Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Oh man. Dolmades.

The best were the ones my Yaiya made after Easter… when she put ground lamb in them again. During lent, they only had rice in them.

It was sad… as she got older, and her hands got more arthritic, the Dolmades got larger and larger, and were rolled more loosely.

Still amazing though. With homemade avgolemono sauce…


This is the most ridiculous post I have seen, and there have been a lot of them. You have too much time on your hands


I have two words to say.

Feta. Cheese.


BUT only the Feta that is sold in the brine. All salty and wet and delicious. Not that dry pre crumbled crap people call Feta.


I am so hungry now.


That is not feta. That is an abomination to God and man. Brine bathed feta is nectar of the Gods.

Take brine bathed feta and pour some olive oil and oregano and dip with some toasted pita bread.


There’s a Greek place near me (the husband owns several standard greasy spoon diners, the very best of which are owned by Greeks, and finally after much encouragement opened up a all Greek place) and on special nights his wife makes the Dolmades and serves them with Greek green beans and potatoes.


Ya know, I was so agitated when I first read it, I failed to notice that she contacted a synagogue in Leesburg. About a magazine in Middleburg. With an online forum, that has an international user base, in which people are discussing a criminal case that happened in New Jersey.

What I am now wondering… is that address on Evergreen Mills Rd technically in Eastern Loudoun… or is it considered part of Western Loudoun?


Will it offend the Greeks amongst us if I say good feta in a watermelon salad is how I prefer it?

Also - wow, I go to the barn, come back and go to work and discover on my “lunch” break that some people have truly gone off the rails even more today. And to think when the trial ended I was going to try and find old trainwreck threads to pass the time…


OK. It is common knowledge in these threads that the Kanarek family is Jewish and lives in NJ, so you didn’t state that, but everyone already knew that.

Against that backdrop, you pointed out that “organized crime is still very real. And it has deep ties to both Italian and Jewish communities in New Jersey.”

You then “wondered” whether JK had ties to “‘organized’ type people.” … “Some people are indeed ‘connected’.”

Why emphasize the ties between organized crime and “the Jewish community in NJ” if JKs religion and state of residence is irrelevant?

Why point out that EF Hutton paid a million dollar fine for money laundering in the late eighties because 2 of their brokers (out of 18,000 employees) broke the securities laws?

I believe you when you say you were not trying to disparage all Italians or all Jews. But you seemed to think that JKs being Jewish was relevant to your musing as to whether he had “connections” to “organized” types.


As long as your feta came in its brine, no.


I haven’t eaten dairy in years and years, but I can remember the exquisite deliciousness of good feta.


Hush. We’re talking ethnic foods now.


My great aunt and uncle ran the BEST Greek diner in Nashua, NH for many many years. Until he died from cancer. She died from cancer as well, about a decade later.

A favorite joke in my extended family, which was told and retold as a way of fondly remembering them, was:

Q - What do you get when you put two Greeks together?

A - A diner.

Again… I apologize to anyone who is profoundly offended by a first hand story about a particular ethnic group in America. And a joke that the ethnic group actually loves to tell… about themselves. :woman_shrugging:


We had a lovely spinach and strawberry salad today with toasted almonds and sad feta. It was still delicious paired with rice and chicken casserole and deviled eggs. Or are they kanareggs?


My SIL’s Greek father grew up cooking in his father’s diner on a greyhound route. He went to medical school and grew into a much loved doctor. When asked about his schooling, he said anything was easier than getting up at 1am to cook breakfast for strangers.


It just occurred to me there doesn’t seem to be any Greek mobsters LOL


Well, technically the post says Leesburg, VS.

I don’t know where that is. Maybe a new territory? Virgin Samoa? :woman_shrugging:


Regarding bolded point number one…

AGAIN… you need to go back and look at my actual posts, and reference the order I made them in.

First, I asked what the deal was with JK, and why people were terrified of him, and wondered that he might be connected.

THEN, another poster responded and provided background information concerning EF Hutton having past ties to organized crime, and the general issue of international money laundering operations involving certain Jewish communities in multiple countries that have specific cash distribution and exchange operations as part of the community.

Later, when another poster mentioned, “Hey, why bring up anything to do with anybody being Jewish?” I replied with a very basic comment that we were discussing organized crime in general in the region, and that there were ties to Italian and Jewish communities in that area… but OF COURSE not everyone is involved. Only some people in those communities are connected.”

So again… you are twisting and distorting what was said. Either because you are being inaccurate in your recollection of the order of the posts and flow of the conversation… or… because you are being intentionally dishonest and twisting it into something it wasn’t.

Oh… and about EF Hutton. There were two separate MAJOR mob related cases. One had to do with the check kiting and the Providence mafia boss. That is what you keep referencing. The other was the “pizza connection case” that involved organized crime throughout NJ and NY, pizzerias that were a front for heroin trafficking, bags of cash being brought to EF Hutton’s offices in NYC by actual mob connected people , and then money laundering so that the cash eventually made its way to Swiss bank accounts.

The second was a huge case.


Even after following these threads for 2 years, seeing some of LK’s posts that I had not previously seen, it boogles my mind how someone can be so vile, disgusting and horrible towards other people. How ANYONE can defend her is beyond me. This is a dangerous person who needs major help and no one should be defending her, including family.