Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I have also heard them referred to as “lady locks”

I’ll do you one better: That child actor, whose name is Peter Ostrum, grew up in my home town and his older sister was in my class in high school.


LOL it’s been a minute. I used to do healthcare software consulting and spent a good bit of time in Youngstown, Cincinnati, and maybe Springfield? Gads that was nearly 20 years ago, which makes me a fossil.

PS- Good food and chain restaurants do not go together in most cases. I used to hate travelling to cities where Outback and Macaroni Grill were the places to go. Sobbing, again.


Are you from Indiana? I have seen you post two prime Indiana delicacies on here. Go for the trifecta and post Sugar Cream pie. Although tenderloins, to be truly appreciated, have to be shown in a bun that they overlap. (Grew up in central Indiana - Peru to be exact). I so miss that food especially the mushrooms. Don’t even have to call them
Morels - every Hoosier knows what you mean.


We had Easter yesterday and my SIL made a chicken casserole and asked if bringing a ham was ok. Of course it was fine, and I wanted to hug it, LOL, but I am afraid to eat it. I had a bad scare at a hotel buffet last week, couple thousand miles from home, where I ate pork in a ‘veggie’ casserole. I was fine, no reaction, and I’m tempted to think that it’s only beef that makes me think I’m dying. But I am not willing to ever, EVER, have that feeling of impending doom, the fear that the the world was closing in on me like my last cheeseburger did. If MB felt anything remotely like what I felt, I can imagine a tiny, tiny, tiny slice of the terror and unease he felt in the face of the LK/RG ‘finish the bastard’ situation.

I had no idea I would segue back on topic.


WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? A “direct threat?” To whom? You appear to be off your ever loving rocker.


That does make a lot more sense.

@SillyHorse ask @KarenK what she meant in her question.

You were the one who posted “Villains get shot” and she seemed to endorse it. Your statement. Yours to explain or not.

Everyone knew about child abuse in the horse business and looked the other way and now villains get shot. If you don’t mean this stuff, don’t write it.

I find this photo very threatening, don’t bash whatever those are! :wink:

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Wow. Very cool!

I once had an anaphylactic reaction to a medication I’d been taking for almost two weeks.

It came on kind of slowly, and it was the sort of thing where I hadn’t eaten anything new or done anything out of the ordinary - medication aside, but it didn’t even come to mind since I’d been taking it for two weeks. I thought maybe I was reacting to some sort of hidden bug bite.

At the ER, they asked me what I was taking and said oh, that happens a lot. Would you think someone would maybe TELL ME THAT? I would have gone a lot sooner if I knew I was taking something that was known to induce delayed anaphylaxis…I thought it couldn’t be that since I’d been taking it for so long.

anyway. Never been so certain I was going to die as I was over the course of that day as I exploded in hives and my throat and lips swelled up. Do not recommend.


What I actually wrote was “Sometimes villains get shot,” after you complained that the defense made LK and RG look like villains. Stop trying to stir up non-existent problems. Your constant twisting and attempts to manipulate what people write to suit some weird agenda you have is not only tiresome, it’s downright irritating.


Nope your sister to the east. We have Gooey Butter Cake thanks to The Lou but no Sugar Cream pie! Although it sounds delish from what I’ve heard.


And look closely the bun is underneath the tenderloin in that pic. I think it is from Bainbridge Cafe in Barry IL.


What? How is that endorsing violence? It is what happened. Someone who was alledged to be villainous did indeed get shot.


I’m glad it’s not just me getting irritated with the absurd and willful misinterpretations a VERY SPECIFIC handful of posters are resorting to, just so that they can claim other people have:

  1. Made threats.
  2. Engaged in hate speech
  3. Engaged in improper behavior by talking about sending a note of support to Bilinkas to possibly pass on to MB (after it is screened).

It’s beyond weird. And annoying. You then have to go back and look up your own posts to demonstrate how they are being willfully twisted and misrepresented by this handful of people.

In other news… Dinah is now posting with authority on the other Barisone SafeSport thread, and acting as if nothing at all weird and outrageous was said on this thread yesterday…



Hut Ho is constantly trying to make all of us look worse than LK, an impossibility. In those futile attempts, s/he twists, manipulates, and makes things up. It’s weird.


Die, thread, die!!!


I am inclined to believe the three women representing USEF/SS may have been overwhelmed at the messages waiting for them this morning. Equestrian members want answers from USEF on how they allowed this woman to continue with complete disregard to all who had reported Lauren’s behavior over the years. I know of three people who went so far as to insinuate USEF/SS was complicit in what happened with Barisone. Let’s see what they do next to address this…handle it or bounce it to the NGB for code of conduct violations. If her family isn’t going to address her behavior, perhaps the Federation will.


@hut-ho78 IS off their rocker trying to twist what we both said! Unreal!