Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Oh for heaven’s sake…no one was promoting violence, try as you might to twist that to be the case.

Throughout all of recorded history, some villains have gotten shot/stabbed/hit with an arrow/run through with a sword… etc.
At the same time, some good guys have gotten shot/stabbed/hit with an arrow/run through with a sword… etc.

In the best case scenario, no one gets shot/stabbed/hit with an arrow/run through with a sword… etc.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

SOMEONE CALL THE COPS! The Keystone Cops would be appropriate, I think.


@hut-ho78, if you would, please refrain from “liking” any of my posts. It makes me nervous.


The comment I made was in NO way promoting (“further the progress of something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage.) violence but instead making light of an issue that happened in Past tense (“a tense expressing an action that has happened or a state that previously existed.”) NOW for intellectual enrichment (” **the act or process of increasing one’s intellectual or spiritual resources") The world does consist of Very Very bad individuals who perpetuate ( carry out or commit a harmful, illegal, or immoral action) Very Very bad things against others and BAD things happen to those people and I do NOT lose sleep if they do!


You might as well give up. Everyone but Hut Ho knows neither of us was doing anything remotely resembling promoting violence. My hunch is that Hut Ho knows it, as well, but is getting a charge out of our responses. Let’s just ignore his/her silliness.


Thank you for following up on this.

Again… why in the world would MB be “deathly afraid” of a 70 something year old lawyer, who had a lifelong white collar career?

And LK is the one who testified to that. She CLEARLY didn’t believe MB was insane. She didn’t want him to get the NGI verdict. Her civil attorney went on Court TV after the verdict and outright claimed MB was faking.

So what RATIONAL reason exists that LK clearly knows something about, that caused MB to be “deathly afraid” of JK?

I will not speculate anymore… especially since certain posters are going NUTS, twisting people’s words, and reporting things said on this thread to prosecutor’s offices, and apparently USEF and SafeSport. :roll_eyes:

I will simply reiterate that this whole thing where JK allegedly terrified MB… then LK and RG and all of LKs horses stayed at MBs facility for the next several months, at what seems to be a below market rate, with no contract covering the terms and conditions of the rental or boarding arrangement…

That’s very weird. Again… JK is an older lawyer from NJ - I think in his early 70’s. How exactly did he “terrify” MB… who is 6’3”, much younger, and a professional athlete? And let’s be clear, being concerned about someone filing a possible lawsuit is a very different thing than being “terrified” of someone …


@Virginia_Horse_Mom, I’m becoming more and more convinced that some who are posting that way are just alters for people we are very familiar with. Not going to mention names because: A) they will deny, and B) rules.

So, it leaves us with more than a few reasons to love the ignore feature.

On another note: Many others have been asking why MB let people do things that in retrospect seem like maybe not such a great idea… My take is, that MB is in general a pretty nice guy. He may have his good days and his bad days, but for the most part, he’s a good guy and looks at others as good people too. So far in his life, he hasn’t had any reason to think differently. The people at the level he deals with all, so far, have understood contracts, and keeping one’s word, so when LK says, “We will do/pay X” he says okay, and assumes that they are good for “X”.

The fact that LK lied, and continues to lie, is not a reflection on MB. This is ALL ON HER.


Just gonna drop this here for a particular poster who has been dropping in frequently.

Romans 14:12: So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

I believe this verse sums up accountability.


Not good enough. We should have to account for ourselves and how we treat other human beings while we are alive.


I am a big believer in Karma. Big. Now, I do like being there to see what goes around come around, but that doesn’t often happen.

After having LK PM me personally, attempting to be menacing, I am here to tell you that “she ain’t raht”, as they say down south. Not only not right, but she, IMHO, is deeply troubled as well as being somehow able to fixate and focus on individuals, and make their lives a total hell, apparently. Her own testimony in this case verifies this.

Moreover, she revels in the idea that she can do this. I have no way of knowing how successful she has been in her missions in the past, but this was just a heinous example of someone with means being able to plan and carry out a vulnerable individuals near destruction. Think about that. Having the time on your hands, and your druggie flunky to aid and abet this? Unreal.

As I’ve said before, I believe that the civil suit is toast. I hope that it goes forward just long enough for a jury to laugh her right out of court, after she spends some more of Daddy’s money to assuage an ever so damaged ego and psyche.

But that’s just me.


So how does this mesh with 48 hours beating bushes for people who ACTUALLY KNEW LK who had anything nice to say about her? As I understand that bit, they couldn’t find anyone. Was RW just hiking the Adirondacks?


Please be nice. She has been here posting, and has not once said anything against anyone else for their posts. She has maintained some level of public neutrality and it seemed she was was being lied to based on LK’s testimony.


Interesting how many posters have mentioned threatening LK posts. I feel like a see a new one or more every day. Maybe there should be a thread just to start a support group! But, maybe there would be so many members it would crash the site again. :rofl:

Big shout out to @Knights_Mom for being the first to really out - and post - the threats to her. Given what she was dealing with in LK, it was brave and allowed loads of us to see that we were not alone. Some people who were chased off by those PMs even came back after that. She used her legal expertise for good to counter other people using it for evil. Brava, Knights_Mom!!


I agree with Sdel. This poster does not need to be brought into this. They did nothing to be dragged back in.


Plus, I think she was an example of someone who is a kind person who had the impulse to reach out and care about LK during the time right before the shooting. She is also someone who might have said positive things about LK, however, it was subsequently shown to her that LK was lying to her/using her/just stirring up drama that got other people worried.

So she, herself, is just one more victim of LK’s MO. She is certainly the living proof of no good deed going unpunished.


I thought I was. It really was just a question, primarily to the board. Does this person know LK and if so, why didn’t they go to 48 hours and say, “Yeah, LK’s a great gal!”.

Anyone who doesn’t want to be “drug into” anything, all they have to do is ignore the post. I won’t mind a bit.


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So, due to reasons, I have way too much time on my hands lately.

Going back through some of the old threads is certainly interesting. Current top of my “post that didn’t age well” list:


“One last thing- whatever you believe I may “sound like,” on my fb page- is, I guarantee- not going to be an adequate reason to be murdered. Good luck arguing that one.”

Post 240 in the thread called That’s a Twist.


I’m betting it’s learned behavior.

It’s sure that karma comes around. It is also sure that the crapple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

I said to LK a long time ago I’d gladly put my “record” up against hers any day of the week. After seeing all this stuff with other persons that revolve around her I’m good with adding them to the mix too.

My dad would have caste me into an institution to learned how to properly function in society.

Someone asked where LK gets the time to do this stuff. SHE HAS NO JOB.

Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.


Thank you @FitzE!

I’m glad that my job came in useful here.

And now I’m really glad we have a number of posting attorneys because it’s important truth comes out as it applies to law as I’m no litigator.


But I’ll wager you leave beautiful lines when you vacuum.