Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Ashamed to say that I know of no illegal activities amongst my English/Scots/Norwegian/Swiss roots. You guys make it sound so exciting.

No, wait. My paternal grandfather was financial advisor to Upton Sinclair when he ran for Governor of CA. He was a devoted Socialist, so maybe some people on the right might consider him a crook. May I join your club now? Please?


Still 75 posts behind, but will venture a guess on this one. Considering the family appears to be suit-happy, maybe he told MB he would sue him (no idea for what) if he didnā€™t let her stay there.

For non-lawyer connected people, that would be very scary. Most people donā€™t have abundant extra cash around to be able to afford to defend themselves.


I also tried her hyphenated version with her XHā€™s name as well as his surname alone.


If youā€™re going in on eggy bread, try eggy hot cross buns - itā€™s a whole new world. Delish.


No!! Rarely it shows up on the menus. Iā€™ve tried the Greek markets there. Did find a decent Mavrodaphne though.
We even considered ordering a case from one if the restaurant supply places, but $15 a package was a bridge too far. I have brought it to FL in carry on (frozen bread dough makes super ice packs and is TSA friendly). Iā€™m judging in VT in June, so I may have to do that again.

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Iā€™m so far behind! :crazy_face:

I feel like I am always 200 posts behind on these threads.
Get up to pee, come back, 200 posts behind.

It was worth repeating so I am glad you said it again!

LK and clan say that, but I would guess the conversation went more like the following after the agreed upon price was negotiated - ā€œWe love ā€œhorseā€ and hope to keep him here at SGF for a good long time, so glad someone in house bought him.ā€ and to LK that means free board forever.

Disclaimer, I have just as many facts behind my theory as anything LK says.



I tend to think it was because MB needed her business but I am not clear on how he thought she was going to cover the expenses for upkeep of their horses. I know someone mentioned $2500 per horse but Iā€™m not sure if she was actually paying him that, or if that amount was supposed to be worked off by RG. I also am not clear on whether she originally had only two horses but ended up with four horses there (and a fifth was in import quarantine, correct?).

As to why there was not a written agreement, that was certainly a misstep on MBā€™s part, but I canā€™t help but wonder why ā€œretired lawyerā€ Daddy-O didnā€™t insist on a contract. One would think since he was controlling the purse strings and ā€œoverseeingā€ where Daughter lived, he would have made sure all the details were agreed to in writing. So big misstep on his part, too.

(And apologies if this has already been explained. I am hundreds of postings behindā€¦).


My father is Greek and while I admit Iā€™m not a massive fan of Greek food, I will say that this video is 100% accurate:


I donā€™t think that MB was desperate enough for business that he wanted people around that were working off board, but barely working it off, or paying what seems to be below the going rate.
How does that help his business.


Iā€™ve been meaning to ask this. Who with SGF agreed they owed RG money? Was it a verbal conversation, by email, by text? And did that party tell RG directly, or LK, or some intermediary such as JK? Or did they have their attorney pass on that information?

And who made that announcement to the world (that SGF agreed they owed RG money)? Was it RG or LK? Was it JK? Another attorney? One of the SGF parties? And did the other SGF partner agree to it?

And was there a written agreement they owed RG? Who drew it up? Was is signed by all partners in SGF, as well as RG?

So many questions - and Iā€™m only on my first cup of coffee! :laughing:


@DownYonder, I believe the only person to make this claim is IM.


I donā€™t know where you live in Ohio, but it canā€™t be anywhere near where I live. I live in an area with many excellent restaurants, some of which have been in national top-ranked lists. PM me, come visit, and Iā€™ll take you for a terrific meal.

ETA Now I see youā€™re in Columbus. That was my hunch. Its a big state.


Well itā€™s time for me to disembarkā€¦have a great rest of your trip! LOL


Could it be because Daddy Lawyer knew he didnā€™t intend to fulfill the terms of the agreement? :thinking:


Youngstown was also known as Crimetown USA and Little Chicago due to the huge presence and activity of the Mob

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Ding ding ding.

I think you are onto something.

Butā€¦ beware the outraged sock puppets who will no doubt start yammering at you for daring to ask such a rhetorical question. :wink:


OMG! :rofl: :rofl:

100% accurate. Makes me miss my Yaiya. Not the koulourakia thoughā€¦ they werenā€™t my favorite.

But the homemade Tsoureki bread at Easter?
It was sooooo good. I miss that.


Why wouldnā€™t he just surrender it to a rescue as unridable and recoup half the value from insurance? And not be on the hook for board for the rest of the horseā€™s life.


RE: SGF agreed they owned RG moneyā€¦

Ah, interesting. So IM claimed it was so and certain other parties on this thread believe it also.

I seem to vaguely recall that that pronouncement first surfaced sometime right after the shooting. And wasnā€™t it also claimed around the same time that the SGF ā€œownersā€ had told LK she was welcome to stay on the property (after she had been discharged from the hospital)?

If in fact those conversations did take place, could it be that the owners of the property were not aware at the time of the whole story? Arenā€™t the owners of the property a somewhat elderly couple that do not live there or involve themselves in the management of the property or of MBā€™s equine business? If so, I can totally see how if LK/RG (or JK?) passed on the info to them that MB had said that LK/RG could live there and that MB would pay RG for renovation work, and all they really knew at the time was that MB had shot LK, I can totally see how they would assume they were being told ā€œthe truth.ā€ And I can imagine their total shock at learning that there was much, much more to the story than what they had first been told.