Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It is definitely possible that I am mixing up who said what and the exact order of things. Extremely likely, in fact.

When I read your posts, I had a visceral reaction to your pointing out that there was significant Jewish organized crime activity in New Jersey, since I was aware that the family was Jewish and lived in NJ.

I just thought, what does Jewishness have to do with anything? Whether you knew JK was Jewish or not, why the remark about the NJ Jewish mob? At least a couple of others had the same reaction.

The additional details about the Hutton financial crimes is sort of interesting, maybe, but the fact that some individuals in a huge financial institution broke the law and consorted with members of the mob gives you zero basis for wondering out loud whether one particular individual who happened to work there in the eighties had “connections” to mobsters.

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Has @Fat_Dinah jumped ship since their absurd post? They sure distracted the thread for a while!



Thanks for bringing it back to this key point.

I still am befuddled by this part of the whole story.

Why/how did JK get involved in the spring of 2019, and manage to get MB to provide free housing to LK and RG for the spring abs summer, at a time when the whole NJ facility was experiencing a housing crunch because of the burst pipe?

Why was their no written agreement of any kind covering this?

I’ve yet to hear a coherent explanation of this part of the story.

I have heard CH, hut-ho and a few others blame it on MB using poor business practices and not documenting things via contracts.

But that doesn’t really explain the full situation, IMO…

Why did MB agree to give away scarce on property living accommodations, for free, in the spring of 2019? :thinking:


OK, but how can either LK or JK “insist” that LK be given housing accommodations as part of the deal other than saying, “We won’t move our horses back there and continue to train with you, unless you throw in housing”?

MB could have said, “Sorry, I’m not taking the upstairs apartment away from Justin” and let them take their business elsewhere.

How can JK “insist” that MB offer a specific deal of MB doesn’t agree to it?

So again… since when is it against the rules to wonder out loud about something as part of much broader discussion?

This is not a criminal trial. You can yell “Objection” at me all you want. But this is a free flowing discussion on an open platform, and I simply asked a question.


good question…


If I can recall Hamlet, Queen Gertrude is wholly unconvinced by the overacting in Prince Hamlet’s play, intended to prove the guilt of Claudius in the murder of the King of Denmark. She famously pronounces, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” and thus was born the turn of phrase that indicates that someone who argues so vehemently is perhaps concealing a truth.


The simplest explanation is that he wanted her business, despite knowing at least some of her flaws.

OMG. You are a poster on a horse board with supposedly no connection to anyone concerned, and you’re going to try to affect/influence decisions that could prevent a man from rebuilding his future???

Seriously, I just can’t.

P.S. I have not seen one poster here threaten LK. Please take a step back before you complicate an already complicated situation. Do not seek to emulate LK and mess with other peoples’ lives.


Why not charge rent for the farmhouse apartment? Why have no written agreement?

Why did all this somehow allegedly involve JK negotiating this extra awesome l, undocumented deal for LK?

It still makes no sense.


I didn’t know. Or care.

And my only ancestor claims to fame are that one was a Highlander who survived the battle of Culloden, and another was a member of the famous (in South Africa anyway) Wilson’s Party who were all killed in the Matabele war.


I think this will come out in the civil cases, perhaps.


I hope so. It’s a key puzzle piece.

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I actually made that exact same Hamlet reference earlier on these threads in relation to an argument with Hut-ho, I do believe. :slight_smile:

It’s a surreal ongoing discussion…

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Was the entire Jewish tangent a reference to New Jersey being the home of the Sopranos? :crazy_face:


Ya know, there is a saying about people sometimes making other people, “an offer they can not refuse”



Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawdy … stop responding … they are going to beat this horse into the ground and then continue to stomp on it… that is who they are… Be Elsa.


Got it. I will try to

:snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:


No, it’s not a criminal trial. It’s a continuation of the last 2.5 years of bashing LK.

Since the verdict, the target of bashing and mockery has widened to include not just LK but her parents.

There is plenty of bad behavior by LK on the record. I’m not defending her actions.

But what have her parents done to deserve the bashing and mockery? Is it possible that some posters here just derive their pleasure from trashing and mocking people? Please note that I posed it as a question. Just wondering. /s

You (g) are so desperate to pin 100% of the fault for this tragedy on LK that you’re not even willing to admit that MB agreed to let her live in the farmhouse in spring 2019. No, MB has zero role in creating the situation. Her father insisted! Her father threatened! Instead of realizing that’s implausible, you then speculate that that he’s a threatening guy because maybe (just a question) he has connections to the mob. Oh, specifically to the Jewish mob, which is active in NJ.


There’s a simple answer. He can’t and he didn’t. Barisone agreed to the deal because he wanted her business.

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