Barisone Trial This Month

Oh my!!


I have never met any of the major players involved in this incident, but I know what my impression is of the one who keeps posting here. It’s quite an impression and based entirely on what she has written. Anything you or anyone else has written about her is far outweighed by the horrible impression she has left of herself.


Absolutely. Same here.


If we could pause on the relentless LK bashing for a moment, I’d like to discuss MB’s decision to have a trial instead of taking the plea deal.

If he took the plea deal for 10 years with the possibility of being out in 8 years he would be 64-66 before he got out. He would possibly be banned for life by SafeSport and have various rights removed by being a convicted felon.

If he can be declared innocent by insanity and self defense, he can possibly be restored by SafeSport and return to showing, training, clinics, and hopefully producing Olympians.

I don’t think you can reach the levels he has by having other interests, I think his career is more like a calling. It may be, for him, that going all out is the best choice. If he is convicted, the sport lost someone who had more to give.

Also, I would like to add that theoretically the courts decided he was not a threat to himself or others when he was offered pre-trial release. (Edited to change “bail” to “pre-trial release” as New Jersey does not have bail.)

While I am very concerned about what direction he may go when released (and that is from my perspective and my experiences in life), if he can focus on getting his life back together, that would be best for the sport.

He seems so very alone to me. I think he received really bad advice just prior to this awful event. I find that very very sad.

LK lived, he failed to kill her. She is riding again. She can make of her life what she will. She is loved by her family and friends. She receives good advice from family and friends and well meaning strangers. Up to her if she focuses on the good or the nonsensical bashing.

I hope justice can be served and the results are the best that can be for all parties in a real mess of a situation.


When was he offered bail?

According to multiple posters on several threads over the years, New Jersey is pretty much a no bail state for any sort of serious crime.


It has been said in this very thread, actually. No need to go looking on some other thread to have this fact.

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To be fair, what @eggbutt said was measured and hard to disagree with.


@Soloudinhere, do you know anything about the Graves Act Waiver in NJ, who is eligible for it? It sounds like it is a quite complicated process but possible for 1st time offenders. I wondered in what type of case would someone receive it. Thanks!

How would it be good to the sport for a trainer that shot his client twice in the chest to be involved in any way?


He would be declared innocent and reinstated by SafeSport and then it’s up to people wanting him to train with him and feeling safe enough to do so. Then there is the barn and venue insurance company.

Would I train with someone who shot a client twice in the chest and blamed the client and the police department? (Assuming I was a good enough rider and young enough with a good enough horse to have a shot at the Olympics of course.) Yeah no to all. I wouldn’t chance it. But I don’t know him.

If someone was in training with him before and really knew him and was Olympic quality and willing to take a chance and he was making good on his second chance? If he was back to showing and training and clinics? For that to happen, if he is innocent by insanity self defense, he may be institutionalized and in some kind of treatment for an unforeseen amount of time. So, he might be a good bit older.


yes, LK has shown who and what she is, by her posts on these BB


I had to phone a friend on this one, but basically, a waiver is possible for a first time offender if the mandatory minimum “does not serve the interest of justice.”

Considering the offenses considered by a possible waiver, that’s a very high standard to meet; my friend said he’s never successfully seen a Graves waiver go through except for one, which was a defendant who was an out of state gun owner who legally possessed the gun in another state and brought it to NJ, plus was acquitted of the crime he was charged with in relation to the gun.

I would think based on the information he gave me that a Graves waiver is extremely unlikely in this circumstance.


Thank you and your friend for the info!


I don’t know. She hasn’t shot anyone. All she has shown on social media is that not only does she have trouble rising above bad behavior noise of others, if they go low, she can go lower.

She already got shot and is scarred for life. This society does like to blame victims. Guess everyone feels safer that way.

Her parents and sister have been by her side. Good for them.


Uh huh


Pulley rein

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I said it wrong. New Jersey doesn’t have bail, it has pre-trial release.

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Oh well, then she gets a pass on everything, I guess.


But she has shot at someone, when she was mad at them.


I am not replying to anyone. Can’t figure out the heads or tails of when I reply to someone or not, so forgive me if I accidentally replied to you.

Here is the thing I find hilarious/distressing/shrug-worthy about these threads
 EVERYONE is frankly, pretty vicious. If you are commenting in concert with the majority? You’re good. If (god forbid) you aren’t? Buckle up buttercup. I don’t agree with a lot of what the two people you (g) currently hate say, but I agree with some of it. I don’t reply, because
 why bait the masses?

I have been attacked by a very well known poster to these threads for simply stating a fact. I have been asked how I can bear to watch the news because I said some of this triggers me based on awful things that have happened to me. Obviously I am so fragile I cannot fathom the news, according to said popular poster. I see the “likes”, so why engage? To be attacked thusly on these threads was disheartening, I stepped away. It’s not just Lauren K. It’s both sides.

I maybe agree with a few maligned posters in the sense that I think LK doesn’t deserve all of the malice she has gotten here (especially when she was hospitalized) even if she is off her rocker, bat guano crazy. I also DO believe she is off her rocker and bat guano crazy. So I am not an LK groupie. I just don’t think that merely being a terrible person who terrorizes those around you means it’s understandable you got shot. I also don’t think expressing that opinion means that I deserve to be shouted down and bullied.

I look forward to the trial and getting more info, I just hope the cliquishness of this board can maybe simmer a bit. It’s gotten quite out of hand over the past 2.5 years.

ETA: corrected spelling of vicious