Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

GoodNess Ridge Farm in Maryland in 2012.

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And the ear witness testimony of hearing two shots and then “I’m losing consciousness” within a 4 minute phone call…


Ok, I’m not trying to bag on Rosie, but…I keep thinking about MB’s bite wounds. ED did not mention, nor can you hear in the 911 call the reaction of a man getting bit in the groin by a dog. My dog head butted the kid in the groin once and the scream he let out was deafening. So either those wounds occurred before ED called, in between ED and 911 or while MB was unconscious (or some combo of those things).

And this brings me back to wanting a timeline for the calls.



Well… here’s the definition of the word, according to Merriam-Webster:


1 : a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling
a career in medicine
-often used before another noun
a career diplomat

2 : a field for or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in public, professional, or business life
Washington’s career as a soldier

Soooo… I could see the high school/college athlete trendy use of the word fitting into the 2nd definition. But here’s the thing. There are people who do actually pursue a full career as an athlete. They are professionals. LK doesn’t have a professional riding career. She’s literally an adult amateur. The kids I mentioned in my earlier post? Two are involved in college sports for which there isn’t a professional next step. College is it. And they’re playing at the D3 level. No scholarships involved. It just seems odd to me to use the word “career” in that context. Pretentious.

Why not instead just say, “We are pleased to announce Jane Doe has committed to attend Middle America University, and will be playing softball there in 2022.” It’s not like Jane is coaching the team at Middle America University, or working in the athletic department at the school. She’s literally just playing softball while a student at the school. It’s certainly a significant accomplishment to get picked up as a college athlete. But to call it a ‘career’ ?



Apparently it was in Florida as he refers to being blacklisted by Wellington barns:


Not to quibble, and this is admittedly a sidebar but there are a couple different pro options for softball in the US and the pro leagues in Japan pay former US college players quite well. None of it is near what a Major League Baseball player makes, but it’s getting better.

Sorry for the interruption. Softball is a love of mine. :slight_smile:


The English language is constantly changing and also regional dialects exist. This phrase has been used the way you are saying is “wrong” in my area for as long as I can remember. It is not pretentious in my neck of the woods at all.

Phrases and words like this interest me. I have noted an uptick in people using the word “sale” as a verb in place of sell. I am not sure if it is language changing or autocorrect or something else.


Maybe as those parents are looking back on the last 10 or 15 years of driving the kid to practice, paying for travel for tournaments, baking cookies for fundraiser bake sales, what have you, it makes them feel better to think about it as the kid’s career. Lol.


Thanks for finding that!

That’s actually neat to learn about :slight_smile:

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When my dad was 83 and mom was 80, my husband and I took them to Seattle, Vancouver, and Victoria Island. We had tea at Butchart Gardens. It was the highlight of the trip for my mom, except for the visit with a friend she had not seen in 20 years.



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Well what do you think of LK describing herself as having a “riding career” ?

I think it’s puffery.


We could list the other things LK has appeared to make a career of:


I’d claim riding too if I were her.


I just don’t understand this. If the defense impeached the testimony of the two key witnesses several times, how can one believe anything they said?

Someone already mentioned the legal theory of “false in one, false in all.” How did that not apply in this case and result in NG on all charges?


Because MB’s team didn’t dispute that he brought a gun to the house and shot LK. Pretty hard for the jury to overlook that. NGRI was their best option.


They didn’t dispute he brought the gun, but I am not aware they admitted he shot it.


This makes sense.
And, however her money comes in, it is clearly not something the family talks about in public, so they have to have something to say back when at the country club social gatherings and people ask how all the girls are doing.


I really hope that when 48 Hours does the story on it they will talk to at least a couple of the jurors. I would be very interested to hear their thought process.

Personally, I would not be surprised if there were some people on the jury who wanted to vote not guilty based on the lack of forensic evidence, and others who completely bought into the idea that if he brought the gun he must have used it.

So maybe the jury compromised on the not guilty by reason of insanity verdict.