Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Tsk, tsk, tsk, yes OBTUSE is the word of the day. These witnesses weren’t “character witnesses” per se but highly unimpeachable people from Michael’s past who testified about the dramatic change they saw come over him so quickly and that they had never, ever seen him so distraught, depressed, and terrified as he was the days/weeks before the shooting. I won’t be surprised if you attempt to question their testimony of their observations.


It’s my understanding that MHG was the one who submitted 700+ pages of “evidence” to SS about LK. I would think she wouldn’t have done so without MB’s blessing, but his state of mind in early August was no kind of a reasonable state at all. He may have signed the complaint, but I can’t imagine he did much work for it.

I also thought I knew that LK called (several different people at) SS trying to lodge a complaint against MB for verbal abuse, bullying, etc. and one SS person eventually asked her if there were children living on the farm and……there it was, “children”! The magic word! “Why yes there are”—and the rest is history.


There wasn’t even a sparkler or Christmas popper! It was all about intimidation - the Kanarek game plan: bully, threaten, and intimidate. “All will be revealed”! Yep, it sure will!!! Maybe we will finally hear why LK isn’t welcome in the family home - that bastion of love and forgiveness. (Yes, intended snark.)


She clearly used the word “WE” when testifying about sending 720 pages to SS via UPS (and she offered the receipt as I recall).


In the case of Boyd Martin and Phillip Dutton, they were also there to specifically refute LK saying that MB abused the horses or didn’t provide adequate care or words to that effect.

Edit to add: that wasn’t as much about MB’s truthfulness as much as it was the lengths LK was willing to go to blast him on SM leading up to the shooting. She’d already testified to her posts about Michael’s cruelty or neglect or whatever words she used.


Every lie LK had made about MB was addressed by a witness. The prosecution was objected to, and sustained, when they tried to question Ali Brock about USEF misconduct. Another reason why they might want to go ahead and deal with LK now…


I think Elon dated Amber, too.


I thought it was pretty clear why CPS showed up that day, given the sworn testimony of the CPS representative.


This is a welcome thing as the law field is chock full of really bad alcoholics. I mean BAD. From judges to staff to lawyers to cops. Really really bad. It’s been all around me all my career and I had to stop drunken court officers discharging multiple firearms more than once during out of control Xmas parties.

Plus many others things. MANY.

On the bright side no one remembered a thing this one time after I drove them all home nor remember why the copy machine was broken from the Lieutenant xeroxing his fat naked ass.

But I digress… .


“Hello, SafeSport?”
“I am not sure about this but there is some concern at the barn about possible risk to several minors there. The trainer there is a good friend of George Morris and one of the minors is a young boy that the trainer seems quite fond of…”

Yes, hypothetical script. But I can see where a call like that right around the time GM was handed his lifetime ban could have put some things in motion at SS.


And what is my “connection to” or “investment with” the Kanareks that is so clear to you?


Some Dateline episodes lasted a full two hours, others were only one hour. Does 48 hours ever do 2 hour episodes?

I’m totally curious.


The poster in question was AnnaKarena92.

Yes, I know the horse sold for 40k. My point was if MB felt the need to “donate” the horse, there would be much better options such as Centenary University which he certainly would know about.

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That’s what WE want to know!!!

What is your connection to them?


Sidebar: Johnny Depp is testifying tomorrow! All evidence and testimony so far shows Heard is and has lied about abuse and other things in the past, while Depp’s story has not changed at all. Sounds familiar.


And your point is precisely what? What is your interest in me? I have already made it more than clear that I will not be discussing Lauren’s business dealings with me.

Further more, before you go spreading rumors, I no longer sell horses by any means (app or otherwise). I was in a car accident in 2020 and, due to a TBI, am no longer able to handle the work.

Please leave me out of your speculation.


And just to further bring it home…our private conversations did not have anything to do with LK at all.


Why on earth is @CurrentlyHorseless dragging other, silent posters back into play? Oh, that’s right…they had to have PROOF. Got it. Wonder if this was proof enough?!


Strange to require proof from others while you staunchly believe the admitted liar and will defend said liar ad nauseum.