Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It may be semantics but maybe it was actually the horse that he wanted to keep in the barn. The one he had sold her. Or did I misunderstand about the horse having been in the barn before LK bought it.


Definitely. I wonder if anyone had the foresight to do a secret recording of those negotiations? Or did they start recording surreptitiously later in the drama?


the recording parties would probably not keep incriminating material around.
Not after this trialā€¦


My hope is Mr B and Mr D got it in discovery for this trial. We know there were a minimum of 70 recordings turned over.


I may have this wrong, but the horse that LK alleged she bought in some kind of mercy deal was listed for sale on MHGā€™s facebook page in the summer of 2017. No indication that he was in some sort of career ending situation or needed to be firesold.

[Horse Name] proudly offered for sale. 2004 17hand dark brown Westphalian gelding. A top class FEI dressage horse with international potential. Excellent piaffe/passage and trot tour. Grand Prix in his near future! An ideal horse for ANY serious competitor that wants to be in the top placings and ribbons. Would be a top horse for Juniors/Young Riders/U25, a serious professional looking to get into the CDI ring right away or even a serious AA. Has competed lightly but successfully at PSG. A special horse to take someone ambitious to the big arena. Sound and healthy. Located in New Jersey.


I doubt any documentation about the living arrangements are among those

That whole thing was weird too. The horse did belong to MB, and was sold to LK. A schoolmaster. Butā€¦ she said it had soundness/maintenance issues. And that the whole thing somehow involved the horse continuing to live at the same place it always had for the rest of his lifeā€¦ which sure sounded like indefinite free board for this horseā€¦

Very odd. MB had sold plenty of horses prior to 2019. He would know as well as anyone why offering free lifetime board for a sales horse makes no common sense.


LK claimed he had shivers, I think.


seems incredibly risky to be advertising the horse as sound and healthy mere weeks before. Or be advertising at all if it were key to the deal that the horse not leave the farm.

It sounds to me more like an explanation as to why a horse that was doing very well prior to sale suddenly wasnā€™t.


Or itā€™s an explanation for why LK decided MB owed RG for the work he did instead of it going to cover the board.

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Many trainers like to keep certain horse in their barns for many different reasons though.


I have known of situations where horses just do not do well in new barns. Return to the old one and poof back to the ribbons. And no it isnā€™t always modern (or old times) injectible chemistry although Iā€™m sure there are those cases as well. I mean we all know there is that in every discipline. Some horse just donā€™t like change.


Not to take the thread too much further akilter than it already is, I once wrote a short story about a little girl who didnā€™t understand that phrase, above, and the story was called ā€œThe Peas that Pass Us, Understandingā€.

Now back to your regularly scheduled crazy.


Well that would fit (Shivers). Hard to diagnose early (so may have been sound at time ad was posted) and wouldnā€™t want horse to leave barn from a welfare standpoint (of worrying if new owner would do the right thing when disease has progressed and not dump horse on unsuspecting owner or to kill buyers)


Ah, the old ā€œyouā€™re glue and eveyrthing you say sticks to youā€ gambit.


Once again, letā€™s review.

Who was the source of this information?

Was it LK, who swore under oath on the witness stand that she lies all the time? Or was it someone who got their information from LK? :thinking:

And didnā€™t somebody say at one point that she had actually competed that horse successfully since then? Which cast doubt on the whole story about the horse being a mercy purchase, or whatever term would fit?


Now youā€™ve done it. An official complaint to pirates is not something to trifle with, for the process we use to investigate and litigate the complaint is quite complex.

First we circulate the hundreds of posts of varying levels of relevance and absurdity round the entire crew of the Revenge, who serve as jurors to deliberate not about the guilt or innocence of the accused but the seriousness with which anyone should take any post in a series of anonymous posts on a horse forum.

Then Buttercup and I engage in a series of sidebars, wherein we shout ā€œObjectionā€ on behalf of the posters who appear to be aggrieved, and follow this with whispered discussions about recipes weā€™d like to try involving feta or challah.

The final ruling can go several ways: If we find that both the reported party and the reporter were guilty of bad manners, bad faith, or sheer absurdity the victor will be decided by a duel to the pain. If the reported partyā€™s behavior is not obviously pathological they will be acquitted, feted in true pirate style, and invited to join the crew, while the most unhinged poster involved in the exchange will be asked to walk the plank.

@Danvers, you have been found by the crew of the Revenge not guilty of the crime of perpetuating horse forum nonsense.

Now if anyone wants to bring any charges for flogging deceased equines, playing chess as a member of the species Columba livia domestica, or behaving like an eared seal, please refer your cases to my First Mate, Pierre.


Yeah, I hear you, thereā€™s a dearth of good greek food here in Ohio, in fact thereā€™s a dearth of good food period here in Ohio, and I grew up in New Haven, CT, so you can imagine how well that goes over with me. I grew up never having had any food ā€œbadā€ tasting, at all, ever. Then I moved to Ohio, and I can honestly say in the past 5 years, I have had something I smiled and said, ā€œoh, thatā€™s pretty good!ā€ literally a handful of times. No more than five times. Iā€™ve had good food in Pennsylvania. Iā€™ve had good food in Tennessee. Iā€™ve had really delicious food in Albany New York. But I have not had good food in Ohio.


LMAO Iā€™m dying!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


What town? Having moved to this nether-world of out-law food, I need to know what town in Ohio has something delicious? Please??