Barisone Trial This Month

As a smart person, what would be your interpretation of the sentence:

“Even if I did not know all the evidence and hadn’t heard the recordings, I would never …”

Explain that, then note that that’s not what she wrote.

As a smart person, please explain how Shelley from NC would have had access to crucial electronic evidence in an attempted murder case.

As a smart person, please reread my post and note that I said that the post was an inarticulate mess such that it was not at all clear what she was intending to say.

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Shelley (Nelly) is Lauren’s (Gertie) BFF in the whoooooole world. #loveyoumore


Perhaps… in all sincerity, posting like this is not a great idea. Perhaps… flailing about this close to the actual trial is ill-advised - I am sure that most lawyers who cared for their clients would suggest that. Perhaps… perhaps… one could just let other posters’ theories stand out there on their own (on a small section of a small forum that is not Out There and NOT widely read by hundreds of thousands every day) - to be disproved during the trial if they are erroneous and ridiculous.

Just a thought. :neutral_face:

Edited to add another NOT to make my meaning/intent clearer. As in - this forum is NOT widely read… let alone one sub-forum on said forum. Thus it does not have a huge input on the opinions of John Q. Public etc. etc.




This has been discussed ad nauseum in previous threads.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Does this apply to your impressions of all users of a horse forum?


@eggbutt it seems there is an old history here between your family and LK’s. Does this go back to the girl’s high school years?


Of course.


:pensive: SMH

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Perhaps her statements here (read by hundreds of thousands every day? Really?) will be verified in the court proceedings.

Just a thought.

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There was a mom from North Carolina who posted a long time ago that her beef with LK went back to a spat the girls had in high school and then LK was rude to her. I was wondering if either you had a similar experience or it was you.


[quote=“Angela_Freda, post:1758, topic:770123”]

I’m very interested in this idea of yours, that the cop (Heymer, first responding Officer mentioned in the quote below) saved a third life, and that the third life saved is MB’s… can you elaborate?

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Please read my post again. I said this was a small section of a small forum that is NOT Out There and read by hundreds of thousands every day. NOT. Perhaps… I should go back and add another NOT to be clearer.

And as I also said - have things verified in the court proceedings as opposed to muddying the water again now.

ETA: Added another NOT to the original post.


Wasn’t me.

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Was the review of witness questionnaires supposed to be done this weekend?

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Thanks for adding the additional not to clarify the original post.

If you’re confident her lawyers have given her advice on her posting, and you (not her lawyer) have repeatedly advised her not to post, what is the point of continuing to harp on the issue? Really, what is the point?


[quote=“Angela_Freda, post:1772, topic:770123, full:true”]


I declined to respond to your question on this the first time you asked, in order to avoid an inane loop of posts. If I decline to respond to a question of yours, I’d appreciate your refraining from tagging me and needling me for a response.

Lots and lots of pointless and repetitious exchanges could be avoided if more people used the perfectly legitimate option of not responding.


Where did I say I knew what LK’s lawyers advised her? I responded to the… intensity… of that new post - with a concern and some advice. How odd that you think I am “harping” on an issue with a few scattered posts - after endless pages of posters repeatedly arguing about gun types or who is who and who knows what etc. etc. etc. - often creating those “infinity windows” of replies/posts. :smile:

What was the point of all that - over and over and over again? Just using your criteria here…

I am having a sense of deja vu - YankeeDuchess would often decide that there was no point to what others were posting… and was a firm believer of Do As I Say And Not As I Do…



So you have an opinion you can’t support.
Got it.