Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Was he allowed to check? I thought only a very few could access the content of the CPS report.


I would expect that was because the Dr. was analyzing Mr. Barisoneā€™s state of mind. The truth of what Mr. Barisone thought, were his delusions.


I donā€™t know. During the cross, it sounded like he had access to the record but just didnā€™t check. Maybe he couldnā€™t.

It sounded to me that the reason why the content of the CPS report was off limits was because it was against MHG, not MB. CPS primarily affects the parent/child relationship.

However, I can see how a report of sexual abuse against MB would trigger a neglect investigation against MHG for allowing her child to be around an ā€œabuserā€ā€¦ā€¦maybe that is why LK couldnā€™t figure out how her SS report resulted in a call to CPS.


I thought the neglect part included overflowing kitty litter boxes. Where did I see that? Somewhere here thousands of posts back maybe.

Oh, thatā€™s good thinking. If it was against the parent as abuser, it might be classified as abuse; if itā€™s against someone the parent allows around he child it might be neglect. That would make sense. LK did mention that she kindly noted that MB probably ā€˜didnā€™t meanā€™ to be doing what he was doing. :roll_eyes:

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Yes - you are right. I think that was part of it - and I seem to recall photos or something? But I do not recall there being hundreds of posts here declaring that a call specifically about sexual abuse was the last strawā€¦ and a lot of that would have been pre-trial.

I think there were a few but maybe very few. I had the impression people skipped a lot of the cross because they didnā€™t like how the prosecutor started out. I wondered if the prosecutor had learned the hard way or his boss had to proof Dr Simringā€™s reports. That doesnā€™t mean there wasnā€™t meat in the report and the jury found that. It was just sloppy and I think made it harder for the jury.

Agreed. And there were more than a few sloppy things going on throughout that trialā€¦ that jury had a lot to sort through.


LK claimed to have taken photos of the beds in which MHGā€™s children slept. She claimed that there were litter boxes next to or perhaps somehow above (?) these beds so that the cat feces overflowed onto the childrenā€™s beds. I believe she claimed both animal and child neglect on this basis.

Of course, the first question everyone had was: what were you doing taking pictures of the area where someoneā€™s children slept?! :astonished:

Super creepy.


Maybe but I thought the club room was just a huge room with a viewing area over the arena. Werenā€™t they just putting mattresses on the floor in the club room though? Anyone walking in or by and looking in the door could see?

Perhaps. Iā€™m not clear on the club room living arrangements. I understood there was also a residence within the barn complex as well. But, even if they were forced to sleep on the floor, still, taking pics of kids beds isā€¦not normal.


Were the kids still on the property by the time they were living in the clubhouse? I seem to sort of vaguely recall having the impression that the pictures were taken when they were all still staying in the house, as I recall. But of course, it was a long time ago by now.

And if that information came from LK in the first place, obviously it was completely unreliable anyway.


Ok, guys. I will never catch up with this thread if I keep getting diverted to Google to look up such delicacies as Gooey Butter Cake and Sugar Cream Pie. (Not to mention all those pastries and breads that preceded). :grin:

Alas, considering I have Celiac, it appears I wonā€™t be sampling any of them. But I still canā€™t stop myself from looking them up and drooling. :confused:


I found out afterward Neff was part of the consulting team, worked on-site with the director, runs Annaā€™s IG account and is paid by her. So that explained a lot of the animus toward Rachel and that last episode. It IS a PR job - by Neff.

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C) Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.


Gollum in couture?

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At least for a bit. I called out Lauren for taking photos and not reporting her concerns (if the photos were real & she actually cared). I also pointed out that her lackadaisical attitude toward her dog with a history of biting was worrisome and indicative of her being an irresponsible dog owner - the dog needed a lot more training. She was not happy with me.


And who the heck ELEVATES cat litter boxes at all, let alone placing them OVER where anyone sleeps? Particularly your child(ren)?


No one.

Or someone staging a photo?

Thatā€™s all I can come up with. :woman_shrugging: