Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Well, technically the ballistics were not important in the trial.

It was more the lack of ballistics. Or fingerprints. Or gunshot residue. Or DNA testing. Or video.


Honest question, maybe stupid, but does anyone actually belief that it was LKā€™s mother that posted here.


The irony of an army (of 6? 7?) defending LK from ā€œabuse from mean girlsā€ is just beyond mind-boggling.

I could post any of the many cruel and nasty mean girl comments from LK that have turned up on just this thread alone to show how ridiculous that statement is, but I really donā€™t ever want to see any of those comments again.


Personally, I believe the whole family is hereā€¦.


Only LK threatened to sue people and take their homes and farms.


By the way, I was a wild child of the 60ā€™s-70ā€™s gallavanting all over the US attending music festivals, was at Woodstock, marched on Washington several times protesting the Vietnam War and Civil rights abuse, was around serious drug use (psychedelics, weed, hash - no needle drugs) and not once was I ever arrested or even in a position to be arrested for anything!! There is not one day of my life I am ashamed of, so I am confused how arrests for assault are now considered ā€œnormalā€ and not an issue!!!

Once again I will say it from the rooftop, Lauren Kanarek has been enabled her entire life and not once has she been held accountable for her behavior. Anyone who believes her actions and behavior is acceptable in society must really be smoking the good stuff. Would you want your child around this gang of people?


I think thatā€™s what we were all taught. :slightly_smiling_face:

I wonā€™t be sending correspondence to anyone involved because I have never met them, have never even seen them (except online in court and on Stephen Colbertā€™s TV show.)

I would consider it an invasion of his privacy to involve myself, even though his attorney thinks Mr. Barisone will enjoy the well wishes, but thatā€™s just me. Iā€™d feel differently if he was an acquaintance or even a friend of a friend.


yeah, in my extended family, both blood and in-laws there arenā€™t any assaults either.
As a matter of fact they all pride themselves that they did things by the book.
Paying bills, etcā€¦and not dishing out assault in any kind of formā€¦
But all the $$ put in the poor box canā€™t buy you class.
And I bet the organizations know the family for who and what they are.


Yes, she said who she is - and if not the LK supporters would be all over it. I.e. IM


Agree. 100%

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No assaults of any kind in my immediate family, either. One brother did get a DUI in high school and another DUI about 37 years later, but has been clean otherwise. Entire family as far as I know has a pretty clean record, except for one cousin that I never met who fell into the drug culture big time and killed someone in a drug deal gone bad. He received a very long prison sentence and ended up dying there.

It creeps me out to think there are families out there with multiple assault charges by multiple family members and they seem to think thatā€™s the norm. And it really creeps me out that they are sometimes regarded as ā€œpillars of the community.ā€


You really can hold a grudge. How many decades does this go back?

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I had two speeding tickets over the past 33 years. No assaults, tickets, lawsuits, or any charges of any kind ever laid against anyone in my immediate family. Or extended family, that I can think of.


Well, Bob was being nasty to people online right after the verdict so it is pretty recent, isnā€™t it?


Are you serious?


Shall I wait for CH to apologise for her nasty post to me about providing no ā€˜back up for [my] titillating assertionā€™? I guess she hasnā€™t been paying attention to another posterā€™s tirades about ā€˜reading for comprehensionā€™. I was clear that I could not access the site from outside the country.

I was a little terrified at her vicious characterisation of me as not being truthful. Thanks everyone for providing that ā€˜back upā€™.

Add me to the long list of folks (i) with zero assault charges; (ii) with parents who have zero assault charges; and (iii) with a whole family of 7 siblings and their spouses, none of whom have any assault charges orā€¦wait for itā€¦any police/criminal records at all.

If I could find it again, if it hasnā€™t been deleted/edited, the post that would get my vote for aging the worst would be the one in which LK announced that anyone could look her up and her record was, and I here quote, ā€˜squeaky cleanā€™. :astonished:

I know she meant that someone was able to get A LOT of charges to go away, but squeaky clean is NOT have a rap sheet that extends to pages of charges.

ETA: Colour me not surprised that weā€™ve now moved on to normalising having multiple assault charges and pages of charges to oneā€™s name. Holy hell!


as long as you doā€™t hold your breath, Smurfette


Yes. Not being affiliated with any of the parties, I have no idea why you have so much animosity towards them except hints dropped mainly by you.

Oh what the heck, let me make it a little easier for you guys :grin:
The rest is up to YOU!


Apparently their genes make them all bad drivers who like to assault people. Yeesh