Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Word to the wise - never, ever assume you know who is lurking and reading your social media comments.


Been there, done that. The YD schtick… including, but not limited to, bragging about flagging, grand pronouncements, condescension, faux civility and a heaping helping dose of innocent eyelash-batting and playing the victim while presenting oneself as LK’s one great intellectual savior who must never be doubted or questioned… got old and predictable a very long time ago.

CH - when you first started posting on the forum - after YD was gone and yet having the great misfortune to sound exactly like her at times - you were looking for a lesson barn in the Chicago area. Did you ever find a place that was suitable? Maybe you are no longer currently horseless?


Is CH’s shift over? Who’s turn is it tonight?

Coincidence that the one with the most to lose has been absent from the threads all these weeks. Smart.


I think they use the term coercion or extortion more than blackmail.

And yes that is.

Coercion (/koʊˈɜːrʒən, -ʃən/) is compelling a party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats, including force.[1][2][3] It involves a set of various types of forceful actions that violate the free will of an individual to induce a desired response, for example: a bully demanding lunch money from a student or the student gets beaten. These actions may include extortion, blackmail, torture, threats to induce favors, or even sexual assault. In law, coercion is codified as a duress crime. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in a way contrary to their own interests. Coercion may involve the actual infliction of physical pain/injury or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat. The threat of further harm may lead to the cooperation or obedience of the person being coerced.

There is not a clear distinction between coercion and persuasion but various factors are used to distinguish the two such as intent, the willingness to cause harm, the result of the interaction and the choices available for the person being coerced or persuaded.[4]: 126


“Pwned” just made me relive my teen years.


On the subject of SS investigation. This is LK on the subject in June ‘21.

“I agree. Abusers/predators shouldn’t have apologists. Ever. I also wish there were more “good people,” instead of rumor starting, name calling, pot stirring, sympathizers of violent criminals- sex offenders etc, whom, despite having access to factual evidence, deny it. People whom, despite knowing the difference between right & wrong- act badly & worse, moving the goal post for the standard of “inexcusable actions,” to unreachable distances - even for, let’s say, an attempted murderer. It would be so much nicer if some the “yentas,” of Coth had friends outside the usernames of this Bb. Or, perhaps they’re all “friends,” irl … which to me, makes “hiding behind a screen name,” for them, so much worse. Upside being, some posters who practically have lived on this BB since 2003 or close - have probably also had an “ooopsie,” moment in failing to continue to keep their identities anonymous. (I’ll return to the relevance of this fact, later.)”.

This is only the first paragraph, but in light of some of Seeker1’s posts about not knowing who some of us really are….I thought I would bring it to attention. The rest is a really scathing review of SS and their political “fraud” involving their investigations….


Thank you Hoover, eh, er, @Knights_Mom!


Such drama! “I’ll return to the relevance of this later” always the hook so folks will follow the shiny light buried in all the verbosity! Oh, oh, oh, please tell us now!


Regarding the issue of Eggbutt’s daughter soliciting LK, that is false. LK was made aware of Eggbutt’s daughter and sought training, as well as boarding, at the facility where Eggbutt’s daughter was working out of.


Remember how much Bella hated her? I was so intimidated by that horse after watching LK ride her. And once I was on her I was obsessed! I thoroughly enjoyed the group lessons where she made me feel like a pro…bless that mare.


This is an interesting point. Is the constant refrain about those tapes a threat to MHG? And would that not also violate the order discussed up thread?

Anyone who seriously thinks that either a major news programme or an organisation like SS or USEF would use illegal recordings is simply not playing with a full deck. If SS or USEF banned someone citing illegally obtained recordings, the organisation would be sued faster than they could say ‘barefoot ninja’ and they’d have no defence.

Illegally gotten stuff cannot be shared/distributed. It doesn’t matter what is on it, what they think it proves: fruit of the poison tree, folks. Otherwise law enforcement would have no issues with entrapment, to give just one example.

I cannot believe they are still being bandied about after being rejected for use at the criminal trial. And I cannot believe anyone with 2 grey cells to rub together could say the prosecution ‘just didn’t need the tapes/their case was strong enough’.

A. Nope, that’s not how it works, and
B. That didn’t age well as their case demonstrably was not strong enough


Yep, and she couldn’t ride O at all but an 11 year old jumped on and put her through her paces.

Hopefully her seat and position has improved with the daily lessons and whatever that contraption RG designed with zip ties to keep her shoulders back. In all fairness, it is extremely difficult to change one’s position switching from hunter/jumper to dressage. IMO LK made the greatest progress on all fronts when she was with RB. RB doesn’t dish out gratuitous flattery to her students and has extremely high expectations as far as work ethic.


And just like that all talk about MHG ceased.


You’ve watched me struggle to go from H/J to dressage over the years! It’s been such a privilege to get to know you and your family over the years.


:heart: thank you. Good people attract good people! And, BTW, you no longer ride like a hunter!


I had a great trainer.


You know, not every trainer needs to be an Olympian or gold medalist or even an FEI level rider to be phenomenal. Thank heaven for great lower level, passionate instructors who teach the basics up through 4th and pass their goal oriented students on when ready. This sport is dominated by AA’s!


I just want to be clear that my services as a meat shield (whatever that is) are not on offer, nor am I in need of any kind of protector. I have a history of anxiety and depression - primarily in my teens and 20s, though off and on since (and certainly more so during the pandemic!) that I have been open about. Those conditions are terribly common, and I think it is important to demystify them. Frankly, I think everyone should see a shrink at some point in their lives… The world would probably be a better place.

That said, it’s sad that certain people might see my honestly as an opportunity or weakness. It isn’t. I’m not weak, and I fight my own battles. I don’t need anyone to do that for me - certainly not unbidden.


I’m surprised how she went on during the trial about the heavy painkillers she took after her surgery. Doesn’t that jeopardize sobriety? I understand many addicts deal w the pain instead of starting the cycle over. Or just do Tylenol which I realize is not much for extreme pain.


Thank you for speaking out about what you have experienced! The only way to conquer issues like this are to acknowledge and speak opening about them with no judgement!

I, too, have experienced depression, and am the family member of a suicide victim. No one should experience either!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we need more help for those that suffer.

Here is to @erinmeri! You’ve done good!