Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

@hut-ho78 you are annoying. You are NOT a villain, and no one has threatened you.

I have you blocked so I don’t see your inanities, but man you are going on and on and on and on about notttttthhhhiiiing that actually happened.



I love how you characterize my blocked posts that you can’t see.

Could someone repost the address for letters to send to MB?

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There are a number of high profile restaurants in Cleveland now!


Hopefully something positive comes from it. I don’t know. As someone who has sincerely believed in the value of SafeSport as a good thing for minors… this case upsets me.

I don’t know what the right answer is anymore. It’s a really messy situation.

LK has CLEARLY telegraphed that she will pursue legal action against USEF if they sanction her. At this point… they need to just ignore that noise, and follow some sort of standard process, with respect to either a SafeSport investigation into a possible malicious false report, or a USEF lead investigation into consideration of code of conduct violations.

Whatever they do… it’s going to take time. And need to be thorough, and thoughtful. And… they will probably get sued anyways. I do not envy anyone holding this hot potato right now.


I am chuckling at your feigned? ignorance of how easily one can click through to see said inanities for themselves when one notices sensible forum members getting annoyed with such.


@hut-ho78…READ IT AGAIN!
SillyHorse said “sometimes villians get shot.”
I replied, " Yes they do & did."
YOU replied, "Here are two of the latest examples."
As if YOU are saying that @SillyHorse & I will be the next victims that get shot!!!
So I asked you if that was a DIRECT THREAT, from YOU, towards SillyHorse & I.
Is THAT what you meant?


That was after people were saying they had never seen anyone promoting violence. Here are the latest examples of people promoting violence, you and SillyHorse. If you don’t mean it, then don’t post it.

Promoting violence on social media is pretty sick, unbecoming, unhinged, nasty, etc.

And yet you say I am blocked. Ok. I’ll pretend you blocked me and then pretend I can’t see your posts. Scroll scroll on by.

You are. And I can choose to see them with one click of a button. I just pull the trigger and boom, there you are.


Good luck with that. There have been numerous lawsuits against the former AHSA and all have held that a private organization can sanction members as it wishes and it is not a violation of due process to have to subrogate to the association’s arbitration clause.

“Plaintiff has the right to keep unsavory people away from the horse shows that it oversees, even if only to prevent the appearance of impropriety ( see, Matter of Tappis v New York State Racing & Wagering Bd., 36 NY2d 862, 864 [1975]). Defendant pleaded guilty to most reprehensible actions. Plaintiff is certainly justified in avoiding actual or potential harm to its events, members, and reputation, not to mention the horses, by having defendant barred from those events. The equities balance in favor of plaintiff who wants to keep defendant, with his past, away from horse shows and competitions. Although defendant would like to see his son at equestrian competitions, unfortunately for defendant’s son defendant is not permitted to do so. Defendant should have considered the consequences of his actions before he put himself in the position in which he is now. Therefore, the motion should be granted to the extent of dismissing defendant’s second, fourth, and fifth defenses and counterclaim, and awarding summary judgment to plaintiff against defendant. As requested by plaintiff, defendant should be permanently enjoined from violating plaintiff’s determination against him and from attending as a participant, competitor, or spectator any of plaintiff’s recognized competitions.”


It’s so reminiscent of another poster, now banned, who was the chief apologist for LK and who could repost the same incorrect information ad infinitum


I take your comment as a direct threat!! Be careful what you type.


That is not promoting violence it is stating what happened. Someone who was alledged to be villainous was shot.


@KarenK you and SillyHorse promoted violence. I did not. Nothing I typed is a threat to you or SillyHorse.

@Virginia_Horse_Mom, you were attempting to answer, @CurrentlyHorseless, I believe, in explaining how Michael Barisone could be afraid of JK. I went back and listened to some of LK’s testimony. In the days before the shooting, she said that MB was afraid of her father. A couple of days before, she said he was “deathly afraid”.
So, we don’t know the reason, but we do know that MB was, in fact, afraid of JK. We also don’t know when that started. But we do know that JK and LK were planning to sue MB before the shooting. And things were falling apart as early as April when MHG said LK and RG had to leave. And, LK had a plan to destroy MB.

Who stays in a situation where it’s made clear you are not welcome? CH would like to place blame squarely on MB. I think not.


SillyHorse said sometimes villains get shot. KarenK said yes they do and did.

I said those were examples of people promoting violence.

If SillyHorse wanted to say a villain got shot, then SillyHorse could have stated that.

It is possible that in trying to look cool, SillyHorse and KarenK overstate. I hope so. It is unsettling to see these posts especially after LK was shot twice.

Edited to add “sometimes” to SillyHorse’s quote.

Well said, iberianfan. Who stays in a situation like that? Someone who smugly thinks they are in control of everyone and everything - and has her dad to back that up.


Again, you are misquoting SillyHorse. Get the quote correct or move on.


I left off.”sometimes.”

My comment of here are two of the latest examples means people promoting violence. I will return and edit for clarification.