Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Point of fact.

I did not know (or care) that the family is Jewish, and I’m guessing there are also plenty of other people who were unaware of that aspect. So it is inaccurate to say “everyone already knew that.”

Quite likely also incorrect to say that it was “common knowledge in these threads.”


Actually, I was 100% unaware the family was Jewish until it came up in replies to my question about what the deal was with everyone being afraid of JK, was he somehow connected or something.

Not that CH will believe that. Oh well.


OK. Not common knowledge. I did not know that - and did not care. Why should I? Everybody did not already know that. All this angst this afternoon is … interesting. The original conversation about all this was IMO maybe a bit unnecessary but fleeting and had moved on - not that big a deal … and nowhere near the level of the OMG!! OUTRAGE!!! drama that has gone on.

Any forum members out there of Canadian and Austrian/Norwegian descent? My grandfather on my dad’s side was a kind of rumrunner during Prohibition… he cruised the back roads in rural Manitoba and North Dakota at night to bring the demon alcohol to thirsty folks in the US - and was paid to do so by whoever the prairie mafioso south of the border was… and their partners in Winnipeg. He apparently had many tales of outsmarting and outrunning the Mounties and North Dakota police…

Yes, my family has a criminal background. Shocking, I know.

I think the worst thing on my mom’s side (Norwegian and Swedish) was being lefse dealers on the windswept prairie of Saskatchewan…


I had to look up lefse, so now I have even more food trivia knowledge from this thread.


I am way behind but I wanted to comment on this.

In the spring/summer of 2018 MB and MHG were living in the barn and everyone else were living in the farmhouse—some degree of separation.

In the winter of 2018-2019 in Florida LK and RG had a rental off the farm—better degree of separation.

Spring/summer of 2019 the business had lost two levels of the farmhouse and it would seem that LK and RG were asked to find other living accommodations, but JK got involved and insisted that they stay on the farm.

Not only that but MB and MHG had to live beneath them with only the third floor as their ceiling—no insulation, no drywall—and according to RG on the witness stand, “Yeah, they fought some” SOME? I’ll bet that’s the understatement of the trial!


We have one near us located inside a Speedway gas station at a truck stop. Usually full of truckers and cops. Having trouble deciding between Moussaka or Pastitsio or friend chicken or burgers? It’s all on the menu! Everything comes with a side of gravy.


We are all eternally grateful. :slight_smile:


My first ancestor on record coming over from England was a horse thief. :crazy_face:


I’ve got you beat @Omgitsme!

My first great great uncle to immigrate to the U.S. from England was a horse trainer, who trained in a very horsey area of Pennsylvania.

His two younger brothers were coming over on the Titanic to kill the American man that got their sister pregnant. She died in childbirth.

The two younger brothers listed their official reason for coming over as going into the horse training business with their brother, although the family knew the real reason for their trip. They were steerage class passengers that drown and their bodies were never recovered.


RG’s own testimony disagrees with your opinion.


Completely apropos of nothing, but my friend was a cheerleader at a Norwegian HS near Seattle.

“Lutefisk! Lutefisk! Lefse! Lefse! We’re the Mighty Luterans! Ya, sure, ya betcha!”


Wow! You must have gotten an A on every writing assignment in school that involved your family roots for history class!

That being said, what a tragic event. I’m very sorry for your family’s loss.


Those of us allergic to eggs can use melted vanilla ice cream (not french vanilla or custard but plain ole vanilla)


That’s absolutely wild! Mine was a great great etc grandfather. More of a “colonize or prison” thing.


So I can be sure I phrase my message to Chris Schellhorn precisely, will someone point out the exact ongoing threats against LK? I need to be crystal clear in my accusations! And while you are at it, please identify, by actual name, the person(s) making such threats.

I can picture Schellhorn getting quite a laugh at whoever this Fat_Dinah creature is and what their communication might be. I imagine Schellhorn wants to put this case far, far behind him!! :rofl:


Nope that will have to go to me the one who makes black bean, tomato and corn salsa with feta…


I didn’t know they were Jewish…and I doubt everybody knows or cares


Still hungry. And now I’m really bummed I have no bootleggers, pirates, or, well, anything interesting in my family tree. That I know of.


Please! I am deeply offended you used the term sociopath! Sociopaths have rights too and you just violated them. Careful or you will be reported to SS, CPS, IRS, CIA, NSA, AQHA, SCOTUS and @DreadPirateRoberts!


I had no idea they were Jewish. It never occurred to me to wonder about their religion.