Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I have no knowledge of that, I was answering what could they do. I don’t make a habit of finding out what LK is up to outside of this thread unless she decides to message me again to tell me I’m fat. (Which…duh. I know I’m fat)


Personally, were I involved, I’d make RG an offer he can’t refuse. There certainly is money enough for that.

The story WILL come out.


Based on what Ekat said, my current understanding is that while MB is counter suing LK, SGF is not. Instead, SGF arguing that if LK wins a judgment against them, it should be paid by MB and/or RC, not SGF.

Posting allegations of RC and MHG being involved in a recorded murder plot are, quite frankly, more than libelous enough. It is funny though how the pro-LK side has done nothing but walk that back……


Life is about living without knowing. The deeper you go into any true crime or scandal story, that you weren’t a first person witness in, the more mystery you find. This one is particularly opaqe because there are no reliable witnesses even among the direct actors. But honestly you never “really know” about anything that happened to other people.

Court gives a decision on punishment but not always the full truth.


2017 trainer may have introduced her to Michael in hopes she would ‘trade up’ without the drama of technically firing her as a client. Wonder if 2017 trainer had tears of joy or disappointment. Back to lurking.


If it’s the trainer I think it was, tears of joy.


My point was directed at posters who are claiming LK “is trying to ruin MHG”. Unless they have evidence of concrete steps LK is currently taking to “attempt to ruin MHG”, it’s just a nasty, baseless smear.

LK should not have commented on your weight on SM. It was nasty and uncalled for.

Posters here making baseless claims that LK has plans to “ruin MHG” is also nasty and uncalled for.


Huh?? RG?? He’s not even a party to the suit, is he?

My assumption is that LK meant to search for hollow-points but couldn’t remember what they were called, so typed “exploding bullets” instead of “expanding bullets.”

I know that hollow points (expanding bullets) are designed to not “punch through” the target like regular ball ammo is. They are often recommended when carrying a firearm for personal protection, as there is less risk of a bullet going through the target (perpetrator) and injuring an innocent victim.

I wasn’t sure about exploding bullets so I got up my courage and googled them (and I guess I have probably been reported to the FBI by now). From my very brief search, it appears the main purpose is to disable the firearm and injure/kill the person shooting it.

As for the partially filled magazine - there is really no big mystery there. RC may have been at the range and for one reason or another, decided to not shoot through her entire magazine - especially if she knew she was leaving to go out of state right away. I probably would have made sure I had a full magazine in the gun, but that’s me.

[Edited to add that hollow-points are not legal in some states. Even the police are sometimes restricted from using them, which is a pretty stupid policy because it puts the general public at more risk of being killed or injured by a through-and-through shot aimed at a perpetrator.]


Reporting someone to SS doesn’t result in child services showing up to check out the situation. She reported more than that because she wasn’t getting the response she wanted for her first complaint.


Great idea! :laughing:


Read it again CH. It’s not about the suit.


OK, so the “plan to ruin” MHG is to post that the audio recordings contain statements by MHG, RC, and MB that would reflect really, really badly on them if released?

I don’t know what the audio recordings contain. But since I trust what IM says, my belief is that they may well contain statements by MHG that would reflect badly on her if released. But I doubt she was recorded as saying anything explicit about actually murdering LK.

IM had to walk back that they said there would be criminal consequences for MHG. The funny thing is, there is no previous post in record for which to make that statement from. In order to have to walk it back, IM had to have said something very strong about MHG and her consequences. So, either IM deleted the comment that so many of us remember seeing (hmm…seems familiar) or IM said it as someone else……(who may have also deleted such comments)


Why is someone making RG an offer he can’t refuse?

Maybe it was the “murder plot” or the physical harm MHG “allowed her child to engage in” and how RC had brought their gun.

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Tell me about it. (Me, not you.) I don’t need someone to tell me that I am fat. I am well aware of it. Not sure why some people think telling me is some how going to be something shocking to me.

@Knights_Mom, that is a brilliant idea. I am sure there is a price for that. One just has to figure that price out.


I doubt it would take much money - just enough of his drug of choice and a hidden recording device.

Since it was fine & dandy for Lauren to do it, according to her friends & family, it’s equally fine & dandy if someone else does it to RG with the intent to gather information on Lauren (and her family).


Sounds like we have one…$50k….