Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I agree, that would be great footage.
But didn’t Bob say that she would disable anything he put up, if he put it up?


I am behind, so if this is repetitive, please forgive me.
I agreed that MB made mistakes. But LK embarked on a plan, a mission, to torture and torment him, purposefully and with evil intent. She took his mistakes and compounded them to the nth degree. Again, like a predator on wounded prey.

MB had no such evil intent. He is, by all accounts, a nice guy. And I know people that know him, and that’s their opinion. When you weigh the wrongdoing, imho, the scale tips over.


I’m ALMOST caught up on comments, but yours reminds me of “Don’t F**k with Cat’s”, the Netflix show that chronicles events following a real life crowd-sourced amateur investigation into a series of animal cruelty acts committed by Canadian pornographic actor Luka Magnotta, culminating in his murder of Chinese international student Jun Lin.

I always say “never underestimate the power of a p*ssed off middle aged woman with internet access”. :slight_smile:


Not to call for a sidebar on religion - but many faiths believe that “God” lives within us (or should live within us). And even if you don’t believe in the Christian or Jewish or even Muslim concept of GOD, you should live your life so when you die, you aren’t ashamed of how you lived and how you treated those you encountered during your time here.


Moderator_1 did clarify in the main trial thread: “We’ve removed access to our SM platform and community following sworn testimony in this case related to previous use of SM.”


Her other accounts went dark once the trial started. It seems they will remain that way, which is probably smart. RG’s is set to private as well, though he is searchable. The peanut gallery is overwhelmingly unimpressed with both LK and RG, and they probably changed their privacy settings as a defense against the comment section. LK took a swipe at Dressage Hub on YouTube, but that’s it. I haven’t seen comments from either on COTH articles. You could set your watch by her appearances in the comment section for any Barisone articles that COTH posted on Facebook.

I will say, I have never experienced such a unanimity of support for an individual (Barisone) within the horse world. It can be a fractured, petty world, with strange alliances and enmities. Riders and trainers from many different disciplines have aligned with him. I’m glad for it.


Notwithstanding the fact that I believe when you die you’re dead and there’s no thinking back about anything, I think it’s better to live your life so you aren’t ashamed of how you’re living it now.


IIRC, Mr. B tried to ask MHG about that incident but the judge shut him down because it happened after the shooting (so therefore had no bearing on MB’s state of mind at the time of the shooting).

Mr. B was trying to establish credibility regarding MB’s and MHG’s fear of LK, JK, and RG, but Taylor was trying very hard to not allow any testimony that spoke to the character of those parties (since they weren’t on trial).

And apologies if this has already been discussed. I am trying to catch up with overnight postings… :smiley:


Good point, and I probably should have said, “As you lie dying, you aren’t ashamed of how you lived…”


I chose the Bible verse specifically for a sanctimonious poster who occasionally likes to post forgiveness and love posts. She needs to take care of her own house before preaching to others.

I have to say I am honestly shocked at the criminal record of the family (public record apparently). I understand there are no convictions but the charges themselves are interesting!


It kind of makes me wonder if the pattern of getting in trouble and having no real consequences is what made this family up their game so much when things were not going their way with MB.


Yeah, makes one wonder and speculate about all sorts of connections that may or may not be true. Personally, I don’t have a record of any kind other than a few speeding tickets eons ago, so I don’t know how these things get worked out. It must be advantageous to have a Top Five Global Firm Partner on Zoom speed dial.


What bothers me about this trial is that it was never proven who exactly did the shooting. Since there was no proof or evidence the best outcome for MB was NGI. All we know is that MB brought the gun.


Except for that little bit that HE SHOT HER!

I still think he brought it because of the dog that had a recent biting incident.


Or to make a final point for LK and RG to get off the farm.


The state proved the elements of the crime that he attempted murder re LK… MB is not criminally liable because he was proved insane.

Eh, just a junior fossil. A lot has changed in 20 years. You’ll be happy to know that Springfield even has a European bakery that’s hugely popular. Cincinnati was always a great eating town - at one time they had 2 very good French restaurants, tho not any more. I don’t know about Youngstown. You must have gotten some bad advice - and that was prior to Yelp too!

I used to travel a lot for work too and hated just eating at chains, so I agree with the sobbing. :rofl:

Sorry for the diversion, I have no good gossip to contribute to the discussion but I can contribute about FOOD!

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hut-ho78 you are on my “ignore” list.


Yes, as Inigo-montoya pointed out to me thousands of posts ago, nothing will convince me Barisone wasn’t attacked and the shooting occurred during a scuffle. The testimony of the 3 prosecution witnesses made me even more committed to “my belief”. What a shame Taylor wouldn’t allow a self defense verdict option.