Barisone Trial This Month

Not me, don’t know him.

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I heard he may have received correspondence from people he’d never met but who had heard about the situation and wanted to offer him support.

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Wow. that is nice of people to send him support.

I do not know the last time I wrote a letter…on paper… Darn. It has been ages.


As I recall, there are audio recordings from a recording device in the barn, but no videos (unless there are videos taken on a cell phone).

My impression from what IM has said is that he thinks it unlikely the prosecutor intends to get the audio recordings introduced.

If no one is attempting to get the actual recordings introduced, it’s difficult to imagine that a “witness” who had heard the recordings would be allowed. That would just be a less reliable version of the recordings themselves.


You must not have read well. We’ve already seen posts from LK where she clearly references watching people on cameras and having cameras (separately listed from audio recordings) in the barn.

Also, this particular lady was very clearly speaking about the events of that day.


I’m certainly willing to admit that my memory is not perfect.

I’ll stick with the other part of my point though — if any information from any videos or audio recordings were going to be used in the trial, I would think the actual recordings — audio or video — would be used in place of testimony from someone who had listened to or watched the recordings.

ETA. If the “particular lady” speaking about having seen videos of the events of the day was a poster on FB, I’ll take that with a 5lb block of salt.


The feed store would be out of salt blocks if we all bought them from the same place for this thread.

Although sometimes I’d be more inclined to get the 50 pound block of salt.


Now, when have I ever lied? Especially about having a screen shot. The posts are still there, right where I found them before.


You referred to a “lady from NC” who claimed “via FB” to have seen “the videos”.

I’m taking that “lady’s” FB claim with a 5 lb block of salt.

But I’m not interested in seeing any screenshots. If the recordings themselves are not entered into evidence, I cannot imagine someone who claims to have heard or watched them being called as a witness.

I’m guessing the prosecution witnesses are:
LK, RG, the ear witness, RC, the police officers at the scene, MHG, and the state psychiatric expert. That’s eight, assuming two police officers.

Who else would be a prosecution witness?


It appears he still owns Fla property, probably has it rented out

Do you seriously believe MHG will be a witness for the prosecution?

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The doctor who treated LK. Maybe the doctor who treated RG. A powder residue expert. The powder residue expert might also look at trajectories.

I don’t mean a witness for the prosecution in the sense of Ruth Cox with a deal based on her testifying.

I just mean a witness on the prosecution’s list of who they want to hear from.

MHG seems like an important witness in general.

Are the witness lists submitted by prosecution and defense mutually exclusive? I was assuming the lists are constructed separately and would have a lot of overlap.

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Talk about not “moving on”. How many times have we heard these threats and insults already?


Perhaps the loyalty of the close circle you meant to receive it are not as loyal as you think.

How low can you go?



Wow! You are absolutely obsessed with me and my family. Keep on with your obsession Lauren. What lies you have to dream up to help you sleep at night is okay with me. If you need more background on me prior to 2004 I’ll be glad to share my high school year book, Bitter Blood, family diaries, whatever you need. Our lives couldn’t be more different and you have a big problem with that.

I’m sorry but I stopped reading your rambling rant as soon as you mentioned that letter. Dang, that letter is really stuck in your craw isn’t it? I realize your goal with the constant poking about that letter is to learn just how close I am to any of the players of this horrible drama. Sorry, can’t help you there.

As far as my daughter goes, she is quite successful both publicly and privately, with a great husband, daughter, reputation, and contributions to society. These are things that will always be foreign to you, which is very sad. You always go after women who have lives you envy. Click them off in your head. Envy is the motivator that drives your behavior. If you put as much effort into your own achievements as you do trying to tear others down, you might finally be successful at something positive.

Thank you for showing all the people who read these threads who you really are.