Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It might be a matter of semantics. I don’t think I’ve seen them under that name, but they do look somewhat similar to cannoli.

Different pastry than cannoli I think.


Mine used to be flown down for a few days every month or so.

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I had cream horns in NJ growing up. Made of puff pastry.

We also knew there were things one didn’t look at closely.

My mom is dead, the restaurant is closed and its owner is dead but she said they handled A lot of cash when she worked there after I left


Can someone from this board find all of the nasty posts and screen shots made by LK, gift wrap them and send them to this reporter?


Tut tut tut. :shushing_face:

Careful when talking about things you actually have personal knowledge of, because a family member witnessed it and told you about it :smirk:

A poster or two might get OUTRAGED about anything they decide is merely a ‘baseless stereotype.’


My mom was Swiss, the owner was Swiss/Irish, divorced from an Italian


Or perhaps she wanted to buy it but Daddy-O wasn’t going to give her the funds. So she and MB had a discussion that she could “make payments” but the horse stayed in his barn. Perhaps he was skeptical that she would actually pay for the horse and he wanted to use it for lessons for other students to help recoup some of the expenses for its upkeep (not an uncommon scenario).

And perhaps she decided that since she basically had no way of paying for it, that RG could “work it off.” Perhaps she even suggested that to MB. And perhaps she led RG to believe that MB was going to pay him for renovation work. Perhaps she led JK to believe she had a suitable arrangement with MB regarding accommodations, plus care/training, etc. for her horses. I can totally see how she might have not only misconstrued a conversation with MB about arrangements, but also totally see that she may have either consciously or subconsciously misled RG and/or JK about the situation. (I am not sure she is above lying to even her own people if it suited her purposes.)

And yes, I am speculating and we may never know the full details of that strange arrangement unless it comes out in the civil trial.


I grew up in NJ and organized crime was definitely a part of daily life and business.

Some people liked to imply they were connected, the ones who were actually connected said very little about it.

There were three organized crime related murders in my little township in my teens - one, a straightforward body dump; the second, a low level gangster shot dozens of times while sitting in his car in front of the local motel and the third, a man murdered in his own bed, next to his wife, while his kids were in the house. One of the kids was a classmate of mine. If was widely viewed as “sending a message” as breaking into the house and killing him with the wife and children in the house was a big departure from the typical scenario.

Note that I did not mention any particular ethnicity; just that it was an organized crime situation.

Without mentioning a specific ethnicity, I can also tell you that some of the local pubs always had unmarked white donation canisters on the bar. No one had to ask where the donations went; it was assumed you knew.


Does anyone know if any of the jurors have spoken publicly?

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That’s you. You have said what I was thinking.

I agree that there are numerous ways this could have played out and but to me none of it is that strange for a trainer with an aging schoolmaster in a barn. I actually don’t find this part of the story to be so odd. People work out arrangements all of the time. I also think it is quite plausible that they were living at the house since RG was supposed to be doing some refurb work. Maybe he was going to be doing most of the work at night. All of this seems like a plausable reason for MB to accept the agreement/arrangement. BUT then when none of it turns out to be happening as planned and the bullying and everything else happening it all goes south quickly. But at its face value the arranagement may have seemed suitable at the time.


Their Florida farrier was identified when RG was on the stand. Ernie something.

I suspect the need to own Jay-T was simply another action in her quest for the “magic bullet” (pardon the pun) to instantly make her an Olympic level rider. We all know riders who believe the next gimmick/purchase will be the fairy dust for their goals. Most, no, ALL great accomplishments come after hard, dedicated work. We all know those words don’t apply to LK.


I think people in this forum are genuinely generous caring individuals and would not purposefully hurt anyone emotionally or otherwise.

Because of that, one can continue to joke about it, but maybe some are more aware of how some were sounding, inadvertently, unintentionally, or not, between references to the Jewish mafia and the WWII "diaspora” and a “community” being suggested as able to curry favorable coverage by what some other (very ugly) parts of the internet world refer to as an “elite” controlled newspaper (you know, often suggested as support for that global cabal thing).

Each ethnic/religious group has its own sterotypes --but the Jewish community had sterotypes developed on a grand scale to annihilate them.


Yup. As I mentioned earlier, I have a family who works for a business, that has been owned and operated by a single family for 3 generations, and the family is of an ethnicity I will not mention, because mentioning that particular fact the first time, apparently set off a STORM of outrage by other posters. The business has multiple operations in the entire mid Atlantic region, including a construction division (mostly road construction and road repair), and a real estate division (mostly commercial and industrial real estate). There is also a heavy equipment rental and sales division, along with a massive heavy equipment repair operation. It does a lot of legitimate business, and is well known, and well respected (according to my family member who works for them). The original company, founded three generations ago? It was a waste management company. And that grew into a trucking company. That eventually grew into a bigger company with multiple lines of business.

There is no public talk of the company being ‘connected.’ There is no public talk of the family that owns the business being ‘connected.’ However… it is well known that MANY of the blue collar employees working in the construction and heavy equipment divisional have records, and go in and out of prison. For various things. Some pretty darn serious. This has been the way it is for decades (my family member has worked for this company for almost 30 years now). My family member has joked several times over the years that “so and so is back at work after spending time in the clink” - because certain guys are always welcome back after they serve their time. Because they are ‘friends of the family.’

Is what it is. The current owners of the company are very ‘white collar’ business owners. They are on the board of a few key civics institutions in the Philadelphia area, have a home in the Main Line area, and belong to multiple country clubs. By all accounts, they are pillars of the community. :woman_shrugging:


Wow, this thread has gone some wild directions. The one thing I would like to point out is the condition of the house as was shown in pictures during the trial. It was still a mess and it didn’t look to me like anything near $50k worth of work had been done. And, he testified to the contrary.

Multiple times, LK said they couldn’t leave because they were owed $50k. And, they had never been asked to leave…all of which looks to be completely false. So, why, do some folks thinks RG is owed money???

I cannot fathom how some think this whole mess was MB’s fault alone. Some have posted they didn’t believe that LK bullied/mocked/tortured him over the edge. How can you not attribute blame to the onslaught of unkindness and evil that came from her? As I said earlier, and someone else said before me, words and actions HURT. Kids who are bullied and teased unmercifully have been known to commit suicide. The harm done in this situation was far broader than two shots.


Does that information become public in a civil trial?


Yikes. Were the wife and kids unharmed?

Physically, anyway. I can’t even imagine the mental aspect of that situation.

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Civil trials are more open, as far as discovery and admission of evidence goes. You’ll recall how the Judge in the criminal trial was all up in arms about stuff being admitted that gave a clear and accurate picture of what LK is really like and what she was doing to him and others, because it would give the jurors prejudice against her and steer them towards verdicts of Not Guilty, which happened anyway because of LK and RG’s testimony. In the Civil trial, there will be a lot more to look at, in regards to the evidence and some of it was referenced in the Criminal trial.