead you continued to insist that she had posted that she owned a Ruger. You have continued to insist that as recently as yesterday!

Why shouldn’t she threatened you with a libel action if she feels she has been libeled? It was almost probably a bluff, but for some reason your claim that she owned a Ruger was so important to you that refused to say, “Maybe I misremembered that post.”

Ruth Cox has acknowledged that the gun used in the shooting belonged to her, and will testify to when and hey she transported it to NJ and handed it to MB.

Why don’t you admit now that you’re not certain that you saw a post by LK saying she owned a Ruger, because, just possibly, it may not exist?