Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes, the need for proof reminds me of Inigo-montoya’s demands for proof of how I knew Simring was a expert defense witness!


Sorry to read about your car accident. That sounds awful. :cry:


Not sure what your connection is, hence why I asked. What’s telling is your warped point of view which contrast from the general consensus and the relentless replies where you clearly devote a great deal of time defending the Karareks.


And do the strangest contorting of fact to do so.


maybe buying the horse was her way of making sure no one else got to use him, as well?
I could see this being a possessiveness play, to keep the special Schoolmaster just for her.
But I wonder if a problem arose when she wasn’t riding enough to be up to riding him, or if he wasn’t being kept in shape because she was cancelling lessons?



Good for you :smile:

My guess is buying the horse accomplished multiple goals. It guaranteed you and only you rides the horse. It gives you total control of the horse. It let’s you put down your name as owner of the horse - a status thing, and it binds you to your target like one of those gals who has a baby with a guy to keep him on the hook.



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It tried to hurt me last week. It’s a real dill pickle trying to eat out. That sucks about your egg yolk allergy. I’m just grateful my issues don’t extent to dairy and CHEESE.


Rescues are not in the business of taking in $40K horses. This is not a horse who needed to go to a rescue. This is a horse that was stated to have Cushings and shivers, both of which were manageable.

As far as free board for the rest of the horse’s life, LK and the truth do not have a very intimate acquaintance!


Very astute.

No. IIRC the child protection lady was clear there were no allegations of sexual misconduct and that the issue of concern was neglect by MHG, not MB at all.


How utterly disgusting to do that because you’re jealous of someone else’s life.

Who DOES that?

What a tortured, tormented empty, vile soul.


No. That is not how SS works. If LK made a report to SS about MB and she was told that they mainly deal with reports with minors in danger, it sounds like the next report to SS involved the neglect/abuse of the children. SS is a mandatory reporter. They would then contact the relevant authorities. SS would not investigate, with their cumbersome process, a report that children were in danger right that minute.


Ah, thank you. I withdraw the comment, Your Honor.


I cannot imagine-I know of three or maybe four people with alpha gal. Two of them can eat pork again. I think it took 3-4 years after diagnosis. And maybe one is back to her regular diet. But she is almost ten years since diagnosed. Honestly it would be difficult for me to think about even trying a known antigen with it being typically such a delayed ANA. My other friend is now back on cheese but not yet milk. My egg allergy manifests as arthritis so while painful it is not ANA.

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OK, so I live in Ohio and I do feel attacked LOL! Where in the heck have you been that you can’t find good food? I live a little NE of Dayton and could point you to any number of great restaurants in all price points in this area. I consider myself a good home cook, so it’s not like I think good food is only found at chain restaurants. ???


I am way behind, however I wanted to respond to this before it was lost.

In court it was MB’s lawyer who said that JK was part of the conspiracy to destroy MB and the proof was in emails including templates sent to LK to be used against MB.

The judge would not allow this evidence in as MB did not know JK was part of the conspiracy to destroy him so it could not go to his state of mind before the shooting.

I bet that will be in the civil trial.


I saw your posts earlier when you were upset about LK lying to you. I always thought you came across as a good friend to have and that she appreciated you. I’ve been listening to testimony more for stuff I missed because I heard it piecemeal as it happened. I just listened to her testimony about you again the last couple of days.