Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

If @hut-ho78 keeps beating the dead horse I’m calling the ASPCA and Sarah McLaughlin.


I do not vacuum. I hire others to do it. I loathe housework so I learned long ago best to have someone come.



Did we have any final thoughts on letters to MB or no letters? (… if you don’t know him personally) I just feel compelled to give him a show of support from a “regular” person but I also don’t want to overstep and possibly make him feel worse.


There you go.


Totally agree. At first I thought KM was being a bit over the top by continuing to bring up the threats by LK but now I can see very clearly why she did so.

I would like to know how to proceed with a complaint to USEF. I do know I will not attend a show (in any capacity) in which she is attending. I just can’t take the chance of running into her or having any dealings with her or her gang. I am terrified of her and I don’t even know her.


This is important for SS to know!

CoTH took a big step in banning her based on her testimony. Others can do the same.


Or was LK telling her the truth at that time and she had already bought the cameras/recorders/whatever it was, and just did not want to admit it in court, so she changed her story? :thinking:

Impossible to say at this time, since LK said under oath in court that she lies a lot.


I can’t pm you and you prob can’t pm me (I’m sure both of our profiles are locked for the same reason)

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A couple of people have said they were sending cards, so I would think you could if you wanted to. I trust Mr. B to use his best judgment on forwarding them.

Here is the address, which was requested upthread a bit.

Michael Barisone C/O


Thank you. Very useful.


I sent a card, and also one to Mr. B himself, a congratulations on a just verdict.


Check your messages

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Given the psychiatric testimony and the verdict, is it possible MB was “deathly afraid” of JK because he was … delusional? Do you believe the defense psychiatric experts and trust the jury’s verdict or not?

I have never said the responsibility for the mess in the run up was 100% the fault of MB. I attempted to make the point that it was more than 0% his fault. He agreed to have her live in the apartment, even though MHG vehemently disagreed. He was enmeshed in at least three messy financial agreements with her, none of them written. He procured an additional handgun. All those things contributed.

Then how do you explain the state’s expert claiming that MHG was terrified that JK was going to kill her?


Wait, what? Which state’s expert said that? Was it Dr. Moustache?

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Yes, I believe the Mustache was going down that path as he attempted to claim that MB was not insane, because other people there were also afraid of JK and LK.

It seemed like a pretty backwards approach, since the more he said that, the more it seemed to justify the self-defense theory.


Question. Is NGI basically the same as self defense in this case?

It was proven, by the verdict NGI, that MB was legitimately fear for his life during his mental break. Isn’t that the same as if someone WAS holding a gun to his head?

Wouldn’t that be grounds for reinstatement? The only difference to this self defense is that in this case the person who held the proverbial gun hasn’t yet been charged? Are there any cases like this where the person responsible for sending someone over the edge has been held accountable for their actions?

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Wait, what? Which state’s expert said that? Was it Dr. Moustache?

Yes. It was one of the last things he said when he was trying to justify why MB wasn’t delusional because it was really happening.

He went into a lot about what was going on. Everything the state had worked so hard to keep out, that witness brought in…and the prosecution ate it up…

For the record, MHG called 911 the day after the shooting because JK and RG snuck into the barn to get things out of the locker….presumably they did so without warning….


Right. And don’t forget that he became “much more terrified” after getting the investigator’s report. I’m sure we can all reasonably speculate why that would be.


The 911 operator had to be thinking, “Again?!? What on earth is going on at that place???”