Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I’m not sure it did. There’s no mention of the advantageous deal until the trial testimony as to same. Before that it was just RG did work and SGF agrees they owe him money, and I think we all assumed she was paying rent + board + training. There is zero mention of said unconventional deal in either civil suit filing.

It’s entirely possible there was a payoff in the offering that was being negotiated among lawyers. Perhaps MB didn’t actually agree to any of this but rather an entirely different set of circumstances and simply wasn’t being paid as agreed. Who knows if a settling of accounts was in the offering being negotiated by lawyers.

The eviction process doesn’t really require representation, which is what suggests to me there was something else involved besides simple right of tenancy.

I have no idea if any of this is fact. But something smells fishy.


Threatening: “Finish the bastard.”


It makes perfect sense. She said she wouldn’t come back to Long Valley to train with him unless the apartment was thrown in rent free as it was the previous summer.

It was also MBs decision as to whether to have any the various deals in writing.

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  1. Discussing is not bashing / mocking
  2. They have enabled, supported, participated in and defended her vile behaviour. Daddy dearest was apparently a key player in the plot to destroy MB, or did you miss that little tidbit?

A better question so why you are so desperate to defend these people at all costs? Why is it so wrong to discuss their own words and actions here, in your mind?


During trial, I believe they actually established as part of the testimony that LK was paying only $2500 per horse, for two horses. No rent for the farm house apartment. And that RGs work was a barter deal for board on the additional horses LK brought to the farm that summer.

On these threads, it was established that $2500 per horse, for full board and training, at a high end dressage facility like Barisone’s in that area of NJ? That was a VERY good rate.


Let’s review.

Who was the source of that information?

Was it LK, who swore on the witness stand under oath that she lies all the time on social media? Or was it perhaps somebody who got their information from LK? :thinking:


Exactly! It’s pretty strange… right?

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I know JK was alleged by the defense lawyer to be part of the plot. I think JK is an intelligent person, and I suspect he tried to walk a tightrope between the two factions to resolve it legally.

Right, I understand. That was the first mention of a special deal. Up until then, I think we all assumed she was paying going rate + rent. She, of course, was the only source of information prior to that time, as @MHM points out.

I’m simply pointing out that getting two lawyers involved when eviction is both possible and relatively well supported, suggests there was something else one or both parties needed to get out of the deal before an exit stage right.


See my post (1948). See a distinction now?


But, unless I am mistaken, the only people to make the claim that SGF agreed they owed RG money came from Inigo-montoya only and perhaps LK? Why should anyone believe anything they’ve claimed in the past? It was RG’s testimony that LK wouldn’t let him give MB an invoice for work done. None of these shysters have any credibility any longer.


I hate being 200 posts behind. You beat me to it. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t disagree. What I’m saying is the trial testimony was the first information that the deal was some sort of unconventional deal. Now people are asking why MB would let her back on the farm if he wasn’t making any money off her and he must have simply wanted her to be around.

To me it smells like the deal that was arrived at, was probably not the deal that was proposed when she showed back up on the farm in the spring. I don’t know what is true, but by all accounts OTHER than LK’s, she was supposed to come train for the summer/fall, go to Florida, then go back to NC. The whole 2019 situation wasn’t part of the original deal.


Mr B sure did try to go down the road of the deal between JK, LK, and MB with Rob, but it all got cut off because Rob wasn’t present for the negotiations, so, hearsay. But it is curious.


I’m surprised that this thread continues in such contentious manner. I was looking here to see if there were any actual news. It’s nice to know that Mr. Barisone’s friends are politely mentioning their support for him on social media.

For me, this is over and done, in what I feel was a fair verdict. What legal repercussions in the monetary sense may come later, in a civil court, and are really none of my business.

I hope that Mr. Barisone can recover and that the recipient of the gunshot wounds will heal up and get some psych help as well.

Just have to say , if this trial didn’t convince the D.A., the Judge, and the Defense attorneys that the horse world is full of nutters, @Fat_Dinah’s post below will certainly cement that belief.


Specifically, it was CH stated that IM made the claim that SGF ageeed they owed RG money.

I actually tagged IM in a post, in case IM wanted to specifically clarify whether this was true or not (I couldn’t remember IM posting anything about it)…

IM has gone underground though.


Whatever arrangements he made, obviously turned out disastrous.

How many people have ever done work “under the table”, or a barter deal? Many of us I’m sure. Some work fine, some go down in flames. So especially with the barter for board, not having a contract is not very surprising.

I really wish people would quit arguing that MB or the farm (SGF?) owe(s) RG money. He flat out stated in court that he only worked off what he felt was owed for the boarding of the horses. That subject really isn’t up for debate, I wouldn’t think.

She probably didn’t display any red flags in 2018. They were there if you dug, but obviously MB didn’t. I’ve never gotten the sense he was very involved on social media platforms, at least prior to things going south. How many people are convinced “that won’t happen to me”? Narcissistic people can be charming when on their best behavior. But man, when they go off, it’s hell.


Interesting. Now I am better following you.

We do agree though… something weird went on in the spring of 2019, that somehow resulted in LK and RG taking over the only apartment in the NJ farmhouse that was in good condition in April of 2019. And there are lots of questions as to why this happened…


You wouldn’t think so, especially after hearing his testimony. But somewhat incredibly, there are a couple of people on here who are still willing to argue about the subject.


If it actually gets as far as a civil trial, it will certainly be interesting to see all the information come to light that the judge kept shutting down at every turn.