Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Oh goody. We are doing this AGAIN today.

So… AGAIN… I will correct the false statements you just made, which I have bolded.

I am not bothering to go back and quote my own posts from two days ago, because I quoted them for you yesterday, when we had the exact same discussion, and when I pushed back on you for misrepresenting what my first comment was on the topic, and then misatributing someone else’s immediately subsequent comment to me.

So again… I posted ASKING why people were so afraid of JK, especially in light of other comments other posters had made about RG allegedly saying that if he ever disappeared, people should first look at LK for having something to do with it. I posted and specifically asked if JK was “connected.”

Another poster responded with background information about EF Hutton’s ties to the mafia, noted that JK worked for EF Hutton for years, and also provided information about other organized crime in the NY/NJ area involving another community. That poster is the one who first introduced anything about the 2nd community involved in organized crime in the region, and noted the background of the family involved.

I later responded with a comment saying, “Yes. There is a history of organized crime in the state of NJ involving community A, and Community B… but of course, only some people are involved in it. And nothing mentioned in these comments is intended as a general smear of those entire communities”

Ok. That’s it. It would be great if you would stop misrepresenting my post, and misattributing other posts to me. But until you do… I guess I will just continue to correct the record.

I’m sorry my joke about an army of sock puppets agitated you. I thought it was a funny meme. :woman_shrugging:


I don’t remember the last time I saw Lowville mentioned in any context other than the site of a ridiculous amount of snow.

Here’s another bit of semi food related trivia. I believe the child actor who played Charlie in the 1970s version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder ended up as a large animal veterinarian who practices near Lowville.


No, I see no indication they condone LKs bad behavior. KK came on and said that she, herself, felt revulsion (not sure what word she used) for unkind behavior, but wished to express kindness to the human being behaving unkindly.

I thought she was referring to you- you’ve been unremittingly vicious toward LK, and now her parents, but she was saying that she was expressing kindness to you as a human being while hating your actions.

Barisone certainly alluded to JK being part of an evil plot to destroy MB, but it was his job to get MB acquitted however he could. I’m not remotely convinced JK did anything other than try to resolve the situation nonviolently.

It truly helps to ignore these folks. Just like Rosie-the-dog, once they latch on to something that gets a rise from others, they continue on with it ad nauseum, perhaps for attention or because they have nothing else to say. Grasping at straws to defend, deny and deflect from LK and her behavior and involvement of others in her schemes, is their project of the day/week/month.


It’s amazing that they seem to believe this will work. It just solidifies my resolve each and every time.


Since we are now ventuing into local foods

these are beckoning me


Because I found a connection on the forum and asked her. She responded politely, we talked privately briefly, and I wished her well.


It’s like a game of YD bingo.


So someone creates an account (either a genuinely new account or an alter), comes on during the trial and posts that she is Rosanna Williams, then Sdel PMs the screen name and asks “Are you really Rosanna Williams?” and the screen name says “Well, yes, yes I am”. Is that what you’re saying?

Well that’s convincing. /s

It doesn’t “need” to be proven to me. But I get to decide if I believe it or not. As do you, and everyone else.

That is not at all how it happened.


Here is Schmidts soup for those following the food trail. It is pretty good


It appears I was reported to the authorities.

Jokes R Hard.


Almost as good as when Kirby posted that people here should not be spreading lies about LK.


I’m not going to go back over the whole thing.

As I read it in real time, it was your posts that hit a nerve with me, both with the “questioning” about whether JK had “connections” and the irrelevant insertion of comments on the Jewish mob in NJ.

I am not “agitated” about being called a sock puppet. I’m used to it. Sock puppet, troll; both are dismissive terms for poster with a different opinion.

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Barisone didn’t testify. If I recall correctly, the question that was put to LK was: did you, your father, and Robert Goodwin, have a plot to destroy (or ruin or something along those lines) Michael Barisone?

And the response was yes.
I am sure someone will correct me if I am mistaken.


Is that a direct threat @hut-ho78…the only names I see are mine & @SillyHorse.



Because on post #2158, you jumped up out of nowhere, and quoted an exchange I had with @Djones , where we were both just JOKING, and I said:

“You can’t discuss ANYTHING without people getting outraged, and a few key sock puppets jumping in and trying to use the outrage to spin new and creative counter attacks”

And then I added this humorous picture to my post:


I gotta say… it came across to me like you were triggered by the joking, and the comment, and the picture… none of which even mentioned you by name.


And again… you are being dishonest. It was a different person who first inserted anything about the Jewish community’s very specific ties to organized crime and money laundering operations.


ETA… especially since others are reporting this alleged hate speech to prosecutor’s offices.


Exactly! Just as the recording of the meeting with Ed David was found by the defense in discovery, there are thousands upon thousands of texts, messages, recordings, etc that WILL show the profound involvement and to what detail the plan involved. Finish the ba$$ard will play a prominent theme coupled with evidence Barisone’s office and files had been breached. It is truly astonishing who these people thought they were and what they felt entitled to.

One can only hope Paradigm and any other associates of the Kanarek family have secure locks on all their properties, and all future attorneys determine if they are being surreptitiously recorded!


I think CH typed Barisone, but actually meant Bilinkas.