Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes, LK does not want anyone she does not like to be allowed to do anything.


Wait - wasn’t MB 55 or 56 when the shooting occurred? Was LK saying she was around him some 20 years earlier?

And even if he did make those kind of comments, she apparently wasn’t disgusted enough by it to decide not to train with him.

Or was one of her personalities disgusted, but the other one thought it was okay? :smile:


Remember, they wanted LK’s horses for MHG!

As if MHG “needed” LK’s horses! She is quite successful without them I hear!

Just imagine the value of those horses- they were worth killing 2 people over! (Sarcasm for those who cannot read the room!)


I’ve been wondering the same thing: How is LK and her family supposedly targeting and trying to ruin MHG?

Really, what concrete actions have they taken or could they conceivably take? Is LK even saying anything about MHG on SM (the way posters here are continuing to bash LK)?

I, as a single anonymous poster on a single BB, have made the point that MHG played a role in creating the incendiary situation that led to the shooting, and said that I think MHG may regret having sent her 750 page file against LK to USDF, but I’m not LK and have no connection to the Kanareks.

Do you have knowledge that LK has submitted a complaint on MHG to USDF?

Do you have knowledge of LK having submitted a complaint on MHG to USEF?

Based on the other quotes from way back, perhaps LK is referring to MB assessing the beauty and hotness of the young riders (age 19-22), when MHG was a young rider, which would have been when MB was in his thirties. The testimony was that MB knew her since she was a teenager, so he would have known her in her YR days.

As I recall, he married Vera in 2000 and MHG won YRs in 2003.

Just think - he was worth millions through a lot of hard work and sound investments. Despite his real struggles and his imagined ones (per LK in the past when she ‘diagnosed’ him).

Meanwhile, LK may have money but it is pretty clear it isn’t as a result of any job that she has held or holds now.


LKs recent post was saying that Bilinkas stated in court that MB was worth millions, but I think she was implying that she thought he had financial problems. Even if he had a million or more tied up in horses and real estate, he could have been having trouble keeping the business afloat from day to day.

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I may be repeating something already posted, but I was at a show all weekend and am hopelessly behind on posts. I just read this on LO’s FB page:

I just spoke with Michael. He is doing ok and is keeping in good spirits. He knows the quarantine is just a temporary thing. He was allowed to get a book out of their pile and take it in his room. He said the food is fresh, and they get fruits and veggies which they did not get at the jail. He said the staff is very polite.


I too, thought this was what happened from day 1. I’ll add she jumped in front of the gun “like ms. Bad ass” when he pointed it at the dog who was coming to bite him.

I just can’t reconcile the following:

RG was upstairs and came out first to talk
ED was on the phone when the shots happened but didn’t hear any of the convo/ fight/argument between any of them
And then finally LK yelling “don’t come out, Michael’s got a gun”

None of this works together and why I will always believe the dog attacked first, LK tried to protect dog, LK attacked MB and then RB came out.


Considering she has shown once since August 2019, being banned from competition doesn’t seem like much of punishment for her currently…BUT, down the road it may be huge…just knowing she can’t will infuriate her!


At least no endeavor she is proud enough to post about!


I thought is was MB’s attorney, was it Tashis (sp), who said MB was an anomaly in the horse world in that he had millions. Not an exact quote.


not LK

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BIG WOOPS!! I THOUGHT THE POST WAS ABOUT LK! There is no chance in h@ll MHG will be banned!


what for?
it was not her admitting to drug use and lying on the stand.

I wish her a long and successful career. After all the best revenge is living well.

And that other one? Would she even notice?


“I, as a single anonymous poster on a single BB, have made the point that MHG played a role in creating the incendiary situation that led to the shooting, and said that I think MHG may regret having sent her 750 page file against LK to USDF, but I’m not LK and have no connection to the Kanareks.”

How do you know she played a role? LK’s word? IM’s word? Do you have actual evidence to prove that claim?
Why would anyone regret filling a report? MHG wasn’t present at the scene of the crime, it’s not like she filled a complaint and then went and shot LK.
So is it the alleged murder plotting tapes that are your basis? The fact she wanted a woman with suboxone in her trash off the property? What was her role?


:no_entry_sign: :dash: :no_entry_sign:


Why would MHG regret sending the report?


having LK and her goon squad on her case.
you know, intimidation, extortion, blackmail, sabotage
or worse.