Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I bet they both will be happy if they never hear this case mentioned again.


Can any legal experts exp!ain how the mediation process works in a civil case? Is it done at the time of the court hearing or do they work on that prior to the hearing?

If the court orders mediation, it would happen before any trial. If all the sides can’t come to an agreement in mediation, the trial would go forward.


just things that don’t sit well with me.

No, it no longer matters. There won’t be an investigation into the actual deeds of the Dynamic Duo.

The police and their inaction, yeah, they might end up as training unit in academies all over, on how not to deal with an active crime scene.

There are no facts other than the prime witnesses are confessed liars and drug users.


Without a court order, the plaintiff can withdraw if all parties agree. Otherwise, it would need a court order. And the court would then weigh whether or not the counter claims should be dismissed.

My personal opinion is walking away from all of it would be best for all the parties.


MHG testified she met MB as a teenager and started a relationship with him in 2015.

LK met him by being introduced to him by her trainer in Florida in winter 2017/2018 prior to summer 2018 when she first went to his farm in New Jersey.

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I stand corrected. I assumed they were the same however after a quick look I see one is a bullet which expands on impact causing more damage to the person being shot and the other is one that explodes in the gun while fired which causes more damage to the person shooting. Interesting. I didn’t know exploding bullets existed until now and now I have a search on my phone for both! :flushed:

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I just hate not knowing. It’s my type A showing. I do, however, believe the truth WILL come out. I believe RG will play a big role in the truth coming out one day.
When they are done with him.


Thank you.

I am not understanding how the process works. Are both sides present with the mediator or do they meet separately? Does the mediator propose a resolution and both sides would have to agree to it or else it does go to trial? I am guessing that the victim makes a claim for her injuries and his claim is for trial expenses maybe defamation?

The criminal process seemed more straightforward to me as a non legal person and the civil side is confusing to me.

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RC said she and her friends liked to target practice when testifying. It’s my guess she left the range and didn’t fill up her magazine before hand. That wouldn’t be unusual and I’ve left the firing range many times with empty or partially full magazines simply because I was tired and ready to go.

I also check ammo when I’m carrying but I can see RC taking the pistol partially loaded with back up ammo in a magazine if she were tired from work and chucking things in her car. I found it odd the firearm was in the backseat when traveling because it is out of reach if you need it, so it may be that she was comfortable and accustomed to having the gun around and just did not think much about it when leaving. It sounds like a long trip and she had worked a full day IIRC prior to leaving.

With the way the ammo was loaded, it would make sense to me that RC gave MB the gun for safe keeping after traveling versus a nefarious plot.

Also, there is no benefit either way of keeping a magazine loaded or unloaded - those springs in the magazine last forever so not really a reason not to load ammo (I recall someone asking this but not sure who).


There was a poster on this very forum who warned general COTH readers away from Barisone’s training program a few years before Lauren started training with him. She said she was afraid of Barisone, and described him as abusive and dishonest. She also said she did not want to be involved.

Aside from the former client not wanting to be involved, the prosecution is probably restricted from parading bad character witnesses re the defendant.

Based on the trial testimony, LK was in the process of negotiating her departure, but had not left within 24 hours of receiving the demand to vacate when MB shot her. Why didn’t MB even try to get a 3 day order to vacate or a restraining order? Turns out it was because he was insane. Was LK supposed to know she was dealing with a delusional trainer when MHG and RC did not?

Why should Seeker1 enumerate her daughter’s faults for you, Eggbutt? You’re just harassing her.


Because that’s a better thing?


I thought the testimony was that when RC handed MB the gun and case (in response to his request), the gun was not loaded with ammo, but had the dummy magazine inserted.

The reason to not keep a gun loaded would be to prevent accident shootings. But what would I know? I don’t own a gun.

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I’m not sure how they would get our identities from COTH. I roll my eyes every time I see that. COTH doesn’t ask for your for real name when you sign up. I’m pretty sure my full name isn’t attached to my profile in any way. Besides, good luck, I’m not in the US. Figured I’d add that so my family members who do live in the US aren’t held responsible for my comments.


OK. Has LK or whoever you think JK is been on SM posting negative things about MHG since the trial? (I have not been searching other SM sites.)

LK reported MB to SS for bullying prior to the shooting. Do you have any indication she has filed a report against MHG to USEF? Any indication she intends to?

ETA. I agree with you that I don’t see what they could credibly complain to USEF about with respect to MHG. If they were to file some flimsy complaint, it would make them look bad, and not have any effect on MHG. But that’s the reason I doubt that LK has filed any complaints against MHG.

So, to return to the question: what concrete steps that you know of have LK or JK taken “to attempt to ruin MHG”?

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I have no knowledge of that, I was answering what could they do. I don’t make a habit of finding out what LK is up to outside of this thread unless she decides to message me again to tell me I’m fat. (Which…duh. I know I’m fat)


Personally, were I involved, I’d make RG an offer he can’t refuse. There certainly is money enough for that.

The story WILL come out.


Based on what Ekat said, my current understanding is that while MB is counter suing LK, SGF is not. Instead, SGF arguing that if LK wins a judgment against them, it should be paid by MB and/or RC, not SGF.

Posting allegations of RC and MHG being involved in a recorded murder plot are, quite frankly, more than libelous enough. It is funny though how the pro-LK side has done nothing but walk that back……