Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes, I think I made a comment on a previous thread about the performance on the witness stand reminding me of the T 1000 flailing around in the pool of melted metal at the end of Terminator 2.

(Am I thinking of the right T model in the right movie? I have not seen the film for quite a while.)

I don’t know if the judge, jurors, and lawyers need to be too concerned. I’m guessing any actions against them could result in pretty serious (maybe federal?) charges in short order.

I would think cooler heads would prevail on that score before that plan got very far. It’s not as if just ranting about them on Facebook is going to have much of an impact on them.

I would say the people who are more likely to be accessible for nuisance campaigns should certainly be prepared. Especially for the possibility of false accusations, as someone mentioned upthread.


Exactly. I’m not able to precisely price a solid citizen schoolmaster dressage horse… but this one sure seemed like a GREAT candidate to lease out to different clients who wanted to compete for specific goals, during a specific season.

Someone posted the text of the sale ad MHG had put up on FB (I think) regarding this specific horse back from 2017… it was informative. He sounded like a very nice, proven horse.


In our quest at horse shows to find hometown food we’ve struck out in Columbus for the most part. Never even found a local pizza joint. The German place isn’t bad. Although I’ve only had their soup and cream horns at horse shows. And German food in the US is mostly Americanized I believe. I say this as am in a predominantly German town and of direct German heritage on both sides and I’m not sure I really know the true cuisine!
As to Greek believe Skyline Chili has Greek roots? But that is Cincinnati born I think.

Their what, now?

I predict more good trivia knowledge coming right up. Lol.


Yes, that’s exactly it. Which is why I asked (more rhetorically than not) why he didn’t just surrender the horse if it was in such dire straights. It’s NOT a rescue case, it’s just a high maintenance, aging FEI horse. It is a proven horse: if you look up the record, it was getting mid-high 60’s at PSG and YR tests - with competent riders. Now, if it has Cushings, then that does require treatment and can be expensive long term - but it’s not a death sentence. And the shivers must be manageable. I don’t buy LK’s whole trope about how “she got along with the horse and others didn’t” - that just sounds like Black Stallion syndrome to me. She may love the horse - and that’s fine - but no need to turn it into a sob story.

FEI schoolmasters are high five figures, easily. Especially if they are under 15 and have extensive competition experience.

I’m guessing we’ll learn more about this in the civil case.



1 - My only recollection of sworn testimony relating to MB’s financial situation was that he was an astute business person with significant financial wealth. Taking on a client who has multiple horses and a perceived desire and means to take multiple lessons and to show would typically be an example of an astute business decision for someone in the business of boarding horses and providing training to horses and aspiring riders. The behaviour of this specific client was a mess of the client’s making, not MB’s.
2 - Are you really trying to infer that MB handled things badly by allowing the harassment and bullying he received to exacerbate mental illness he had managed through proper and effective treatment for approximately 20 years? If you honestly think mental health is something one chooses or suffers as a result of poor decision making, please, I implore you, educate yourself.
3 - the fact that a severely mentally ill person was held in a remand cell for over 2 years is an indictment on our society’s understanding of and compassion for people suffering mental health issues, not an illustration of how MB chose to handle things. He did have the opportunity to leave the county (I think, sorry I live in another country so I may not have the level of incarceration correct) jail and chose to stay. The fact that Mr. Barisone felt safer in that cell than anywhere else society would allow him to live while he waited for the trial to begin speaks volumes to me. I feel I need to clarify my last sentence to you - volumes to me about how little he was protected, how he was not believed, how impactful the harassment

@hut-ho78 - upthread you wondered if there was no compassion for LK.
Speaking personally - yes, I have a lot of compassion for her. She seems to me to be so bitter about life, so full of hate and vitriol towards others, spiteful, angry, empty. She has so much potential. Smart, supportive family, privilege, attractive. And I am not sure she could change her life now. I feel there is something missing inside her or so damaged, perhaps by drugs, that she could not heal. I really hope I am wrong but it certainly appears from her behaviour since being shot that she has not reflected on her own part in this situation. And I fear that future consequences of her behaviour may be much worse for her. In many civilizations being ostracized was the worst punishment levied on someone who did not follow the rules. I think LK will experience that within the dressage community.
As I watched this drama unfold, I noticed how very alone she is. Can you imagine what it would be like to have your father bully/bribe a barn owner to let you stay? I can’t.

So while I call her out on her abhorrent behaviour, I do feel compassion for her.

edited because I typed this before finishing my morning coffee …




Thank you same to you. Thanks to Covid (not me) no Easter dinner get together but I had a lovely meal delivered.


I am curious (which is shorthand for this is in no way any of my business, but it would be interesting to me) as to the timeline of when/how everyone got off the farm.

I would guess that JH took all of MB’s horses, maybe also with Mike McGrain & MHG down to the FL farm. Some of the testimony talked about there being a lot of youngsters.

Where did LK’s horses go? Did they go down the road to the PanAm medal winner’s farm? Or did they go back to NC? Or maybe they went straight to the FL farm where they are now?

Gosh, I hope they got shod :wink:.


What??? Columbus has lots of good restaurants. If you are talking about Schmidt’s, they are a local favorite but I don’t think their food is all that great. Many excellent Italian restaurants too. ???

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I’d believe this. Her version of a contingency that the horse stay in the barn was telling everyone free board or something similar.

Horses staying in the barn ( with payment- not free- sorry if I haven’t conveyed that in my previous posts) with every new owner was/is common especially in the breed organizatios before amateur and youth were allowed lease agreements


I literally laughed out loud!

I will say the thought occurred to me that the farrier was another innocent bystander who got sucked into the whirlpool if his 40+ horse account disappeared when all those horses at MB’s farm dispersed as a result.

Like JH, like Mike McGrain, like everyone else whose life got turned upside down.


I find it very odd food wise for a town of it’s size. Doesn’t even seem to be campus haunts. Maybe they are just really hiddenm

Oh, boy. Another new food to add to the list from this thread. Lol.


Unless they flew him down to Florida every so often, he lost that business every winter.

Did the youngsters stay on the NJ farm for the winter? MHG said the Florida farm was much much smaller and the youngsters lived out all summer in NJ.

I know two went to a trainer in NC before LK shipped them down to FL.

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Wait cream horns aren’t a thing US wide?

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I don’t know. They’re beautiful, but a little too sweet for my taste.

I do know farriers who relocate to Florida for the season, or get flown down periodically to shoe their regular clients’ horses throughout the winter.

Obviously I don’t know if that was the case here. But it is a thing that happens with lots of farriers.


When he may or may not have been high.