Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

There are plenty of places, such as Centenary University in Hackettstown (literally around the corner) that would take such a horse and use in their program and said horse would receive excellent care.


Hmmmm… it would appear so… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This horse did not need to be donated. It sold for mid five figures. It is a schoolmaster that was worth more than it sold for.
LK calling him a rescue is just another example of LK making drama on purpose.


And if you go back and read some of YD’s posts you will find them almost hilarious in their inanity. S/he turned themself into a buffoon.

St. Lucia rolls. That touch of saffron, wow!


Not yet. Not until the court decides MB is not a risk to himself or the public. The State still has to show up at all the subsequent hearings, and if they feel compelled, they can ask for MB to remain in treatment.

And yes, laughing at a teenager was loathsome.


She said she sometimes lies on social media. She did not say everything she says on SM is a lie.

So if you “lies all the time” means every statement she writes on SM is a lie, no she never said that.

But I’m not talking about lies about LK. The oft repeated mantra that LK provoked the shooting by calling CPS and accusing MB of sexual abuse of MHGs children was a lie.

Oops. You are right. I went back and checked post #2158, and what you actually said was:

“ BTW, I was not the only one who found the discussion of the Jewish mob being active in NJ offensive, and I’m not the one who is reporting the posts to various entities…”

I’m sorry for misattributing to you, something that someone else posted about. I was reading too fast I guess, and not fully processing.

There you go. See how easy that is?


This is a Springfield IL horseshoe sandwhich I think you might enjoy it as much or more than the Schmidts Creamy Potato soup

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Wow, that was an amazing tap dance to avoid just saying yes or no.

What was the phrase the lawyers used?

False in one, false in all, I believe.


Why is it called a horse shoe?

Yes, VHM, I do understand how easy it is. I’ve said several times that I probably did jumble up exactly who said what when I’m reading the thread in real time.

Tap dancing aside… why did CPS show up so quickly that morning? What were they responding to? Why did MHG make a point of emphasizing on FB that MB was always very good to/with her kids? I do not think that anyone can categorically state anything factual about what LK may or may not have said… or threatened… as part of the FTB campaign. I am not sure that LK can even do that.


Sorry, you may not have had a chance to read the whole thread.

The horse was sold for 40K, which was probably less than fair market value for the horse at the time.

It was not a donation situation.


Ah, I did not realize that. I thought it was just the judge involved in that ongoing process.

Well, then Mr. S can continue to show up periodically and be reminded of his experience with the case. And maybe get random emails in the meantime.


Wow! That looks good…but, here in the South we would say those fries are raw!:slight_smile:


Careful! Someone might accuse you of threatening or intimidating a prosecutor! We sure wouldn’t want that misunderstanding!


Words cannot express how unconcerned I am about that possibility. Lol.


And pound his head into the desk.


Quite likely.

Gee, I wonder if the judge would admonish him for that? :thinking:


I realize that, my point was he would know all options if that were the case.