Barisone Trial This Month

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: someone just wondered if my tax returns or birth certificate might be posted next! :rofl:


I wonder if Calvin Klein sponsors equestrians.



48 Hours is gonna need to make this at least a 2-part episode!! Maybe all my posts about Barbaro or Willem will be posted next. :rofl:

As a contrast, compare any Coth post I’ve authored to all the attack messages that have been written toward others by this woman…Girl Joey and Haleybot come to mind. I’ve gotten off easy compared to them! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


(Raises hand) …. I’ve got a “theory!” Perhaps…… perhaps…… perhaps……. there is something you do not know. Something huge. Something every child is taught to do if there is ever an emergency. Perhaps. Perhaps…… one very, extremely, indisputably credible “ear witness” outweighs or simply corroborates testimony from another very credible (different type) ear witness. Perhaps……. your tragically biased brain is blocking you from forming just one logical thought? Perhaps……apply Occam’s Razor here. Oh, I forgot. The simplest (and incidentally, easiest) explanation doesn’t fit your narrative. What a waste of 2.5 years worth of ridiculous “speculation” if all your fab “theories,” only point to where you, yourself choose they should lead. FYI- that’s not “speculating,” or “theorizing.” THAT is “confirmation bias,” coupled with gaslighting. Waste. You

Further, any current LEO on this thread will know exactly how the cops knew who was the shooter- and who were the victims before they arrived and still asked (as heard in the Admissions of Statements hearing) “WHO IS THE SHOOTER” upon arrival just to be sure.

Mb was able to make a series of statements directly after his rights were read. One might wonder, why, WHEN ASKED, “who is the shooter,” (despite my “theory” - is wthey already knew) Michael did NOT say, point to, gesture towards “anyone else.” Is it your theory it was just more important to him to tell everyone there about his having had “a good life,” (repeatedly) rather than let anyone know it was the DOG … or an alien who did the shooting! Anyone but him?

Is it your “theory,” that on another perfect occasion for the shooter to lie & speak and SAY “it wasn’t me,” (the detainment hearing) he did not bc, you believe he forgot he tried to murder two people? Yet, conveniently remembered to coach his own representation into lying about the fact we were bonafide tenants & instead tell the judge we were “squatters?” Do you believe basically any story imaginable except the only one which factually occurred? Here’s a hint: bad idea. Why? The cops weren’t “guessing,” or “choosing,” who to believe mon a whim. Now, go back to your drawing board, tear down your living room canvas of “every scenario besides the real one,” and Start Again. Perhaps…… you will reach the correct conclusion this time around? Just kidding. You are simply & hopelessly in denial.

On the off chance you do accidentally “get it,” make a “note to self” to send Heymer and RG a huge “thank you,” note for saving god knows how many lives that day. Or, you could keep it less grandiose & only thank them for saving 3 lives. Bc, that is exactly & precisely what they certainly did do.


QFP The Pettysburg Address


No LEO I have ever known would arrive to a scene with a woman down and bleeding from 2 bullets to the chest, and 2 men fighting, and detain 1 and let the other leave his line of sight. Full stop. That’s bare minimum. Cuffing both would not have been unusual for officer safety and the safety of both men.


The idea of LEO arriving, asking who the shooter was, and accepting that and only cuffing the identified party is absolutely ridiculous.


So, the third life saved, after LK and RG was… Whom?


There comes a time when someone stops being a victim and becomes the aggressor. Perhaps we are seeing a person who seems to have mastered both at the same time.


:rofl: :heart: :rofl:


Well, in light of last night’s postings…


Wow!! How did this person hear recordings? So that “evidence” has been shared far and wide? Hmmmm.


Well @La-LaPopRider, since I am 0/2 with your stats, and mind you we all know you are not good with numbers, WHO AM I?

While we are at it, how many feet are in a mile?


Don’t you work for CoTH? :sweat_smile:


I wish they’d start sending the dang paychecks! A little cash never hurts!


Actually Shelley says she saw and heard all the details/proof.
Is she employed by the Prosecutors office?


One wonders when she saw/heard it all?


His former wife, Kelly, was an avid equestrian. You may enjoy her book, Horse, if you can find it, as she’s a very talented photographer.

I wonder if Calvin Klein sponsors equestrians

