Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

She was also the person LK testified to lying to!! RW had expressed concern for her (LK’s) safety based on LK’s posts and LK lied to her saying she had all sorts of things in place, when in fact she was the one attacking all along. RW is simply another one duped by LK and her games.


Check the pastry section of any major grocery store chain and they will mostly have them. I have not been in a grocery store that doesn’t have them, even Walmart. I love them, but they are very, very sweet. Usually called cream horns.


Maybe it depends on how many views and comments they got with the videos on the L&C YouTube channel. I’m sure they have some sort of metrics in place.

[quote=“eggbutt, post:2155, topic:771580”]
She was also the person LK testified to lying to!! RW had expressed concern for her (LK’s) safety based on LK’s posts and LK lied to her saying she had all sorts of things in place, when in fact she was the one attacking all along. RW is simply another one duped by LK and her games.
Yet more light of what she meant by “unlimited means.”

Italian: Marcella’s, Villa Nova
Pizza: Borgata, Dewey’s

Dewey’s is a local chain? But their pizza is good. Other three are local. I have eaten at all 4 and they are good. Took a quick look on Yelp, there are tons of local restaurants close to the fairgrounds. Look for restaurants in the short north.

My grandparents were Italian, lived in Columbus. I lived there after college and my son lives there now. IMHO, the food scene has gotten even better since I lived there.

Hope that helps! Back to the subject at hand! :slight_smile:


Ummm - cream horns? pffffttt.
This is the Italian version - sfogliatelle"Authentic+Italian+Sfogliatelle+Recipe"+sid%3A"d1c0da2cfaf3491f6e27ccb5b8e152f3"+segment%3A"generic.carousel"+secq%3A"sfogliatelle"+supwlcar%3A"1"+tsource%3A"EntitySegments"+catesegtype%3A"recipe"+cack%3A"ebca45d5-cfc8-404a-8215-241e0cf92a09"+segtype%3A"UmVjaXBlLFJlY2lwZQ%3D%3D"+ctype%3A"0"+mltype%3A"0"+eltypedim1%3A"Recipe"&eeptype=EntityFull&FORM=RECICA


So, now that I’ve walked and fed the dogs, made some coffee and had some breakfast, it occurred to me, I wonder what Judge T and the Morris County Prosecutor thought about coming in this morning to random emails about random people sending cards to Mr B to take to his client? And something about random hate speech on a BB? Did they just move those emails to junk/spam/trash?


Saying one has never eaten good food in Ohio is like living in, for instance, Lowville, NY and saying you’ve never eaten good food in New York.


YUM!! I agree with you! These ARE better than cream horns, not nearly as sweet. It’s hard to find them super fresh though and they get soggy quickly.


also called lobster tails in New England since most people cant pronounce sfogliatelle :slight_smile:


You can’t discuss anything without people getting outraged?

Isn’t the purpose of thread to express outrage at LKs behavior? The FB posts to GJ were horrific; the fat shaming of OMGITSME was nasty and juvenile. Apparently there was someone else she fat shamed. No one is justifying that behavior; it ranges from horrible to nasty and juvenile.

The posters who express fresh outrage every time they bring up those disgusting posts seem to think that by posting it again, and again, and again, they are performing a noble service to the world by “calling her out”.

I see no evidence that either of LKs parents have committed crimes or written nasty stuff on SM, yet you casually suggest that JK has connections to the mob, and such connections are how he helped create the mess by “threatening” MB into keeping LK as a client. It was a ridiculous, absolutely unfounded smear. You brought in the fact that NJ has an active Jewish mob. If that’s true, it’s 100% irrelevant to your irresponsible suggestion that JK has mob connections.

With all the excruciatingly repetitive “calling out” of LK, and now her family, you’re offended if a “sock puppet” calls you out on baselessly suggesting a former lawyer for EF Hutton “threatened” MB with his mob connections?

Good grief. You happily fling mud at others and act shocked, shocked!, if there’s some back spatter on you.

BTW, I was not the only one who found the discussion of the Jewish mob being active in NJ offensive, and I’m not the one who is reporting the posts to various entities.


They may be interested in hearing/sharing the back story of a case that managed to get the extremely rare Insanity plea to stick.


Well, they might get a pretty good hint of it if they ever read the comments on their YouTube videos.


There was a new poster who chimed in during the trial who claimed to be Rosanna Williams.

I’m not sure I believed her. It’s so easy to lie as an anonymous poster on the internet.

WOW. The irony, it leaps out.


Especially since, yes, she was being honest.


No, perhaps they have not. But, they certainly seem to condone their daughter’s actions don’t they?

As eluded to in the criminal trial, apparently JK was definitely involved in the planning and destruction of Barisone. Those documents will be brought forth in the civil trial for sure.

And yes, the repetition of repeating all that LK has done to others does serve a purpose if even one person learns about her who was not aware of her behavior previously. As always, you can scroll on by.


You know that the poster was actually Rosanna Williams? How?

All civil cases are open to the public.


Maybe they told them via PM. Why does everything need to be proven to you unless it comes from a Kanarek cronie?