Barisone Trial This Month

I stand by my memory.

As I told her, if she wants to sue me for having a memory then bring it.

But note: a statement you believe to be true is not libelous. Also good luck proving the financial harm. Also, my evidence backing up my memory still exists.



It was unfortunate, for me, when Equkelly was banned, because she took the position of “empathy for LK”, as I do. Her posts were more brash than mine, but as far as I could tell not out of line with the general level of “brashness” meted out by, well, “others”.
What bothers me about Equkelly’s banning is that I genuinely don’t know what she did to get banned. The worst thing I saw Equkelly write was “FFS” - just the letters. I’m not on 24/7, so there could have been something awful I didn’t see.

I completely agree with you that there are probably many driven away by ugly tone of many threads, and the posters driven away are probably some of the ones who could have contributed the most.


Re bolded, thanks for clarifying that.

I don’t have the courtroom experience you do, but if you state something based on memory and the subject of the memory corrects you, I’m guessing you’re in a better position if you acknowledge that you may have misremembered instead of doubling and tripling down. But you apparently don’t mind getting sued, so, why not?


Nice try.


Equkelly and I have been of the same mind on other threads. I’ve no idea what got her banned, to be honest, I just trust the mods make correct decisions. I thought it happened on CE or something, like it did with YD.

There is a distinction to be made between someone privately threatened off the board entirely by another poster or posters, and people choosing to leave because they don’t like the tone.

I’m sure you can appreciate it is a distinction with a difference.


The only Facebook post of record.

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I have learned this is why people should take screen shots.


Besides the judge’s description of the danger MB presented to himself, LK, RG, the community, and the justice system; the judge also makes clear tenancy has been established and LK and RG were not squatters, there was a privately negotiated time to move out, but MB did not want to wait for that, and that LK was on the phone with her lawyer when the shooting occurred.


The effort put into this one item by a party who is not involved is weird.


Tenancy is automatically established once a person has lived there for 30 days. You seem to think it’s relevant to repeat the same post over and over again. It’s not. It’s moot.


I know, right? Why do you keep pushing an alternate FB post?


I’m unaware of any alternate FB posts.

If you’re speaking of messages sent to me by LK then that speaks of my involvement.

But yours? Not at all.

That could be said about a lot of people in this thread :joy:


That’s been clear for some time. Thank you for finally admitting it.


I didn’t realize she was banned. No wonder she didn’t reply to my message about the working student thread LOL


If you’re referring to me, the messages were sent to me. So I’m involved whereas you are not.

But I do so enjoy your posting commenting on others posting.


I have no comment on anything else except that the “no release” recommendation for an attempted murder charge is typical in NJ.

Taking that as fact that the “court has determined that the defendant is a danger to everybody including the justice system” (paraphrase mine) is incorrect. It is a standard recommendation in NJ for things like murder and weapons charges. I don’t even know how someone can be a danger to “the justice system” as an entity.

I called a friend who is a defense attorney in NJ to ask this question and that was the response he gave me.


Equkelly said she had lost access to CE but was posting in the non CE threads, including the Barisone threads, so apparently you can lose access to CE without being banned from the forum altogether.

I have not been the subject of any threats, but for me a publicly posted nasty attack is more intimidating than a PM. With a PM, I can simply block the receipt of messages from that poster. In terms of public posts, even if one “ignores” a poster, the nasty remarks are still posted publicly for all you see.

So while I see the distinction, I’m more likely to be intimidated by nasty public posts rather than nasty PMs.


You do seem overly concerned about this. Perhaps go out and get some air. The stale air around you is not helping your understanding or comprehension of things because you just keep on being wrong.


no I wasn’t referring to you just a general comment on the thread, sorry if it felt directed AT you, it was just a reply to your comment :slight_smile:

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