Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Or, it could be that LK is being just as honest as she typically is in her posts on social media.


The horse was sound, LK showed it. The price tag, from what I understand, was not a small number by anyones standards so it was not a mercy purchase at all. It was LK buying something she wanted and I am guessing making up the part about free board.


Except IM?


LOL - and so again, the property owners must have been in complete shock to find out that they had been misled. What a nightmare for an older couple trying to have a peaceful retirement.


I thought SGF was an llc involving the older couple and MB. And that the older couple originally owned the 53 acres, but MB sunk a ton into developing it over the years into the top tier facility it became.

And the SGF llc leased the property to MB Dressage llc - but the whole situation was a standard business set up involving llc s.

I found the claim from CH that IM made a comment about SGF agreeing they owed RG anything very odd, since MB is one of the principles behind SGF. And I tagged IM earlier on a post
 asking IM to verify that IM actually said this. But got no response

After CH just twisted a few of my posts, and misattributed to me comments made by another poster
 perhaps CH is also wrong about this whole thing, and misremembering/misinterpreting what IM was actually saying with respect to SGF and RG, and any money owed. Or
 maybe IM is being dishonest. :woman_shrugging:


Wasn’t the video posted earlier actually of LK on said horse?

By this time I don’t recall the exact status of the fifth horse, if that was ever specified.

But if it was actually in import quarantine at that point, I’ll bet the quarantine people had never gotten a phone call like that before with that reason the horse might be staying there a little longer before it got picked up.


That’s what I wondered all along too. Did she just make up the part about free board? Because that makes ZERO SENSE.


I’m pretty sure it was still in quarantine at the time of the shooting.


Quarantine barn manager picks up phone, listens for five minutes straight to the hysterical person on the other end, then says: 
 “Wait, what???” :hushed::hushed::hushed:


I thought that video was LK on her mare that requires the wraps. Not the horse that in theory got free board forever.

I think, at this point, it makes more sense to assume anything she said was made up. After one admits on the stand that they lie on social media for dramatic purposes, why believe anything they said?


I believe someone said it was a different horse, if I’m thinking of the same video.



Especially if it’s a thing that makes no logical sense in the first place, like free board forever on a horse that was sold. (What if that horse lived for another 20 years??)

Like so many other parts of the arrangements as described by LK and her minions.

Free board forever? Free housing in exchange for very occasional construction work with no other explanation?

That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

Mr. B seemed to have no trouble proving plenty of, shall we say, inaccuracies in her statements on the witness stand. But he probably chose to focus on only the parts that were most relevant to the criminal proceedings under the circumstances. It will be interesting to see what Mr. D can do when the time comes for the civil proceedings.

If it actually gets that far. If the LK group thinks they’re having trouble with damage control now, just imagine what will happen after all the information comes out in the civil trial that the judge would not allow last week.


The horse in the video was Symphony, who is the one with cellulitis.

The schoolmaster with maintenance issues Barisone sold her was Jay-T. Someone hundreds of posts ago posted her scores and results on various horses, and tests she rode on Jay-T were listed.

I am going to guess/infer that the plan was for Jay-T to get her the scores she needed at second level for bronze, but that is just a guess. I can’t find the post with the scores, and USDF won’t let me look them up without paying.

I can also see Barisone selling her this schoolmaster and telling her he wanted the horse to stay with him, the implication being right of first refusal if the horse was sold or leasing the horse to someone else in the barn, and somehow that getting twisted into free board for life.


That would make a lot more sense.


You forgot to mention slipshod, dare I say half-assed, occasional construction work by RG.


I can’t speak for MB, but there are people who don’t want to send a horse off to a rescue to face a more-than-likely bad end. My trainer, who just scrapes by, keeps every retired, not necessarily due to advanced age, horse until its last breath.

Also, this:



But maybe that part would have been an unknown quantity at the time when any such hypothetical arrangement would have been reached.


But it is how it works in the minds of someone who “always gets her way” and her enablers.

Speaking of shocks to the system - it must have been quite a blow to them that they didn’t get their way in a court of law. But she who must “always get her way” is not going to stop. She is like a T-1000 Terminator - which is why MB/MHG/RC/JH, Mr. B and Mr. D, jurors, and maybe even da judge need to look at getting protective orders in place.


Again, the horse was a schoolmaster and very useful. I believe the sale price was quoted somewhere earlier as $40K.

Not a send to a rescue situation.

I can’t imagine how precious a AA friendly, solid 2nd level schoolmaster would be in a program like Barisone’s, or anyone’s, really. Most horses like this are NEVER sold, they just get leased by a long succession of students as long as they’re sound enough. No one wants to actually own the horse, usually, because of age and maintenance, but EVERYONE wants to lease it for a season.

I can also easily imagine a situation where LK wasn’t happy leasing and wanted to be listed as the owner of the horse, hence the sale and agreement that the horse wouldn’t leave the barn. Honestly, $40K could just as easily been a lease fee. (I have no idea what dressage horses are leased for; but $40K for a one year lease on a hunter is not out of the question at all.)