Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

What is “failure to observe traffic control device (camera)” ?

Is that running a red light and getting it caught on camera?


Yup. Actually her dad and her both had one in the same year, but different months. So I wonder if there wasn’t the most pleasant household?

Edit: no assault charges for me or immediate family as well. But I had a tough household growing up and know how it could have been differently


Looks like Goodwin fits in nicely.



LK has received tens of thousands of posts bashing her for what she has posted on SM. Some of it deserved, some of it false allegations.

If I back up all the way to simply pointing out that you “wondered” in writing whether JKs alleged “threatening” aspect was due to “connections” with organized crime, is that part accurate?

You did so in the context of some posters - I admit I do not remember who - stated that there was an active Jewish mafia organization in NJ. If you say you did not know the Kanareks were Jewish, I believe you. But the references (by whoever) to a Jewish mob in NJ added a whole nother layer of disgust.

You really don’t see the hypocrisy of “calling out” the misdeeds of others (real or imagined), then acting outraged when you get called out yourself?

I may well have mixed up who first brought up the Jewish mob and EF Hutton. I was not being disingenuous or intentionally twisting things. Several other posters reacted to your couple of posts on this point the same way I did, so I’m not alone in taking offense at those posts.

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Someone can accuse you of that, and you didn’t do it. I can’t tell if this is what happened in this case. Why be so snarky and sarcastic?

Anyway, who cares if LK’s parents were guilty of anything and she developed her behavior from them? Why is this pertinent?

Well, it makes it sound a bit hypocritical when some posters try to claim that even great parents with great families can have a kid turn out to be a bad seed. No doubt that does actually happen sometimes. But it makes the story a little bit of a harder sell in this particular case.

It also makes it a little more interesting to think of the sweetness and light posts from her mom earlier in this thread. The same mom with an assault charge on her arrest record.


Unless it was caused in an incident he didn’t want to talk about. Like - falling off a stepladder while trying to remove a recording device? :upside_down_face:


This. ^^^^^^^ and this ^^^^^^^



I’m not an aggressive NJ driver. Promise. :wink:


You are a credit to your state! :joy: :rofl:


I see no point in discussing any of these posts you claim to be so offended by and have such strong opinions on, nor do I see any point in defending myself or anyone else, when you clearly can’t even be bothered to scroll back and find and review the relevant part of the discussion. That’s what a reasonable person would do… review the string of posts in question, double check the content, and sanity check their own assumptions and accusations. THEN they would continue to firmly defend their accusations about the content and motivations of other forum participants’ posts.

instead… you just keep on accusing others of making disgusting and offensive posts.

Give me a break.


Again…I’ll just leave this here :grin:


And the same parents that banished LK from the family home…ya can’t make this stuff up, I swear! PRICELESS!


No one was cited for Contempt of Court. That is standard language included in the Florida state.

1362, 1388, 1389, 1421, 1427, 1624, 1625, 1629, 1641, 1667, 1675, 1705, 1709, 1713, 1718-1722, 1724, 1726, 1727, 1732, 1737.

I may have missed some.

The last comment I saw by the moderators said everyone will be responsible for their own posts.

Edited to add that I found this topic to be particularly offensive and the reaction against the ones calling people out for them disgusting.


I expect this will all be very relevant in a civil trial where the defendant asserts that JK was involved in the trouble LK was causing.

I gather that up to now, LK and family mostly focused on small or vulnerable targets, like Girl Joey. The MB case is the first time she’s done something that got real national media and SM exposure. The first time she’s really been held accountable in any way and noticed by anyone outside the immediate circle of her chaos.

As far as assault charges. Most people nevet get even one, obviously. I have to assume that if a person has an assault charge as an adult, plus an anecdotal history of verbal and legal threats, that they have been walking very close to the line for a long time. Most simple assault as defined above is not reported because its difficult to prove, if its say pushing or shoving or uttering threats or just getting up in someone’s face. Especially if it’s somewhat mutual.


ALL of their info is available to the PUBLIC on the internet…I won’t post the link but it’s easy enough to find :grin:


For anyone who has gotten a ticket for rolling through a stop sign. Is that the one and only stop sign you’ve ever rolled through in your life?

For those who may have gotten a speeding ticket in the course of their lifetimes, was it the one and only time in your life you ever went over the speed limit? Or was it the one time you got caught? :thinking:


Posts that haven’t aged well (I have a bunch if anyone is interested in more!):